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Created June 5, 2023 19:30
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// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3
// Dependencies for this module:
// ../stream
// ../@ungap/url-search-params
// ../axios
declare module '@flatfile/api' {
import { FlatfileClient } from "@flatfile/api/wrapper/FlatfileClient";
export * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export { FlatfileClient } from "@flatfile/api/wrapper/FlatfileClient";
export { FlatfileEnvironment } from "@flatfile/api/environments";
export { FlatfileError, FlatfileTimeoutError } from "@flatfile/api/errors";
const _default: FlatfileClient;
export default _default;
declare module '@flatfile/api/wrapper/FlatfileClient' {
import { FlatfileClient as FernClient } from "@flatfile/api/Client";
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
export namespace FlatfileClient {
interface Options {
* @deprecated use apiUrl instead
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
apiUrl?: environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string;
token?: core.Supplier<string>;
export class FlatfileClient extends FernClient {
constructor(options?: FlatfileClient.Options);
declare module '@flatfile/api/api' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources";
declare module '@flatfile/api/environments' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export const FlatfileEnvironment: {
readonly Production: "";
export type FlatfileEnvironment = typeof FlatfileEnvironment.Production;
declare module '@flatfile/api/errors' {
export { FlatfileError } from "@flatfile/api/errors/FlatfileError";
export { FlatfileTimeoutError } from "@flatfile/api/errors/FlatfileTimeoutError";
declare module '@flatfile/api/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import { Spaces } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/client/Client";
import { Agents } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/Client";
import { Auth } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/client/Client";
import { Billing } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/client/Client";
import { Cells } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/client/Client";
import { Documents } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/client/Client";
import { Environments } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/client/Client";
import { Events } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client/Client";
import { Files } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/Client";
import { Guests } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/client/Client";
import { Jobs } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/client/Client";
import { Records } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/Client";
import { Sheets } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/Client";
import { Users } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/Client";
import { Versions } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/client/Client";
import { Workbooks } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/client/Client";
export namespace FlatfileClient {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class FlatfileClient {
protected readonly options: FlatfileClient.Options;
constructor(options: FlatfileClient.Options);
protected _spaces: Spaces | undefined;
get spaces(): Spaces;
protected _agents: Agents | undefined;
get agents(): Agents;
protected _auth: Auth | undefined;
get auth(): Auth;
protected _billing: Billing | undefined;
get billing(): Billing;
protected _cells: Cells | undefined;
get cells(): Cells;
protected _documents: Documents | undefined;
get documents(): Documents;
protected _environments: Environments | undefined;
get environments(): Environments;
protected _events: Events | undefined;
get events(): Events;
protected _files: Files | undefined;
get files(): Files;
protected _guests: Guests | undefined;
get guests(): Guests;
protected _jobs: Jobs | undefined;
get jobs(): Jobs;
protected _records: Records | undefined;
get records(): Records;
protected _sheets: Sheets | undefined;
get sheets(): Sheets;
protected _users: Users | undefined;
get users(): Users;
protected _versions: Versions | undefined;
get versions(): Versions;
protected _workbooks: Workbooks | undefined;
get workbooks(): Workbooks;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core' {
export * as serialization from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/fetcher";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/auth";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/streaming-fetcher";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources' {
export * as spaces from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces";
export * as agents from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types";
export * as auth from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types";
export * as billing from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types";
export * as cells from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/types";
export * as commons from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types";
export * as documents from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types";
export * as environments from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types";
export * as events from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types";
export * as files from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types";
export * as guests from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types";
export * as jobs from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types";
export * as property from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types";
export * as records from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types";
export * as sheets from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types";
export * as users from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types";
export * as versions from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/types";
export * as workbooks from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/errors";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/client/requests";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/errors/FlatfileError' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export class FlatfileError extends Error {
readonly statusCode?: number;
readonly body?: unknown;
constructor({ message, statusCode, body }: {
message?: string;
statusCode?: number;
body?: unknown;
declare module '@flatfile/api/errors/FlatfileTimeoutError' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export class FlatfileTimeoutError extends Error {
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Spaces {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Spaces {
protected readonly options: Spaces.Options;
constructor(options: Spaces.Options);
* Returns all spaces for an account or environment
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
list(request?: Flatfile.spaces.ListSpacesRequest): Promise<Flatfile.spaces.ListSpacesResponse>;
* Creates a new space based on an existing Space Config
create(request: Flatfile.spaces.SpaceConfig): Promise<Flatfile.spaces.SpaceResponse>;
* Returns a single space
get(spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId): Promise<Flatfile.spaces.SpaceResponse>;
* Delete a space
delete(spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
* Update a space, to change the name for example
update(spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId, request: Flatfile.spaces.SpaceConfig): Promise<Flatfile.spaces.SpaceResponse>;
* Sets archivedAt timestamp on a space
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
archiveSpace(spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Agents {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Agents {
protected readonly options: Agents.Options;
constructor(options: Agents.Options);
list(request: Flatfile.ListAgentsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ListAgentsResponse>;
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
create(request: Flatfile.CreateAgentsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.AgentResponse>;
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
get(agentId: Flatfile.AgentId, request: Flatfile.GetAgentRequest): Promise<Flatfile.AgentResponse>;
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
getAgentLogs(agentId: Flatfile.AgentId, request: Flatfile.GetAgentLogsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.GetAgentLogsResponse>;
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
getEnvironmentAgentLogs(request: Flatfile.GetEnvironmentAgentLogsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.GetAgentLogsResponse>;
* Deletes a single agent
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
delete(agentId: Flatfile.AgentId, request: Flatfile.DeleteAgentRequest): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Auth {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Auth {
protected readonly options: Auth.Options;
constructor(options: Auth.Options);
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
getApiKeys(request: Flatfile.GetApiKeysRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ApiKeysResponse>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Billing {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Billing {
protected readonly options: Billing.Options;
constructor(options: Billing.Options);
* List the available products
list(): Promise<Flatfile.ProductsResponse>;
* Creates a checkout session
post(): Promise<Flatfile.CreateCheckoutSessionResponse>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Cells {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Cells {
protected readonly options: Cells.Options;
constructor(options: Cells.Options);
* Returns record cell values grouped by all fields in the sheet
getValues(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId, request: Flatfile.GetFieldValuesRequest): Promise<Flatfile.CellsResponse>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Documents {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Documents {
protected readonly options: Documents.Options;
constructor(options: Documents.Options);
* Returns all documents for a space
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
list(spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId): Promise<Flatfile.ListDocumentsResponse>;
* Add a new document to the space
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
create(spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId, request: Flatfile.DocumentConfig): Promise<Flatfile.DocumentResponse>;
* Returns a single document
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
get(spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId, documentId: Flatfile.DocumentId): Promise<Flatfile.DocumentResponse>;
* updates a single document, for only the body and title
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
update(spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId, documentId: Flatfile.DocumentId, request: Flatfile.DocumentConfig): Promise<Flatfile.DocumentResponse>;
* Deletes a single document
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
delete(spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId, documentId: Flatfile.DocumentId, request: Flatfile.EnvironmentConfig): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Environments {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Environments {
protected readonly options: Environments.Options;
constructor(options: Environments.Options);
* Get all environments
list(request?: Flatfile.ListEnvironmentsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ListEnvironmentsResponse>;
* Create a new environment
create(request: Flatfile.EnvironmentConfig): Promise<Flatfile.EnvironmentResponse>;
* Returns a single environment
get(environmentId: string): Promise<Flatfile.Environment>;
* Updates a single environment, to change the name for example
update(environmentId: string, request: Flatfile.EnvironmentConfig): Promise<Flatfile.Environment>;
* Deletes a single environment
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
delete(environmentId: string, request: Flatfile.EnvironmentConfig): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Events {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Events {
protected readonly options: Events.Options;
constructor(options: Events.Options);
* Event topics that the Flatfile Platform emits.
