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Created May 8, 2016 09:33
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Deploy Bedrock sites to a standard Wordpress install using Git and Continuous Integration
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Check that we have the correct working directory.
if [ ! -d "web" ]
echo "Please run this script from the main web directory."
# Stop if there are uncommitted changes
if [[ -n $(git status -s) ]]
echo "Please review and commit your changes before continuing."
git checkout -b deploy --force
git rm --cached -r .
# Create a temporary wp-content directory to match the original WP structure
# Then move the items we want in our repo over
if [ ! -d "wp-content" ]
mkdir wp-content
cp -rf web/app/{themes,plugins} ./wp-content/
# Commit new structure into git, and push to remote.
git add wp-content
git commit -am "Deploy build from: $(git log -1 HEAD --pretty=format:%s)$(git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null | sed "s/\(.*\)/@\1/")"
echo "Pushing to repository..."
git push -f -u origin deploy
git checkout master --force
git branch -D deploy
rm -rf wp-content
echo "Successfully deployed."
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