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Created January 23, 2014 08:48
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Save dblume/8575152 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The version of system/plugins/menus/menus.plugin.php that I got today from Habari
* Menus
* @property Vocabulary $vocabulary The Vocabulary object used to hold the menu
* @todo allow renaming/editing of menu items
* @todo style everything so it looks good
* @todo show description with name on post publish checkboxes
* @todo PHPDoc
* @todo ACL, CSRF, etc.
class Menus extends Plugin
* Return properties of this object
* @param $name
* @return Vocabulary
public function __get($name)
switch ( $name ) {
case 'vocabulary':
if ( !isset($this->_vocabulary) ) {
$this->_vocabulary = Vocabulary::get(self::$vocabulary);
return $this->_vocabulary;
* Create an admin token for editing menus
public function action_plugin_activation($file)
// create default access token
ACL::create_token( 'manage_menus', _t( 'Manage menus' ), 'Administration', false );
$group = UserGroup::get_by_name( 'admin' );
$group->grant( 'manage_menus' );
// register menu types
Vocabulary::add_object_type( 'menu_link' );
Vocabulary::add_object_type( 'menu_spacer' );
* Register the templates - one for the admin page, the other for the block.
public function action_init()
$this->add_template( 'menus_admin', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/menus_admin.php' );
$this->add_template( 'menu_iframe', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/menu_iframe.php' );
$this->add_template( '', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' );
// formcontrol for tokens
$this->add_template( 'text_tokens', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/formcontrol_tokens.php' );
$this->add_template( 'transparent_text', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/admincontrol_text_transparent.php' );
* Remove the admin token
public function action_plugin_deactivation( $file )
// delete default access token
ACL::destroy_token( 'manage_menus' );
// delete menu vocabularies that were created
$vocabs = DB::get_results( 'SELECT * FROM {vocabularies} WHERE name LIKE "menu_%"', array(), 'Vocabulary' );
foreach( $vocabs as $vocab ) {
// This should only delete the ones that are menu vocabularies, unless others have been named 'menu_xxxxx'
// delete blocks that were created
$blocks = DB::get_results( 'SELECT * FROM {blocks} WHERE type = "menu"', array(), 'Block') ;
foreach( $blocks as $block ) {
* Add to the list of possible block types.
public function filter_block_list($block_list)
$block_list['menu'] = _t( 'Menu' );
return $block_list;
* Produce the form to configure a menu
public function action_block_form_menu( $form, $block )
$form->append('select', 'menu_taxonomy', $block, _t( 'Menu Taxonomy' ), $this->get_menus( true ) );
$form->append('checkbox', 'div_wrap', $block, _t( 'Wrap each menu link in a div' ) );
$form->append('text', 'list_class', $block, _t( 'Custom class for the tree\'s ordered list element' ) );
* Populate the block with some content
public function action_block_content_menu( $block, $theme ) {
$vocab = Vocabulary::get_by_id($block->menu_taxonomy);
$block->vocabulary = $vocab;
if ($block->div_wrap) {
$block->wrapper = '<div>%s</div>';
else {
$block->wrapper = '%s';
// preprocess some things
$block->tree = $vocab->get_tree();
$block->render_menu_item = array($this, 'render_menu_item');