list(request: Flatfile.ListEventsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ListAllEventsResponse>;
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
create(request: Flatfile.Event): Promise<Flatfile.EventResponse>;
get(eventId: Flatfile.EventId): Promise<Flatfile.EventResponse>;
ack(eventId: Flatfile.EventId): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
* Get a token which can be used to subscribe to events for this space
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
getEventToken(request?: Flatfile.GetEventTokenRequest): Promise<Flatfile.spaces.EventTokenResponse>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
import * as stream from "stream";
export namespace Files {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Files {
protected readonly options: Files.Options;
constructor(options: Files.Options);
list(request?: Flatfile.ListFilesRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ListFilesResponse>;
upload(request: Flatfile.CreateFileRequest): Promise<Flatfile.FileResponse>;
get(fileId: string): Promise<Flatfile.FileResponse>;
delete(fileId: string): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
* Update a file, to change the workbook id for example
update(fileId: string, request?: Flatfile.UpdateFileRequest): Promise<Flatfile.FileResponse>;
download(fileId: Flatfile.FileId): Promise<stream.Readable>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Guests {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Guests {
protected readonly options: Guests.Options;
constructor(options: Guests.Options);
* Returns all guests
list(request: Flatfile.ListGuestsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ListGuestsResponse>;
* Guests are only there to upload, edit, and download files and perform their tasks in a specific Space.
create(request: Flatfile.GuestConfig[]): Promise<Flatfile.CreateGuestResponse>;
* Returns a single guest
get(guestId: Flatfile.GuestId): Promise<Flatfile.Guest>;
* Deletes a single guest
delete(guestId: Flatfile.GuestId): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
* Updates a single guest, for example to change name or email
update(guestId: Flatfile.GuestId, request: Flatfile.GuestConfig): Promise<Flatfile.Guest>;
* Guests can be created as a named guest on the Space or there’s a global link that will let anonymous guests into the space.
invite(request: Flatfile.Invite[]): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Jobs {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Jobs {
protected readonly options: Jobs.Options;
constructor(options: Jobs.Options);
list(request?: Flatfile.ListJobsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ListJobsResponse>;
create(request: Flatfile.JobConfig): Promise<Flatfile.JobResponse>;
get(jobId: Flatfile.JobId): Promise<Flatfile.JobResponse>;
update(jobId: Flatfile.JobId, request: Flatfile.JobUpdate): Promise<Flatfile.JobResponse>;
delete(jobId: Flatfile.JobId): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
* Execute a job and return the job
execute(jobId: string): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
* Returns a single job's execution plan
getExecutionPlan(jobId: Flatfile.JobId): Promise<Flatfile.JobPlan>;
* Update a job's entire execution plan
updateExecutionPlan(jobId: Flatfile.JobId, request: Flatfile.JobExecutionPlanConfig): Promise<Flatfile.JobPlan>;
* Update a one or more individual fields on a job's execution plan
updateExecutionPlanFields(jobId: string, request: Flatfile.JobExecutionPlanConfig): Promise<Flatfile.JobPlan>;
* Acknowledge a job and return the job
ack(jobId: Flatfile.JobId, request?: Flatfile.JobAckDetails): Promise<Flatfile.Job>;
* Acknowledge a job outcome and return the job
ackOutcome(jobId: Flatfile.JobId): Promise<Flatfile.Job>;
* Complete a job and return the job
complete(jobId: Flatfile.JobId, request?: Flatfile.JobOutcome): Promise<Flatfile.Job>;
* Fail a job and return the job
fail(jobId: Flatfile.JobId, request?: Flatfile.JobOutcome): Promise<Flatfile.Job>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Records {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Records {
protected readonly options: Records.Options;
constructor(options: Records.Options);
* Returns records from a sheet in a workbook
get(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId, request?: Flatfile.GetRecordsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.RecordsResponse>;
* Updates existing records in a workbook sheet
update(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId, request: Flatfile.Records): Promise<Flatfile.VersionResponse>;
* Adds records to a workbook sheet
insert(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId, request: Flatfile.RecordData[]): Promise<Flatfile.RecordsResponse>;
* Deletes records from a workbook sheet
delete(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId, request?: Flatfile.DeleteRecordsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
* Searches for the given value in a field and returns the records that match the search criteria
find(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId, request: Flatfile.FindRecordsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.RecordsResponse>;
* Searches for the given searchValue in a field and replaces all instances of that value with replaceValue
findAndReplaceDeprecated(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId, request: Flatfile.FindAndReplaceRecordRequestDeprecated): Promise<Flatfile.RecordsResponse>;
* Searches for all values that match the 'find' value (globally or for a specific field via 'fieldKey') and replaces them with the 'replace' value. Wrap 'find' value in double quotes for exact match (""). Returns a versionId for the updated records
findAndReplace(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId, request: Flatfile.FindAndReplaceRecordRequest): Promise<Flatfile.VersionResponse>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Sheets {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Sheets {
protected readonly options: Sheets.Options;
constructor(options: Sheets.Options);
* Returns sheets in a workbook
list(request: Flatfile.ListSheetsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ListSheetsResponse>;
* Returns a sheet in a workbook
get(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId): Promise<Flatfile.SheetResponse>;
* Deletes a specific sheet from a workbook
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
delete(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
* Trigger data hooks and validation to run on a sheet
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
validate(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
* Returns records from a sheet in a workbook as a csv file
getRecordsAsCsv(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId, request?: Flatfile.GetRecordsCsvRequest): Promise<string>;
* Returns counts of records from a sheet
getRecordCounts(sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId, request?: Flatfile.GetRecordCountsRequest): Promise<Flatfile.RecordCountsResponse>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Users {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Users {
protected readonly options: Users.Options;
constructor(options: Users.Options);
* Gets a list of users
list(request?: Flatfile.ListUsersRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ListUsersResponse>;
* A user is a privileged user that logs in with a username and password.
create(request: Flatfile.UserConfig): Promise<Flatfile.UserResponse>;
* Gets a user
get(userId: Flatfile.UserId): Promise<Flatfile.UserResponse>;
* Gets all the api tokens for a user.
listApiTokens(userId: Flatfile.UserId, request: Flatfile.ListApiTokensRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ListApiTokensResponse>;
* Creates an api token for authenticating against Flatfile APIs.
