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Last active September 18, 2018 06:30
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getPrecip <- function(states, startDate, endDate){
wg_s <- webgeom(geom = 'derivative:US_Counties', attribute = 'STATE')
wg_c <- webgeom(geom = 'derivative:US_Counties', attribute = 'COUNTY')
wg_f <- webgeom(geom = 'derivative:US_Counties', attribute = 'FIPS')
county_info <- data.frame(state = query(wg_s, 'values'), county = query(wg_c, 'values'),
fips = query(wg_f, 'values'), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
counties_fips <- county_info %>% filter(state %in% states) %>%
mutate(state_fullname = tolower([match(state,])) %>%
mutate(county_mapname = paste(state_fullname, tolower(county), sep=",")) %>%
mutate(county_mapname = unlist(strsplit(county_mapname, split = " county")))
stencil <- webgeom(geom = 'derivative:US_Counties',
attribute = 'FIPS',
values = counties_fips$fips)
fabric <- webdata(url = '',
variables = "Total_precipitation_surface_1_Hour_Accumulation",
times = c(as.POSIXct(startDate),
job <- geoknife(stencil, fabric, wait = TRUE, REQUIRE_FULL_COVERAGE=FALSE)
precipData <- result(job, with.units=TRUE)
precipData2 <- precipData %>%
select(-variable, -statistic, -units) %>%
gather(key = fips, value = precipVal, -DateTime) %>%
left_join(counties_fips, by="fips")
# function to map cumulative precip data using R package maps
precipMap <- function(precipData, startDate, endDate, plotTitle, maxPrecip, step, fileName){
precip_breaks <- c(seq(0, maxPrecip-step, by = step), maxPrecip)
ncolors <- length(precip_breaks) - 1
cols <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(ncolors,'Blues'))(ncolors)
precipData_cols <- precipData %>%
group_by(state_fullname, county_mapname) %>%
summarize(cumprecip = sum(precipVal)) %>%
mutate(cols = cut(cumprecip, breaks = precip_breaks, labels = cols, right=FALSE)) %>%
mutate(cols = as.character(cols))
par(mar = c(0,0,3,0))
png(fileName, width = 7, height = 5, res = 150, units = 'in')
m1 <- map('county', regions = precipData_cols$state_fullname, col = "lightgrey")
m2 <- map('state', regions = precipData_cols$state_fullname,
add = TRUE, lwd = 1.5, col = "darkgrey")
# some county names are mismatched, only plot the ones that maps library
# knows about and then order them the same as the map
precipData_cols <- precipData_cols %>%
mutate(county_mapname = gsub(x = county_mapname, pattern = 'saint', replacement = 'st')) %>%
mutate(county_mapname = gsub(x = county_mapname, pattern = 'okaloosa',
replacement = 'okaloosa:main')) %>%
filter(county_mapname %in% m1$names)
precipData_cols <- precipData_cols[na.omit(match(m1$names, precipData_cols$county_mapname)),]
m3 <- map('county', regions = precipData_cols$county_mapname,
add = TRUE, fill = TRUE, col = precipData_cols$cols)
legend(x = "bottomright", inset=c(-0.2,0), fill = cols, cex = 0.7, bty = 'n',
title = "Cumulative\nPrecip (mm)",
legend = c(paste('<', precip_breaks[-c(1,length(precip_breaks))]),
paste('>', tail(precip_breaks,2)[1]))) # greater
line = 2, cex.main=1.2) #title was being masked by geoknife
mtext(side = 3, line = 1, cex = 0.9,
text= paste("By county from", startDate, "to", endDate))
library(geoknife) #order matters because 'query' is masked by a function in dplyr
statesTS <- c('WI', 'MN')
startTS <- "2016-07-11 12:00:00"
endTS <- "2016-07-12 12:00:00"
precipData <- getPrecip(states = statesTS,
startDate = startTS,
endDate = endTS)
startDate = startTS,
endDate = endTS,plotTitle = 'July 2016 Northwoods Storm', maxPrecip = 160, step=20, fileName = "noWisc.png")
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