* Add menus to the publish form
public function action_form_publish ( $form, $post )
$menus = $this->get_menus();
$menulist = array();
foreach($menus as $menu) {
$menulist[$menu->id] = $menu->name;
$settings = $form->publish_controls->append( 'fieldset', 'menu_set', _t( 'Menus' ) );
$settings->append( 'checkboxes', 'menus', 'null:null', _t( 'Menus' ), $menulist );
// If this is an existing post, see if it has categories already
if ( 0 != $post->id ) {
// Get the terms associated to this post
$object_terms = Vocabulary::get_all_object_terms( 'post', $post->id );
$menu_ids = array_keys( $menulist );
$value = array();
// if the term is in a menu vocab, enable that checkbox
foreach( $object_terms as $term ) {
if ( in_array( $term->vocabulary_id, $menu_ids ) ) {
$value[] = $term->vocabulary_id;
$form->menus->value = $value;
* Process menus when the publish form is received
public function action_publish_post( $post, $form )
// might not hurt to turn this into a function to be more DRY
$term_title = $post->title;
$selected_menus = $form->menus->value;
foreach( $this->get_menus() as $menu ) {
$terms = $menu->get_object_terms( 'post', $post->id );
if ( in_array( $menu->id, $selected_menus ) ) {
if ( count( $terms ) == 0 ) {
$term = new Term(array(
'term_display' => $post->title,
'term' => $post->slug,
$term->info->menu = $menu->id;
$menu->add_term( $term );
$menu->set_object_terms( 'post',
array( $term->term ) );
else {
foreach( $terms as $term ) {
* Add creation and management links to the main menu
public function filter_adminhandler_post_loadplugins_main_menu( $menu ) {
$menus_array = array( 'create_menu' => array(
'title' => "Create a new Menu",
'text' => "New Menu",
'hotkey' => '1',
'url' => URL::get( 'admin', array( 'page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'create' ) ),
'class' => 'over-spacer',
'access' => array( 'manage_menus' => true ),
$items = 0;
foreach ( $this->get_menus() as $item ) {
$menus_array[ ++$items ] = array(
'title' => "{$item->name}: {$item->description}",
'text' => $item->name,
'hotkey' => $items+1,
'url' => URL::get( 'admin', array( 'page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => $item->id ) ),
'access' => array( 'manage_menus' => true ),
if ( count( $menus_array ) > 1 ) {
$menus_array[1]['class'] = 'under-spacer';
// add to main menu
$item_menu = array( 'menus' =>
'url' => URL::get( 'admin', 'page=menus' ),
'title' => _t( 'Menus' ),
'text' => _t( 'Menus' ),
'hotkey' => 'E',
'selected' => false,
'submenu' => $menus_array,
$slice_point = array_search( 'themes', array_keys( $menu ) ); // Element will be inserted before "themes"
$pre_slice = array_slice( $menu, 0, $slice_point);
$post_slice = array_slice( $menu, $slice_point);
$menu = array_merge( $pre_slice, $item_menu, $post_slice );
return $menu;
* Handle GET and POST requests
public function alias()
return array(
'action_admin_theme_get_menus' => 'action_admin_theme_post_menus',
'action_admin_theme_get_menu_iframe' => 'action_admin_theme_post_menu_iframe',
* Restrict access to the admin page
public function filter_admin_access_tokens( array $require_any, $page )
switch ( $page ) {
case 'menu_iframe':
case 'menus':
$require_any = array( 'manage_menus' => true );
return $require_any;
* Convenience function for obtaining menu type data and caching it so that it's not called repeatedly
* The return value should include specific paramters, which are used to feed the menu creation routines.