createApiToken(userId: Flatfile.UserId, request: Flatfile.CreateApiTokenRequest): Promise<void>;
* Exchange an invitation for an access token
exchangeToken(request?: Flatfile.ExchangeTokenRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ExchangeTokenResponse>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Versions {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Versions {
protected readonly options: Versions.Options;
constructor(options: Versions.Options);
* Creates a new version id that can be used to group record updates
createId(request?: Flatfile.VersionsPostRequestBody): Promise<Flatfile.VersionResponse>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/client/Client' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as environments from "@flatfile/api/environments";
import * as core from "@flatfile/api/core";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export namespace Workbooks {
interface Options {
environment?: core.Supplier<environments.FlatfileEnvironment | string>;
token: core.Supplier<core.BearerToken>;
fetcher?: core.FetchFunction;
streamingFetcher?: core.StreamingFetchFunction;
export class Workbooks {
protected readonly options: Workbooks.Options;
constructor(options: Workbooks.Options);
* Returns all workbooks matching a filter for an account or space
list(request?: Flatfile.ListWorkbooksRequest): Promise<Flatfile.ListWorkbooksResponse>;
* Creates a workbook and adds it to a space
create(request: Flatfile.CreateWorkbookConfig): Promise<Flatfile.WorkbookResponse>;
* Returns a single workbook
get(workbookId: Flatfile.WorkbookId): Promise<Flatfile.WorkbookResponse>;
* Delete a workbook
delete(workbookId: Flatfile.WorkbookId): Promise<Flatfile.Success>;
* Updates a workbook
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
update(workbookId: Flatfile.WorkbookId, request: Flatfile.UpdateWorkbookConfig): Promise<Flatfile.WorkbookResponse>;
* Clones a workbook
* @throws {@link Flatfile.BadRequestError}
* @throws {@link Flatfile.NotFoundError}
clone(workbookId: Flatfile.WorkbookId): Promise<Flatfile.WorkbookResponse>;
protected _getAuthorizationHeader(): Promise<string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders";
export type { inferParsed, inferRaw, Schema, SchemaOptions } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/fetcher' {
export type { APIResponse } from "@flatfile/api/core/fetcher/APIResponse";
export { fetcher } from "@flatfile/api/core/fetcher/Fetcher";
export type { Fetcher, FetchFunction } from "@flatfile/api/core/fetcher/Fetcher";
export { Supplier } from "@flatfile/api/core/fetcher/Supplier";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/auth' {
export { BasicAuth } from "@flatfile/api/core/auth/BasicAuth";
export { BearerToken } from "@flatfile/api/core/auth/BearerToken";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/streaming-fetcher' {
export { streamingFetcher } from "@flatfile/api/core/streaming-fetcher/StreamingFetcher";
export type { StreamingFetcher, StreamingFetchFunction } from "@flatfile/api/core/streaming-fetcher/StreamingFetcher";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/ListAgentsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/AgentResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/AgentConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/Agent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/Compiler";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/GetAgentLogsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/AgentLog";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types/ApiKeysResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types/ApiKeyType";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types/ApiKeyOperation";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types/ApiKey";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types/ProductsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types/CreateCheckoutSessionResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types/StripeProduct";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types/CheckoutSession";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/types/CellsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/types/CellsResponseData";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/types/CellValueWithCounts";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/errors";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/AgentId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/AccountId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/DocumentId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/GuestId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/EnvironmentId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/FileId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SpaceId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/WorkbookId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/EventId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SheetId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/VersionId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/JobId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/UserId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SpaceConfigId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/RecordId";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/Pagination";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/Action";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/ActionMode";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SortDirection";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/Success";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SuccessData";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/Error_";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/Filter";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/FilterField";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SearchField";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SearchValue";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SortField";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types/ListDocumentsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types/DocumentResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types/DocumentConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types/Document";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types/ListEnvironmentsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types/EnvironmentResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types/Environment";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types/EnvironmentConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types/GuestAuthenticationEnum";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/ListAllEventsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/EventResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/Event";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/SpaceAddedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/SpaceRemovedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/WorkbookAddedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/WorkbookRemovedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/WorkbookUpdatedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UserAddedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UserRemovedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UserOnlineEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UserOfflineEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UploadStartedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UploadFailedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UploadCompletedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobStartedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobWaitingEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobUpdatedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobFailedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobCompletedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobDeletedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/RecordsCreatedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/RecordsUpdatedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/RecordsDeletedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/SheetValidatedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/ActionTriggeredEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/FileDeletedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/ClientInitializedEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/RecordsPayload";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobPayload";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobFailedPayload";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobPayloadType";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobOperationType";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/BaseEvent";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/EventTopic";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/Domain";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/Context";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/ActionName";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/Progress";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/EventAttributes";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/SheetSlug";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/Origin";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types/ListFilesResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types/FileResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types/File_";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types/ModelFileStatusEnum";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types/Mode";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/ListGuestsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/CreateGuestResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/Guest";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/GuestConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/GuestWorkbook";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/GuestSpace";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/Invite";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/ListJobsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Job";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobUpdate";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobUpdateConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobSource";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobDestination";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/DeleteJobConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/FileJobConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/MutateJobConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/AiAssistJobConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Driver";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Trigger";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/PipelineJobConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobType";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobStatus";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobMode";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobPlan";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobExecutionPlanConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobAckDetails";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobOutcome";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobExecutionPlan";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Edge";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/SourceField";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/DestinationField";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/EnumDetails";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Metadata";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Certainty";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/CategoryMapping";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/FindAndReplaceJobConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/ExportJobConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/ExportOptions";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/EmptyObject";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/Property";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/BaseProperty";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/ArrayableProperty";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/StringProperty";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/NumberProperty";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/NumberConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/BooleanProperty";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/BooleanPropertyConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/DateProperty";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/EnumProperty";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/EnumPropertyConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/EnumPropertyOption";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/ReferenceProperty";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/ReferencePropertyConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/ReferencePropertyRelationship";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/Constraint";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/UniqueConstraint";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/UniqueConstraintConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/StringConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/StringConfigOptions";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordsResponseData";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordCounts";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordsWithLinks";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordWithLinks";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordDataWithLinks";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/CellValueWithLinks";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/Records";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/Record_";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordData";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/CellValue";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/CellValueUnion";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/ValidationMessage";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/ValidationType";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/ValidationSource";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/ListSheetsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/SheetResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/Sheet";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/SheetConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/RecordCountsResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/RecordCountsResponseData";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/SheetAccess";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/ListUsersResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/UserResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/User";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/UserConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/ListApiTokensResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/ApiToken";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/ExchangeTokenResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/ExchangeTokenData";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/types/VersionResponse";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/client";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types/ListWorkbooksResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types/WorkbookResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types/Workbook";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types/CreateWorkbookConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types/UpdateWorkbookConfig";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/errors' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/errors/BadRequestError";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/errors/NotFoundError";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests' {
export { ListAgentsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/ListAgentsRequest";
export { CreateAgentsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/CreateAgentsRequest";
export { GetAgentRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/GetAgentRequest";
export { GetAgentLogsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/GetAgentLogsRequest";
export { GetEnvironmentAgentLogsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/GetEnvironmentAgentLogsRequest";
export { DeleteAgentRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/DeleteAgentRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/client/requests' {
export { GetApiKeysRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/client/requests/GetApiKeysRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/client/requests' {
export { GetFieldValuesRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/client/requests/GetFieldValuesRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/client/requests' {
export { ListEnvironmentsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/client/requests/ListEnvironmentsRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client/requests' {
export { ListEventsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client/requests/ListEventsRequest";
export { GetEventTokenRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client/requests/GetEventTokenRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/requests' {
export { ListFilesRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/requests/ListFilesRequest";
export { CreateFileRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/requests/CreateFileRequest";
export { UpdateFileRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/requests/UpdateFileRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/client/requests' {
export { ListGuestsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/client/requests/ListGuestsRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/client/requests' {
export { ListJobsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/client/requests/ListJobsRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests' {
export { GetRecordsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests/GetRecordsRequest";
export { DeleteRecordsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests/DeleteRecordsRequest";
export { FindRecordsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests/FindRecordsRequest";
export { FindAndReplaceRecordRequestDeprecated } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests/FindAndReplaceRecordRequestDeprecated";
export { FindAndReplaceRecordRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests/FindAndReplaceRecordRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/requests' {
export { ListSheetsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/requests/ListSheetsRequest";
export { GetRecordsCsvRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/requests/GetRecordsCsvRequest";
export { GetRecordCountsRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/requests/GetRecordCountsRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests' {
export { ListUsersRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests/ListUsersRequest";
export { ListApiTokensRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests/ListApiTokensRequest";
export { CreateApiTokenRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests/CreateApiTokenRequest";
export { ExchangeTokenRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests/ExchangeTokenRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/client/requests' {
export { VersionsPostRequestBody } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/client/requests/VersionsPostRequestBody";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/client/requests' {
export { ListWorkbooksRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/client/requests/ListWorkbooksRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/date";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/enum";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/lazy";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/list";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/literals";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object-like";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/record";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/set";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/undiscriminated-union";
export * from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema' {
import { SchemaUtils } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders";
import { MaybePromise } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/utils/MaybePromise";
export type Schema<Raw = unknown, Parsed = unknown> = BaseSchema<Raw, Parsed> & SchemaUtils<Raw, Parsed>;
export type inferRaw<S extends Schema> = S extends Schema<infer Raw, any> ? Raw : never;
export type inferParsed<S extends Schema> = S extends Schema<any, infer Parsed> ? Parsed : never;
export interface BaseSchema<Raw, Parsed> {
parse: (raw: unknown, opts?: SchemaOptions) => MaybePromise<MaybeValid<Parsed>>;
json: (parsed: unknown, opts?: SchemaOptions) => MaybePromise<MaybeValid<Raw>>;
getType: () => SchemaType | Promise<SchemaType>;
export const SchemaType: {
readonly DATE: "date";
readonly ENUM: "enum";
readonly LIST: "list";
readonly STRING_LITERAL: "stringLiteral";
readonly OBJECT: "object";
readonly ANY: "any";
readonly BOOLEAN: "boolean";
readonly NUMBER: "number";
readonly STRING: "string";
readonly UNKNOWN: "unknown";
readonly RECORD: "record";
readonly SET: "set";
readonly UNION: "union";
readonly UNDISCRIMINATED_UNION: "undiscriminatedUnion";
readonly OPTIONAL: "optional";
export type SchemaType = typeof SchemaType[keyof typeof SchemaType];
export type MaybeValid<T> = Valid<T> | Invalid;
export interface Valid<T> {
ok: true;
value: T;
export interface Invalid {
ok: false;
errors: ValidationError[];
export interface ValidationError {
path: string[];
message: string;
export interface SchemaOptions {
* how to handle unrecognized keys in objects
* @default "fail"
unrecognizedObjectKeys?: "fail" | "passthrough" | "strip";
* whether to fail when an unrecognized discriminant value is
* encountered in a union
* @default false
allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers?: boolean;