* The array should return a structure like the following:
* <code>
* $menus = array(
* 'typename' => array(
* 'form' => function(FormUI $form, Term|null $term){ },
* )
* );
* </code>
* @return array
public function get_menu_type_data()
static $menu_type_data = null;
if ( empty($menu_type_data) ) {
$menu_type_data = Plugins::filter('menu_type_data', array());
return $menu_type_data;
* Implementation of menu_type_data filter, created by this plugin
* @param array $menu_type_data Existing menu type data
* @return array Updated menu type data
public function filter_menu_type_data($menu_type_data)
$menu_type_data['menu_link'] = array(
'label' => _t( 'Link' ),
'form' => function($form, $term) {
$link_name = new FormControlText( 'link_name', 'null:null', _t( 'Link Title' ) );
$link_name->add_validator( 'validate_required', _t( 'A name is required.' ) );
$link_url = new FormControlText( 'link_url', 'null:null', _t( 'Link URL' ) );
$link_url->add_validator( 'validate_required' )
->add_validator( 'validate_url', _t( 'You must supply a valid URL.' ) );
if ( $term ) {
$link_name->value = $term->term_display;
$link_url->value = $term->info->url;
$form->append( 'hidden', 'term' )->value = $term->id;
$form->append( $link_name );
$form->append( $link_url );
'save' => function($menu, $form) {
if ( ! isset( $form->term->value ) ) {
$term = new Term(array(
'term_display' => $form->link_name->value,
'term' => Utils::slugify($form->link_name->value),
$term->info->type = "link";
$term->info->url = $form->link_url->value;
$term->info->menu = $menu->id;
$term->associate('menu_link', 0);
Session::notice( _t( 'Link added.' ) );
} else {
$term = Term::get( intval( $form->term->value ) );
$updated = false;
if ( $term->info->url !== $form->link_url->value ) {
$term->info->url = $form->link_url->value;
$updated = true;
if ( $form->link_name->value !== $term->term_display ) {
$term->term_display = $form->link_name->value;
$term->term = Utils::slugify( $form->link_name->value );
$updated = true;
$term->info->url = $form->link_url->value;
if ( $updated ) {
Session::notice( _t( 'Link updated.' ) );
'render' => function($term, $object_id, $config) {
$result = array(
'link' => $term->info->url,
return $result;
$menu_type_data['menu_spacer'] = array(
'label' => _t( 'Spacer' ),
'form' => function($form, $term) {
$spacer = new FormControlText( 'spacer_text', 'null:null', _t( 'Item text' ), 'optionscontrol_text' );
$spacer->helptext = _t( 'Leave blank for blank space' );
if ( $term ) {
$spacer->value = $term->term_display;
$form->append( 'hidden', 'term' )->value = $term->id;
$form->append( $spacer );
'save' => function($menu, $form) {
if ( ! isset( $form->term->value ) ) {
$term = new Term(array(
'term_display' => ($form->spacer_text->value !== '' ? $form->spacer_text->value : '&nbsp;'), // totally blank values collapse the term display in the formcontrol
'term' => 'menu_spacer',
$term->info->type = "spacer";
$term->info->menu = $menu->id;
$term->associate('menu_spacer', 0);
Session::notice( _t( 'Spacer added.' ) );
} else {
$term = Term::get( intval( $form->term->value ) );
if ($form->spacer_text->value !== $term->term_display ) {
$term->term_display = $form->spacer_text->value;
Session::notice( _t( 'Spacer updated.' ) );
$menu_type_data['post'] = array(
'label' => _t( 'Links to Posts' ),
'form' => function( $form, $term ) {
if ( $term ) {
$object_types = $term->object_types();
$term_object = reset( $object_types );
$post_display = $form->append( 'text', 'term_display', 'null:null', _t( 'Title to display' ) );
$post_display->value = $term->term_display;
$post = Post::get( $term_object->object_id );
$post_term = $form->append( 'static', 'post_link', _t( "Links to <a target='_blank' href='{$post->permalink}'>{$post->title}</a>" ) );
$form->append( 'hidden', 'term' )->value = $term->id;
else {
$post_ids = $form->append( 'text', 'post_ids', 'null:null', _t( 'Posts' ) );
$post_ids->template = 'text_tokens';
$post_ids->ready_function = "$('#{$post_ids->field}').tokenInput( habari.url.ajaxPostTokens )";
'save' => function($menu, $form) {
if ( ! isset( $form->term->value ) ) {
$post_ids = explode( ',', $form->post_ids->value );
foreach( $post_ids as $post_id ) {
$post = Post::get( array( 'id' => $post_id ) );
$term_title = $post->title;