* whether to fail when an unrecognized enum value is encountered
* @default false
allowUnrecognizedEnumValues?: boolean;
* whether to allow data that doesn't conform to the schema.
* invalid data is passed through without transformation.
* when this is enabled, .parse() and .json() will always
* return `ok: true`. `.parseOrThrow()` and `.jsonOrThrow()`
* will never fail.
* @default false
skipValidation?: boolean;
* each validation failure contains a "path" property, which is
* the breadcrumbs to the offending node in the JSON. you can supply
* a prefix that is prepended to all the errors' paths. this can be
* helpful for zurg's internal debug logging.
breadcrumbsPrefix?: string[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/fetcher/APIResponse' {
export type APIResponse<Success, Failure> = SuccessfulResponse<Success> | FailedResponse<Failure>;
export interface SuccessfulResponse<T> {
ok: true;
body: T;
export interface FailedResponse<T> {
ok: false;
error: T;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/fetcher/Fetcher' {
import { default as URLSearchParams } from "@ungap/url-search-params";
import { AxiosAdapter, AxiosProgressEvent } from "axios";
import { APIResponse } from "@flatfile/api/core/fetcher/APIResponse";
export type FetchFunction = <R = unknown>(args: Fetcher.Args) => Promise<APIResponse<R, Fetcher.Error>>;
export namespace Fetcher {
interface Args {
url: string;
method: string;
contentType?: string;
headers?: Record<string, string | undefined>;
queryParameters?: URLSearchParams;
body?: unknown;
timeoutMs?: number;
withCredentials?: boolean;
responseType?: "json" | "blob";
adapter?: AxiosAdapter;
onUploadProgress?: (event: AxiosProgressEvent) => void;
type Error = FailedStatusCodeError | NonJsonError | TimeoutError | UnknownError;
interface FailedStatusCodeError {
reason: "status-code";
statusCode: number;
body: unknown;
interface NonJsonError {
reason: "non-json";
statusCode: number;
rawBody: string;
interface TimeoutError {
reason: "timeout";
interface UnknownError {
reason: "unknown";
errorMessage: string;
export const fetcher: FetchFunction;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/fetcher/Supplier' {
export type Supplier<T> = T | Promise<T> | (() => T | Promise<T>);
export const Supplier: {
get: <T>(supplier: Supplier<T>) => Promise<T>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/auth/BasicAuth' {
export interface BasicAuth {
username: string;
password: string;
export const BasicAuth: {
toAuthorizationHeader: (basicAuth: BasicAuth | undefined) => string | undefined;
fromAuthorizationHeader: (header: string) => BasicAuth;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/auth/BearerToken' {
export type BearerToken = string;
export const BearerToken: {
toAuthorizationHeader: (token: BearerToken | undefined) => string | undefined;
fromAuthorizationHeader: (header: string) => BearerToken;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/streaming-fetcher/StreamingFetcher' {
import { default as URLSearchParams } from "@ungap/url-search-params";
import { AxiosAdapter, AxiosProgressEvent } from "axios";
import { Readable } from "stream";
export type StreamingFetchFunction = (args: StreamingFetcher.Args) => Promise<Readable>;
export namespace StreamingFetcher {
interface Args {
url: string;
method: string;
headers?: Record<string, string | undefined>;
queryParameters?: URLSearchParams;
body?: unknown;
timeoutMs?: number;
withCredentials?: boolean;
adapter?: AxiosAdapter;
onUploadProgress?: (event: AxiosProgressEvent) => void;
onDownloadProgress?: (event: AxiosProgressEvent) => void;
onData?: (data: unknown) => void;
onError?: (err: unknown) => void;
onFinish?: () => void;
abortController?: AbortController;
responseChunkPrefix?: string;
terminator?: string;
export const streamingFetcher: StreamingFetchFunction;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/ListSpacesResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/SpaceResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/Space";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/SpaceConfig";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/EventTokenResponse";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/EventToken";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/GetSpacesSortField";
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/SpaceAccess";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/ListAgentsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* @example
* {
* data: [{
* id: "123",
* topics: [Flatfile.EventTopic.FileCreated],
* compiler: Flatfile.Compiler.Js,
* source: "module.exports = { routeEvent: async (...args) => { console.log(args) } }"
* }]
* }
export interface ListAgentsResponse {
data: Flatfile.Agent[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/AgentResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* @example
* {
* data: {
* id: "123",
* topics: [Flatfile.EventTopic.FileCreated],
* compiler: Flatfile.Compiler.Js,
* source: "module.exports = { routeEvent: async (...args) => { console.log(args) } }"
* }
* }
export interface AgentResponse {
data: Flatfile.Agent;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/AgentConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Properties used to create a new agent
* @example
* {
* topics: [Flatfile.EventTopic.FileCreated],
* compiler: Flatfile.Compiler.Js,
* source: "module.exports = { routeEvent: async (...args) => { console.log(args) } }"
* }
export interface AgentConfig {
/** The topics the agent should listen for */
topics?: Flatfile.EventTopic[];
/** The compiler of the agent */
compiler?: Flatfile.Compiler;
/** The source of the agent */
source?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/Agent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* @example
* {
* id: "123",
* topics: [Flatfile.EventTopic.FileCreated],
* compiler: Flatfile.Compiler.Js,
* source: "module.exports = { routeEvent: async (...args) => { console.log(args) } }"
* }
export interface Agent extends Flatfile.AgentConfig {
id: Flatfile.AgentId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/Compiler' {
* The compiler of the agent
* @example
* Flatfile.Compiler.Js
export type Compiler = "js";
export const Compiler: {
readonly Js: "js";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/GetAgentLogsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* @example
* {
* pagination: {
* currentPage: 3,
* pageCount: 50,
* totalCount: 100
* },
* data: [{
* eventId: "us_evt_9cuesESa7W9cuesE",
* success: true,
* createdAt: new Date("2022-09-18T00:19:57.007Z"),
* completedAt: new Date("2022-09-18T00:20:04.007Z"),
* log: "SUCCESS"
* }]
* }
export interface GetAgentLogsResponse {
pagination?: Flatfile.Pagination;
data: Flatfile.AgentLog[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/types/AgentLog' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A log of an agent execution
* @example
* {
* eventId: "us_evt_9cuesESa7W9cuesE",
* success: true,
* createdAt: new Date("2022-09-18T00:19:57.007Z"),
* completedAt: new Date("2022-09-18T00:20:04.007Z"),
* log: "SUCCESS"
* }
export interface AgentLog {
eventId: Flatfile.EventId;
/** Whether the agent execution was successful */
success: boolean;
createdAt: Date;
completedAt: Date;
/** The log of the agent execution */
log?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types/ApiKeysResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ApiKeysResponse {
data: Flatfile.ApiKey[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types/ApiKeyType' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type ApiKeyType = "PUBLISHABLE" | "SECRET";
export const ApiKeyType: {
readonly Publishable: "PUBLISHABLE";
readonly Secret: "SECRET";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types/ApiKeyOperation' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface ApiKeyOperation {
path: string;
method: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/types/ApiKey' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* API Key used for authenticating against our APIs
export interface ApiKey {
id: string;
rawKey: string;
type: Flatfile.ApiKeyType;
environmentId?: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
accountId?: Flatfile.AccountId;
operations: Flatfile.ApiKeyOperation[];
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt?: Date;
expireAt: Date;
secret?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/client' {
export {};
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types/ProductsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ProductsResponse {
data: Flatfile.StripeProduct[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types/CreateCheckoutSessionResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface CreateCheckoutSessionResponse {
data: Flatfile.CheckoutSession;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types/StripeProduct' {
* A product as returned by Stripe
export interface StripeProduct {
id: string;
object: string;
active: boolean;
attributes: string[];
created: number;
defaultPrice: string;
description: string;
images: string[];
livemode: boolean;
metadata?: unknown;
name: string;
packageDimensions: string;
shippable: boolean;
statementDescriptor: string;
taxCode: string;
type: string;
unitLabel: string;
updated: number;
url: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/billing/types/CheckoutSession' {
* A Checkout Session as returned by Stripe
export interface CheckoutSession {
id?: string;
object?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/types/CellsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface CellsResponse {
data: Flatfile.CellsResponseData;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/types/CellsResponseData' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Cell values grouped by field key
export type CellsResponseData = Record<string, Flatfile.CellValueWithCounts[]>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/types/CellValueWithCounts' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface CellValueWithCounts extends Flatfile.CellValue {
counts?: Flatfile.RecordCounts;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/AgentId' {
* Agent ID
* @example
* "us_ag_qGZbKwDW"
export type AgentId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/AccountId' {
* Account ID
* @example
* "us_acc_uj6s91wc"
export type AccountId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/DocumentId' {
* Document ID
* @example
* "us_dc_KwDW6cfH"
export type DocumentId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/GuestId' {
* Guest ID
* @example
* "us_g_5ue7P9cU"
export type GuestId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/EnvironmentId' {
* Environment ID
* @example
* "us_env_hVXkXs0b"
export type EnvironmentId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/FileId' {
* File ID
* @example
* "us_fl_qGZbKwDW"
export type FileId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SpaceId' {
* Space ID
* @example
* "us_sp_DrdXetPN"
export type SpaceId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/WorkbookId' {
* Workbook ID
* @example
* "us_wb_qGZbKwDW"
export type WorkbookId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/EventId' {
* Event ID
* @example
* "us_evt_9cuesESa7W9cuesE"
export type EventId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SheetId' {
* Sheet ID
* @example
* "us_sh_fHfzjzHb"
export type SheetId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/VersionId' {
* Version ID
* @example
* "us_vr_jte4tzVn"
export type VersionId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/JobId' {
* Pipeline Job ID
* @example
* "us_jb_UQg89Drd"
export type JobId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/UserId' {
* User ID
* @example
* "us_usr_a7Ws9cue"
export type UserId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SpaceConfigId' {
* Space Config ID
* @example
* "us_sc_uj691wck"
export type SpaceConfigId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/RecordId' {
* Record ID
* @example
* "us_rc_a7W9cuesESa7W9cu"
export type RecordId = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/Pagination' {
* pagination info
* @example
* {
* currentPage: 3,
* pageCount: 50,
* totalCount: 100
* }
export interface Pagination {
/** current page of results */
currentPage: number;
/** total number of pages of results */
pageCount: number;
/** total available results */
totalCount: number;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/Action' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface Action {
slug?: string;
operation?: string;
mode?: Flatfile.ActionMode;
label: string;
type?: string;
description?: string;
primary?: boolean;
confirm?: boolean;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/ActionMode' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type ActionMode = "foreground" | "background";
export const ActionMode: {
readonly Foreground: "foreground";
readonly Background: "background";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SortDirection' {
* Sort direction - asc (ascending) or desc (descending)
* @example
* Flatfile.SortDirection.Asc
export type SortDirection = "asc" | "desc";
export const SortDirection: {
readonly Asc: "asc";
readonly Desc: "desc";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/Success' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Informs whether or not a request was successful
* @example
* {
* data: {
* success: true
* }
* }
export interface Success {
data: Flatfile.SuccessData;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SuccessData' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface SuccessData {
success: boolean;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/Error_' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface Error_ {
key?: string;
message: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/Filter' {
* Options to filter records
export type Filter = "valid" | "error" | "all" | "none";
export const Filter: {
readonly Valid: "valid";
readonly Error: "error";
readonly All: "all";
readonly None: "none";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/FilterField' {
* Use this to narrow the valid/error filter results to a specific field
export type FilterField = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SearchField' {
* Use this to narrow the searchValue results to a specific field
export type SearchField = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SearchValue' {
* Search the entire sheet for the given value, returning matching rows
export type SearchValue = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/types/SortField' {
* Name of field by which to sort records
export type SortField = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/client' {
export {};
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types/ListDocumentsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListDocumentsResponse {
data: Flatfile.Document[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types/DocumentResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface DocumentResponse {
data: Flatfile.Document;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types/DocumentConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface DocumentConfig {
title: string;
body: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/documents/types/Document' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A document (markdown components) belong to a space
export interface Document extends Flatfile.DocumentConfig {
id: Flatfile.DocumentId;
spaceId?: Flatfile.SpaceId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types/ListEnvironmentsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListEnvironmentsResponse {
data: Flatfile.Environment[];
pagination?: Flatfile.Pagination;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types/EnvironmentResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface EnvironmentResponse {
data: Flatfile.Environment;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types/Environment' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* @example
* {
* name: "dev",
* isProd: false,
* guestAuthentication: [Flatfile.GuestAuthenticationEnum.MagicLink],
* id: "us_env_hVXkXs0b",
* accountId: "us_acc_uj6s91wc"
* }
export interface Environment extends Flatfile.EnvironmentConfig {
id: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
accountId?: Flatfile.AccountId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types/EnvironmentConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Properties used to create a new environment
* @example
* {
* name: "dev",
* isProd: false,
* guestAuthentication: [Flatfile.GuestAuthenticationEnum.MagicLink]
* }
export interface EnvironmentConfig {
/** The name of the environment */
name: string;
/** Whether or not the environment is a production environment */
isProd: boolean;
guestAuthentication?: Flatfile.GuestAuthenticationEnum[];
features?: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/types/GuestAuthenticationEnum' {
* The type of authentication to use for guests
export type GuestAuthenticationEnum = "shared_link" | "magic_link";
export const GuestAuthenticationEnum: {
readonly SharedLink: "shared_link";
readonly MagicLink: "magic_link";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/ListAllEventsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListAllEventsResponse {
data: Flatfile.Event[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/EventResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface EventResponse {
data: Flatfile.Event;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/Event' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Properties used to create a new event
export type Event = Flatfile.Event.SpaceAdded | Flatfile.Event.SpaceRemoved | Flatfile.Event.WorkbookAdded | Flatfile.Event.WorkbookUpdated | Flatfile.Event.WorkbookRemoved | Flatfile.Event.UserAdded | Flatfile.Event.UserRemoved | Flatfile.Event.UserOnline | Flatfile.Event.UserOffline | Flatfile.Event.UploadStarted | Flatfile.Event.UploadFailed | Flatfile.Event.UploadCompleted | Flatfile.Event.JobStarted | Flatfile.Event.JobWaiting | Flatfile.Event.JobUpdated | Flatfile.Event.JobFailed | Flatfile.Event.JobCompleted | Flatfile.Event.JobDeleted | Flatfile.Event.RecordsCreated | Flatfile.Event.RecordsUpdated | Flatfile.Event.RecordsDeleted | Flatfile.Event.SheetValidated | Flatfile.Event.ActionTriggered | Flatfile.Event.FileDeleted | Flatfile.Event.ClientInitialized;
export namespace Event {
interface SpaceAdded extends Flatfile.SpaceAddedEvent {
type: "space:added";
interface SpaceRemoved extends Flatfile.SpaceRemovedEvent {
type: "space:removed";
interface WorkbookAdded extends Flatfile.WorkbookAddedEvent {
type: "workbook:added";
interface WorkbookUpdated extends Flatfile.WorkbookUpdatedEvent {
type: "workbook:updated";
interface WorkbookRemoved extends Flatfile.WorkbookRemovedEvent {
type: "workbook:removed";
interface UserAdded extends Flatfile.UserAddedEvent {
type: "user:added";
interface UserRemoved extends Flatfile.UserRemovedEvent {
type: "user:removed";
interface UserOnline extends Flatfile.UserOnlineEvent {
type: "user:online";
interface UserOffline extends Flatfile.UserOfflineEvent {
type: "user:offline";
interface UploadStarted extends Flatfile.UploadStartedEvent {
type: "upload:started";
interface UploadFailed extends Flatfile.UploadFailedEvent {
type: "upload:failed";
interface UploadCompleted extends Flatfile.UploadCompletedEvent {
type: "upload:completed";
interface JobStarted extends Flatfile.JobStartedEvent {
type: "job:started";
interface JobWaiting extends Flatfile.JobWaitingEvent {
type: "job:waiting";
interface JobUpdated extends Flatfile.JobUpdatedEvent {
type: "job:updated";
interface JobFailed extends Flatfile.JobFailedEvent {
type: "job:failed";
interface JobCompleted extends Flatfile.JobCompletedEvent {
type: "job_completed";
interface JobDeleted extends Flatfile.JobDeletedEvent {
type: "job:deleted";
interface RecordsCreated extends Flatfile.RecordsCreatedEvent {
type: "records:created";
interface RecordsUpdated extends Flatfile.RecordsUpdatedEvent {
type: "records:updated";
interface RecordsDeleted extends Flatfile.RecordsDeletedEvent {
type: "records:deleted";
interface SheetValidated extends Flatfile.SheetValidatedEvent {
type: "sheet:validated";
interface ActionTriggered extends Flatfile.ActionTriggeredEvent {
type: "action:triggered";
interface FileDeleted extends Flatfile.FileDeletedEvent {
type: "file:deleted";
interface ClientInitialized extends Flatfile.ClientInitializedEvent {
type: "client:init";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/SpaceAddedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface SpaceAddedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/SpaceRemovedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface SpaceRemovedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/WorkbookAddedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface WorkbookAddedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/WorkbookRemovedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface WorkbookRemovedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/WorkbookUpdatedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface WorkbookUpdatedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UserAddedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface UserAddedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UserRemovedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface UserRemovedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UserOnlineEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface UserOnlineEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UserOfflineEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface UserOfflineEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UploadStartedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface UploadStartedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UploadFailedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface UploadFailedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/UploadCompletedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface UploadCompletedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobStartedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface JobStartedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Flatfile.JobPayload;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobWaitingEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface JobWaitingEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobUpdatedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface JobUpdatedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Flatfile.JobPayload;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobFailedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface JobFailedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Flatfile.JobFailedPayload;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobCompletedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface JobCompletedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Flatfile.JobPayload;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobDeletedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface JobDeletedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/RecordsCreatedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface RecordsCreatedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Flatfile.RecordsPayload;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/RecordsUpdatedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface RecordsUpdatedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Flatfile.RecordsPayload;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/RecordsDeletedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface RecordsDeletedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/SheetValidatedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface SheetValidatedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/ActionTriggeredEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ActionTriggeredEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/FileDeletedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface FileDeletedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/ClientInitializedEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ClientInitializedEvent extends Flatfile.BaseEvent {