$terms = $menu->get_object_terms( 'post', $post->id );
if ( count( $terms ) == 0 ) {
$term = new Term( array( 'term_display' => $post->title, 'term' => $post->slug ) );
$term->info->menu = $menu->id;
$menu->add_term( $term );
$menu->set_object_terms( 'post', $post->id, array( $term->term ) );
Session::notice(_t( 'Link(s) added.' ));
else {
$term = Term::get( intval( $form->term->value ) );
if ($form->term_display->value !== $term->term_display ) {
$term->term_display = $form->term_display->value;
Session::notice( _t( 'Link updated.' ) );
'render' => function($term, $object_id, $config) {
$result = array();
if ($post = Post::get($object_id)) {
$rule = Controller::get_matched_rule();
if(isset($rule->named_arg_values['slug']) && $rule->named_arg_values['slug'] == $post->slug) {
$result['active'] = true;
$result['link'] = $post->permalink;
return $result;
return $menu_type_data;
* @return array The data array
public function get_menu_type_ids()
static $menu_item_ids = null;
if ( empty($menu_item_ids) ) {
$menu_item_types = $this->get_menu_type_data();
$menu_item_types = Utils::array_map_field($menu_item_types, 'type_id');
$menu_item_types = array_flip($menu_item_ids);
return $menu_item_ids;
* Minimal modal forms
public function action_admin_theme_get_menu_iframe( AdminHandler $handler, Theme $theme )
$action = isset($_GET[ 'action' ]) ? $_GET[ 'action' ] : 'create';
$term = null;
if ( isset( $handler->handler_vars[ 'term' ] ) ) {
$term = Term::get( intval( $handler->handler_vars[ 'term' ] ) );
$object_types = $term->object_types();
$action = $object_types[0]->type; // the 'menu_whatever' we seek should be the only element in the array.
$form_action = URL::get( 'admin', array( 'page' => 'menu_iframe', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ], 'term' => $handler->handler_vars[ 'term' ], 'action' => "$action" ) );
} else {
$form_action = URL::get( 'admin', array( 'page' => 'menu_iframe', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ], 'action' => "$action" ) );
$form = new FormUI( 'menu_item_edit', $action );
$form->class[] = 'tm_db_action';
$form->set_option( 'form_action', $form_action );
$form->append( 'hidden', 'menu' )->value = $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ];
$form->on_success( array( $this, 'term_form_save' ) );
$menu_types = $this->get_menu_type_data();
if ( isset($menu_types[$action]) ) {
$menu_types[$action]['form']($form, $term);
$form->append( 'hidden', 'menu_type' )->value = $action;
if($term) {
$label = _t( 'Update %s', array( $menu_types[$action]['label'] ));
else {
$label = _t( 'Add %s', array( $menu_types[$action]['label'] ));
$form->append( 'submit', 'submit', $label );
$form->properties['onsubmit'] = "return habari.menu_admin.submit_menu_item_edit(this)";
$theme->page_content = $form->get();
if ( isset($form->has_result) ) {
switch ( $form->has_result ) {
case 'added':
$treeurl = URL::get( 'admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ], 'action' => 'edit') ) . ' #edit_menu>*';
$msg = _t( 'Menu item added.' ); // @todo: update this to reflect if more than one item has been added, or reword entirely.
$theme->page_content .= <<< JAVSCRIPT_RESPONSE
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#edit_menu').load('{$treeurl}', habari.menu_admin.init_form);
case 'updated':
$treeurl = URL::get( 'admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ], 'action' => 'edit') ) . ' #edit_menu>*';
$msg = _t( 'Menu item updated.' ); // @todo: update this to reflect if more than one item has been added, or reword entirely.
$theme->page_content .= <<< JAVSCRIPT_RESPONSE
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#edit_menu').load('{$treeurl}', habari.menu_admin.init_form);
$theme->display( 'menu_iframe' );
* Prepare and display admin page
public function action_admin_theme_get_menus( AdminHandler $handler, Theme $theme )
$theme->page_content = '';
$action = isset($_GET[ 'action' ]) ? $_GET[ 'action' ] : 'create';
switch ( $action ) {
case 'edit':
$vocabulary = Vocabulary::get_by_id( intval( $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ] ) );
if ( $vocabulary == false ) {
$theme->page_content = '<h2>' . _t( 'Invalid Menu.' );
// that's it, we're done. Maybe we show the list of menus instead?