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/RecordsPayload' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface RecordsPayload {
count: number;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobPayload' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface JobPayload {
type: Flatfile.JobPayloadType;
operation: Flatfile.JobOperationType;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobFailedPayload' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface JobFailedPayload extends Flatfile.JobPayload {
err: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobPayloadType' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type JobPayloadType = "FILE" | "PIPELINE";
export const JobPayloadType: {
readonly File: "FILE";
readonly Pipeline: "PIPELINE";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/JobOperationType' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type JobOperationType = "EXTRACT" | "MAP";
export const JobOperationType: {
readonly Extract: "EXTRACT";
readonly Map: "MAP";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/BaseEvent' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface BaseEvent {
/** The domain of the event */
domain: Flatfile.Domain;
topic: Flatfile.EventTopic;
/** The context of the event */
context: Flatfile.Context;
/** The attributes of the event */
attributes?: Flatfile.EventAttributes;
/** The callback url to acknowledge the event */
callbackUrl?: string;
/** The url to retrieve the data associated with the event */
dataUrl?: string;
/** Date the event was created */
createdAt: Date;
/** Date the event was deleted */
deletedAt?: Date;
/** Date the event was acknowledged */
acknowledgedAt?: string;
/** The actor (user or system) who acknowledged the event */
acknowledgedBy?: string;
target?: string;
origin?: Flatfile.Origin;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/EventTopic' {
* The topic of the event
* @example
* Flatfile.EventTopic.FileCreated
export type EventTopic = "agent:created" | "agent:updated" | "agent:deleted" | "space:created" | "space:updated" | "space:deleted" | "workbook:created" | "workbook:updated" | "workbook:deleted" | "sheet:created" | "sheet:updated" | "sheet:deleted" | "record:created" | "record:updated" | "record:deleted" | "file:created" | "file:updated" | "file:deleted" | "job:created" | "job:updated" | "job:deleted" | "job:completed" | "job:ready" | "job:scheduled" | "job:outcome_acknowledged" | "job:failed" | "commit:created" | "commit:updated" | "layer:created";
export const EventTopic: {
readonly AgentCreated: "agent:created";
readonly AgentUpdated: "agent:updated";
readonly AgentDeleted: "agent:deleted";
readonly SpaceCreated: "space:created";
readonly SpaceUpdated: "space:updated";
readonly SpaceDeleted: "space:deleted";
readonly WorkbookCreated: "workbook:created";
readonly WorkbookUpdated: "workbook:updated";
readonly WorkbookDeleted: "workbook:deleted";
readonly SheetCreated: "sheet:created";
readonly SheetUpdated: "sheet:updated";
readonly SheetDeleted: "sheet:deleted";
readonly RecordCreated: "record:created";
readonly RecordUpdated: "record:updated";
readonly RecordDeleted: "record:deleted";
readonly FileCreated: "file:created";
readonly FileUpdated: "file:updated";
readonly FileDeleted: "file:deleted";
readonly JobCreated: "job:created";
readonly JobUpdated: "job:updated";
readonly JobDeleted: "job:deleted";
readonly JobCompleted: "job:completed";
readonly JobReady: "job:ready";
readonly JobScheduled: "job:scheduled";
readonly JobOutcomeAcknowledged: "job:outcome_acknowledged";
readonly JobFailed: "job:failed";
readonly CommitCreated: "commit:created";
readonly CommitUpdated: "commit:updated";
readonly LayerCreated: "layer:created";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/Domain' {
* The domain of the event
* @example
* Flatfile.Domain.Job
export type Domain = "file" | "space" | "workbook" | "job";
export const Domain: {
readonly File: "file";
readonly Space: "space";
readonly Workbook: "workbook";
readonly Job: "job";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/Context' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* The context of the event
export interface Context {
actionName?: Flatfile.ActionName;
accountId: Flatfile.AccountId;
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
spaceId?: Flatfile.SpaceId;
workbookId?: Flatfile.WorkbookId;
sheetId?: Flatfile.SheetId;
sheetSlug?: Flatfile.SheetSlug;
versionId?: Flatfile.VersionId;
jobId?: Flatfile.JobId;
fileId?: Flatfile.FileId;
precedingEventId?: Flatfile.EventId;
/** Can be a UserId, GuestId, or AgentId */
actorId?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/ActionName' {
* Name of an action
export type ActionName = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/Progress' {
* The progress of the event within a collection of iterable events
export interface Progress {
/** The current progress of the event */
current?: number;
/** The total number of events in this group */
total?: number;
/** The percent complete of the event group */
percent?: number;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/EventAttributes' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* The attributes of the event
export interface EventAttributes {
/** Date the related entity was last updated */
targetUpdatedAt?: Date;
/** The progress of the event within a collection of iterable events */
progress?: Flatfile.Progress;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/SheetSlug' {
* Sheet Slug
export type SheetSlug = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/types/Origin' {
* The origin resource of the event
export interface Origin {
id?: string;
slug?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types/ListFilesResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListFilesResponse {
pagination?: Flatfile.Pagination;
data: Flatfile.File_[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types/FileResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface FileResponse {
data: Flatfile.File_;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types/File_' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Any uploaded file of any type
export interface File_ {
id: Flatfile.FileId;
/** Original filename */
name: string;
/** Extension of the file */
ext: string;
/** MIME Type of the file */
mimetype: string;
/** Text encoding of the file */
encoding: string;
/** Status of the file */
status: Flatfile.ModelFileStatusEnum;
/** Size of file in bytes */
size: number;
/** Number of bytes that have been uploaded so far (useful for progress tracking) */
bytesReceived: number;
/** Date the file was created */
createdAt: string;
/** Date the file was last updated */
updatedAt: string;
spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId;
workbookId?: Flatfile.WorkbookId;
sheetId?: Flatfile.SheetId;
actions?: Flatfile.Action[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types/ModelFileStatusEnum' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type ModelFileStatusEnum = "partial" | "complete" | "archived" | "purged" | "failed";
export const ModelFileStatusEnum: {
readonly Partial: "partial";
readonly Complete: "complete";
readonly Archived: "archived";
readonly Purged: "purged";
readonly Failed: "failed";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/types/Mode' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type Mode = "import" | "export";
export const Mode: {
readonly Import: "import";
readonly Export: "export";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/ListGuestsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListGuestsResponse {
data: Flatfile.Guest[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/CreateGuestResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface CreateGuestResponse {
data: Flatfile.Guest[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/Guest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface Guest extends Flatfile.GuestConfig {
id: Flatfile.GuestId;
/** Date the guest object was created */
createdAt: Date;
/** Date the guest object was last updated */
updatedAt: Date;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/GuestConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Configurations for the guests
export interface GuestConfig {
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
email: string;
name: string;
spaces: Flatfile.GuestSpace[];
workbooks?: Flatfile.GuestWorkbook[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/GuestWorkbook' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GuestWorkbook {
id: Flatfile.WorkbookId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/GuestSpace' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GuestSpace {
id: Flatfile.SpaceId;
lastAccessed?: Date;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/types/Invite' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface Invite {
guestId: Flatfile.GuestId;
spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId;
/** Message to send with the invite */
message: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/ListJobsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListJobsResponse {
pagination?: Flatfile.Pagination;
data: Flatfile.Job[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface JobResponse {
data: Flatfile.Job;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Job' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A single unit of work that will execute asynchronously
export interface Job extends Flatfile.JobConfig {
id: Flatfile.JobId;
/** Date the item was created */
createdAt: Date;
/** Date the item was last updated */
updatedAt: Date;
/** the time that the job started at */
startedAt?: Date;
/** the time that the job finished at */
finishedAt?: Date;
/** the time that the job's outcome has been acknowledged by a user */
outcomeAcknowledgedAt?: Date;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A single unit of work that a pipeline will execute