$form = new FormUI( 'edit_menu' );
$form->append( new FormControlText( 'menuname', 'null:null', _t( 'Name' ), 'transparent_text' ) )
->add_validator( 'validate_required', _t( 'You must supply a valid menu name' ) )
->add_validator( array( $this, 'validate_newvocab' ) )
->value = $vocabulary->name;
$form->append( new FormControlHidden( 'oldname', 'null:null' ) )->value = $vocabulary->name;
$form->append( new FormControlText( 'description', 'null:null', _t( 'Description' ), 'transparent_text' ) )
->value = $vocabulary->description;
$edit_items_array = $this->get_menu_type_data();
$edit_items = '';
foreach( $edit_items_array as $action => $menu_type ) {
$edit_items .= '<a class="modal_popup_form menu_button_dark" href="' . URL::get('admin', array(
'page' => 'menu_iframe',
'action' => $action,
'menu' => $vocabulary->id,
) ) . "\">" . _t( 'Add %s', array($menu_type['label'] ) ) . "</a>";
if ( !$vocabulary->is_empty() ) {
$form->append( 'tree', 'tree', $vocabulary->get_tree(), _t( 'Menu' ) );
$form->tree->options = $vocabulary->get_tree();
$form->tree->config = array( 'itemcallback' => array( $this, 'tree_item_callback' ) );
// $form->tree->value = $vocabulary->get_root_terms();
// append other needed controls, if there are any.
$form->append( 'static', 'buttons', '<div id="menu_item_button_container">' . $edit_items . '</div>' );
$form->append( 'submit', 'save', _t( 'Apply Changes' ) );
else {
$form->append( 'static', 'buttons', '<div id="menu_item_button_container">' . $edit_items . '</div>' );
$delete_link = URL::get( 'admin', Utils::WSSE( array( 'page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'delete_menu', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ] ) ) );
//$delete_link = URL::get( 'admin', array( 'page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'delete_menu', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ] ) );
$form->append( 'static', 'deletebutton', '<a class="a_button" href="' . $delete_link . '">' . _t( 'Delete Menu' ) . '</a>' );
$form->append( new FormControlHidden( 'menu', 'null:null' ) )->value = $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ];
$form->on_success( array( $this, 'rename_menu_form_save' ) );
$form->properties['onsubmit'] = "return habari.menu_admin.submit_menu_update();";
$theme->page_content .= $form->get();
case 'create':
$form = new FormUI('create_menu');
$form->append( 'text', 'menuname', 'null:null', _t( 'Menu Name' ), 'transparent_text' )
->add_validator( 'validate_required', _t( 'You must supply a valid menu name' ) )
->add_validator( array($this, 'validate_newvocab' ) );
$form->append( 'text', 'description', 'null:null', _t( 'Description' ), 'transparent_text' );
$form->append( 'submit', 'submit', _t( 'Create Menu' ) );
$form->on_success( array( $this, 'add_menu_form_save' ) );
$theme->page_content = $form->get();
case 'delete_menu':
if(Utils::verify_wsse($_GET, true)) {
$menu_vocab = Vocabulary::get_by_id( intval( $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ] ) );
// Delete blocks using this menu
$at = Themes::get_active_data( true );
$t = Themes::create(Themes::get_active()['name']);
$i = 0;
foreach($at['areas'] as $area) {
foreach($t->get_blocks($area['name'], 0, $t) as $block) {
if( $block->type == 'menu' && $block->menu_taxonomy == $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ] ) {
Session::notice( sprintf( _n( '%s block linking to this menu deleted.', '%s blocks linking to this menu deleted.', $i), $i ) );
// log that it has been deleted?
Session::notice( _t( 'Menu deleted.' ) );
// redirect to a blank menu creation form
Utils::redirect( URL::get( 'admin', array( 'page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'create' ) ) );
else {
Session::notice( _t( 'Menu deletion failed - please try again.' ) );
Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ])));
case 'delete_term':
$term = Term::get( intval( $handler->handler_vars[ 'term' ] ) );
$menu_vocab = $term->vocabulary_id;
if(Utils::verify_wsse($_GET, true)) {
// log that it has been deleted?
Session::notice( _t( 'Item deleted.' ) );
Utils::redirect( URL::get( 'admin', array( 'page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => $menu_vocab ) ) );
else {
Session::notice( _t( 'Item deletion failed - please try again.' ) );
Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => $menu_vocab)));
Utils::debug( $_GET, $action ); die();
$theme->display( 'menus_admin' );
// End everything
public function add_menu_form_save( $form )
$params = array(
'name' => $form->menuname->value,
'description' => $form->description->value,
'features' => array(
'term_menu', // a special feature that marks the vocabulary as a menu, but has no functional purpose
'unique', // a special feature that applies a one-to-one relationship between term and object, enforced by the Vocabulary class
$vocab = Vocabulary::create( $params );
Utils::redirect( URL::get( 'admin', array( 'page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => $vocab->id ) ) );
public function rename_menu_form_save( $form )
// The name of this should probably change, since it is the on_success for the whole menu edit, no longer just for renaming.
// It only renames/modifies the description currently, as item adding/rearranging is done by the NestedSortable tree.
// get the menu from the form, grab the values, modify the vocabulary.
$menu_vocab = intval( $form->menu->value );
// create a term for the link, store the URL
$menu = Vocabulary::get_by_id( $menu_vocab );
if ( $menu->name != $form->menuname->value ) {
$menu->name = $form->menuname->value; // could use Vocabulary::rename for this
$menu->description = $form->description->value; // no Vocabulary function for this
Session::notice( _t( 'Updated menu "%s".', array( $form->menuname->value ) ) );
Utils::redirect( URL::get( 'admin', array(
'page' => 'menus',
'action' => 'edit',
'menu' => $menu->id,
) ) );
public function term_form_save( $form )
$menu_vocab = intval( $form->menu->value );
$menu = Vocabulary::get_by_id( $menu_vocab );
$menu_type_data = $this->get_menu_type_data();
if ( isset( $form->term ) ) {
$term = Term::get( intval( (string) $form->term->value ) );
// maybe we should check if term exists? Or put that in the conditional above?
$object_types = $term->object_types();
$type = $object_types[0]->type; // that's twice we've grabbed the $term->object_types()[0]. Maybe this is a job for a function?
if ( isset($menu_type_data[$type]['save']) ) {
$menu_type_data[$type]['save']($menu, $form);
$form->has_result = 'updated';
else { // if no term is set, create a new item.
// create a term for the link, store the URL
$type = $form->menu_type->value;
if ( isset($menu_type_data[$type]['save']) ) {
$menu_type_data[$type]['save']($menu, $form);
$form->has_result = 'added';
public function validate_newvocab( $value, $control, $form )
if ( isset( $form->oldname ) && ( $form->oldname->value ) && ( $value == $form->oldname->value ) ) {
return array();
if ( Vocabulary::get( $value ) instanceof Vocabulary ) {
return array( _t( 'Please choose a vocabulary name that does not already exist.' ) );
return array();
public function get_menus($as_array = false)
$vocabularies = Vocabulary::get_all();
$outarray = array();
foreach ( $vocabularies as $index => $menu ) {
if ( !$menu->term_menu ) { // check for the term_menu feature we added.
unset( $vocabularies[ $index ] );
else {
if ( $as_array ) {
$outarray[ $menu->id ] = $menu->name;
if ( $as_array ) {
return $outarray;
else {
return $vocabularies;
* Callback for Format::term_tree to use with $config['linkcallback']
* @param Term $term
* @param array $config
* @return array $config modified with the new wrapper div
public function tree_item_callback( Term $term, $config )
// coming into this, default $config['wrapper'] is "<div>%s</div>"
// make the links
$edit_link = URL::get( 'admin', array(
'page' => 'menu_iframe',
'action' => $term->info->type,
'term' => $term->id,
'menu' => $term->info->menu,
) );
$delete_link = URL::get( 'admin', Utils::WSSE( array(
'page' => 'menus',
'action' => 'delete_term',
'term' => $term->id,
'menu' => $term->info->menu,
) ) );
$delete_link = str_replace('%', '%%', $delete_link); // This is so it doesn't break the sprintf in Format::term_tree()
// insert them into the wrapper
$edit_title = _t('Edit this');
$edit_label = _t('edit');
$delete_title = _t('Delete this');
$delete_label = _t('delete');
$links = <<< LINKS
<ul class="dropbutton">
<li><a title="{$edit_title}" class="modal_popup_form" href="{$edit_link}">{$edit_label}</a></li>
<li><a title="{$delete_title}" href="{$delete_link}">{$delete_label}</a></li>
// Put the dropbutton links for each item at the end of the item's div
$config[ 'wrapper' ] = "<div>%s {$links}</div>";
return $config;
* Callback function for block output of menu list item
public function render_menu_item( Term $term, $config )
$title = $term->term_display;
$active = false;
$menu_type_data = $this->get_menu_type_data();
$spacer = false;
$active = false;
$link = null;
if ( !isset($term->object_id) ) {
$objects = $term->object_types();
$term->type = reset($objects);
$term->object_id = key($objects);
if ( isset($menu_type_data[$term->type]['render']) ) {
$result = $menu_type_data[$term->type]['render']($term, $term->object_id, $config);
$result = array_intersect_key(
'link' => 1,
'title' => 1,
'active' => 1,
'spacer' => 1,
'config' => 1,
if ( empty( $link ) ) {
$config[ 'wrapper' ] = sprintf($config[ 'linkwrapper' ], $title);
else {
$config[ 'wrapper' ] = str_replace('%', '%%', sprintf( $config[ 'linkwrapper' ], "<a href=\"{$link}\">{$title}</a>" ));
if ( $active ) {
$config[ 'itemattr' ][ 'class' ] = 'active';
else {
$config[ 'itemattr' ][ 'class' ] = 'inactive';
if ( $spacer ) {
$config[ 'itemattr' ][ 'class' ] .= ' spacer';
return $config;
* Add required Javascript and, for now, CSS.
public function action_admin_header( $theme )
if ( $theme->page == 'menus' ) {
// Ideally the plugin would reuse reusable portions of the existing admin CSS. Until then, let's only add the CSS needed on the menus page.
Stack::add( 'admin_stylesheet', array( $this->get_url( '/admin.css' ), 'screen' ), 'menus-admin-css', 'admin-css' );
// Load the plugin and its css
Stack::add( 'admin_header_javascript', Site::get_url( 'vendor' ) . "/jquery.tokeninput.js", 'jquery-tokeninput', 'jquery.ui' );
Stack::add( 'admin_stylesheet', array( Site::get_url( 'admin_theme' ) . '/css/token-input.css', 'screen' ), 'admin_tokeninput', 'jquery.ui-css' );
// Add the callback URL.
$url = "habari.url.ajaxPostTokens = '" . URL::get( 'auth_ajax', array( 'context' => 'post_tokens' ) ) . "';";
Stack::add( 'admin_header_javascript', $url, 'post_tokens_url', 'post_tokens' );
// Add the menu administration javascript
Stack::add( 'admin_header_javascript', $this->get_url('/menus_admin.js'), 'menus_admin', 'admin-js');
* Respond to Javascript callbacks for autocomplete when creating items linking to posts
public function action_auth_ajax_post_tokens( $handler )
// Get the data that was sent
$response = $handler->handler_vars[ 'q' ];
$final_response = array();
$new_response = Posts::get( array( "title_search" => $response, "status" => Post::status( 'published' ) ) );
foreach ( $new_response as $post ) {
$final_response[] = array(
'id' => $post->id,
'name' => $post->title,
// Send the response
echo json_encode( $final_response );
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