export interface JobConfig {
/** The type of job */
type: Flatfile.JobType;
/** the type of operation to perform on the data. For example, "export". */
operation: string;
source: Flatfile.JobSource;
destination?: Flatfile.JobDestination;
config?: Flatfile.JobUpdateConfig;
/** the type of trigger to use for this job */
trigger?: Flatfile.Trigger;
/** the status of the job */
status?: Flatfile.JobStatus;
/** the progress of the job */
progress?: number;
fileId?: Flatfile.FileId;
/** the mode of the job */
mode?: Flatfile.JobMode;
/** Input parameters for this job type. */
input?: Record<string, unknown>;
/** Outcome summary of job. */
outcome?: Record<string, unknown>;
/** Current status of job in text */
info?: string;
/** Indicates if Flatfile is managing the control flow of this job or if it is being manually tracked. */
managed: boolean;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobUpdate' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A single unit of work that will be executed
export interface JobUpdate {
config?: Flatfile.JobUpdateConfig;
/** the status of the job */
status?: Flatfile.JobStatus;
/** the progress of the job */
progress?: number;
/** the time that the job's outcome has been acknowledged by a user */
outcomeAcknowledgedAt?: Date;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobUpdateConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export type JobUpdateConfig = Flatfile.DeleteJobConfig | Flatfile.FileJobConfig | Flatfile.PipelineJobConfig | Flatfile.ExportJobConfig | Flatfile.MutateJobConfig | Flatfile.AiAssistJobConfig | Flatfile.FindAndReplaceJobConfig | Flatfile.EmptyObject;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobSource' {
* The id of a file, workbook, or sheet
export type JobSource = string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobDestination' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* The id of the workbook where extracted file data will be sent
export type JobDestination = Flatfile.WorkbookId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/DeleteJobConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* The configuration for a delete job
export interface DeleteJobConfig {
filter?: Flatfile.Filter;
filterField?: Flatfile.FilterField;
searchValue?: Flatfile.SearchValue;
searchField?: Flatfile.SearchField;
sheet: Flatfile.SheetId;
exceptions?: Flatfile.RecordId[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/FileJobConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface FileJobConfig {
/** The driver to use for extracting data from the file */
driver: Flatfile.Driver;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/MutateJobConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface MutateJobConfig {
sheetId: Flatfile.SheetId;
/** A JavaScript function that will be run on each record in the sheet, it should return a mutated record. */
mutateRecord: string;
/** If the mutation was generated through some sort of id-ed process, this links this job and that process. */
mutationId?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/AiAssistJobConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface AiAssistJobConfig {
model: string;
command: string;
modelParams?: Record<string, unknown>;
/** This will be generated by the AI not by you. */
mutateRecord?: string;
/** This will be generated by the AI not by you. */
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Driver' {
* The driver to use for extracting data from the file
export type Driver = "csv";
export const Driver: {
readonly Csv: "csv";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Trigger' {
* the type of trigger to use for this job
export type Trigger = "manual" | "immediate";
export const Trigger: {
readonly Manual: "manual";
readonly Immediate: "immediate";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/PipelineJobConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface PipelineJobConfig {
sourceSheetId: Flatfile.SheetId;
destinationSheetId: Flatfile.SheetId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobType' {
* The type of job
export type JobType = "file" | "workbook" | "sheet";
export const JobType: {
readonly File: "file";
readonly Workbook: "workbook";
readonly Sheet: "sheet";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobStatus' {
* the status of the job
export type JobStatus = "planning" | "ready" | "executing" | "complete" | "failed";
export const JobStatus: {
readonly Planning: "planning";
readonly Ready: "ready";
readonly Executing: "executing";
readonly Complete: "complete";
readonly Failed: "failed";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobMode' {
* the mode of the job
export type JobMode = "foreground" | "background";
export const JobMode: {
readonly Foreground: "foreground";
readonly Background: "background";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobPlan' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* The job/plan tuple that contains the full plan and the jobs status
export interface JobPlan {
job?: Flatfile.Job;
plan?: Flatfile.JobExecutionPlan;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobExecutionPlanConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface JobExecutionPlanConfig extends Flatfile.JobExecutionPlan {
fileId: Flatfile.FileId;
jobId: Flatfile.JobId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobAckDetails' {
* Details about the user who acknowledged the job
export interface JobAckDetails {
info?: string;
progress?: number;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobOutcome' {
* Outcome summary of a job
export interface JobOutcome {
outcome?: Record<string, unknown>;
info?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/JobExecutionPlan' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* The execution plan for a job, for example, for a map job, the execution plan is the mapping of the source sheet to the destination sheet.
export interface JobExecutionPlan {
fieldMapping?: Flatfile.Edge[];
unmappedSourceFields?: Flatfile.SourceField[];
unmappedDestinationFields?: Flatfile.DestinationField[];
/** The number of rows to skip before reading data from the document */
headerRowCount?: number;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Edge' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface Edge {
sourceField: Flatfile.Property;
destinationField: Flatfile.Property;
preview?: string[];
/** Only available if one or more of the destination fields is of type enum. Provides category mapping. */
enumDetails?: Flatfile.EnumDetails;
metadata?: Flatfile.Metadata;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/SourceField' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface SourceField {
sourceField: Flatfile.Property;
preview?: string[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/DestinationField' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface DestinationField {
/** Only available if one or more of the destination fields is of type enum. Provides category mapping. */
enumDetails?: Flatfile.EnumDetails;
destinationField: Flatfile.Property;
preview?: string[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/EnumDetails' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Only available if one or more of the destination fields is of type enum. Provides category mapping.
export interface EnumDetails {
mapping?: Flatfile.CategoryMapping[];
unusedSourceValues?: string[];
unusedDestinationValues?: string[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Metadata' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface Metadata {
certainty?: Flatfile.Certainty;
source?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/Certainty' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type Certainty = "absolute" | "strong" | "moderate" | "weak";
export const Certainty: {
readonly Absolute: "absolute";
readonly Strong: "strong";
readonly Moderate: "moderate";
readonly Weak: "weak";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/CategoryMapping' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface CategoryMapping {
sourceValue?: string;
destinationValue?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/FindAndReplaceJobConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface FindAndReplaceJobConfig {
filter?: Flatfile.Filter;
filterField?: Flatfile.FilterField;
searchValue?: Flatfile.SearchValue;
searchField?: Flatfile.SearchField;
* 'A list of record ids to search within. If filter "all" is also specified, then this is a list of record ids to exclude from the search.'
ids?: Flatfile.RecordId[];
/** A value to find for a given field in a sheet. Wrap the value in "" for exact match */
find?: Flatfile.CellValueUnion;
/** The value to replace found values with */
replace?: Flatfile.CellValueUnion;
/** The value to replace found values with */
fieldKey: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/ExportJobConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ExportJobConfig {
options: Flatfile.ExportOptions;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/ExportOptions' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ExportOptions {
versionId?: Flatfile.VersionId;
sortField?: Flatfile.SortField;
sortDirection?: Flatfile.SortDirection;
filter?: Flatfile.Filter;
filterField?: Flatfile.FilterField;
searchValue?: Flatfile.SearchValue;
searchField?: Flatfile.SearchField;
* 'A list of record ids to export. If filter is also specified, then this is a list of record ids to exclude from the download.'
ids: Flatfile.RecordId[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/types/EmptyObject' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface EmptyObject {
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/Property' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* @example
* {
* type: "string",
* key: "code",
* label: "Product Code",
* description: "Unique identifier defining an individual product.",
* constraints: [{
* type: "unique",
* config: {
* caseSensitive: false
* }
* }],
* config: {
* size: Flatfile.StringConfigOptions.Tiny
* }
* }
* @example
* {
* type: "number",
* key: "price",
* config: {
* decimalPlaces: 2
* }
* }
* @example
* {
* type: "boolean",
* key: "editable",
* config: {
* allowIndeterminate: true
* }
* }
* @example
* {
* type: "date"
* }
* @example
* {
* type: "enum",
* key: "category",
* label: "Product Category",
* isArray: false,
* multi: true,
* config: {
* allowCustom: false,
* options: [{
* value: 9,
* label: "Kitchenware",
* icon: "pots-and-pans",
* color: "#f00000",
* meta: {
* "product_code_prefix": "KI-"
* }
* }, {
* value: 9,
* label: "Clothing",
* meta: {
* "product_code_prefix": "CL-"
* }
* }]
* }
* }
* @example
* {
* type: "reference",
* key: "user reference",
* config: {
* ref: "/sheet/users/3",
* relationship: Flatfile.ReferencePropertyRelationship.HasMany,
* key: "id"
* }
* }
export type Property = Flatfile.Property.String | Flatfile.Property.Number | Flatfile.Property.Boolean | Flatfile.Property.Date_ | Flatfile.Property.Enum | Flatfile.Property.Reference;
export namespace Property {
interface String extends Flatfile.StringProperty {
type: "string";
interface Number extends Flatfile.NumberProperty {
type: "number";
interface Boolean extends Flatfile.BooleanProperty {
type: "boolean";
interface Date_ extends Flatfile.DateProperty {
type: "date";
interface Enum extends Flatfile.EnumProperty {
type: "enum";
interface Reference extends Flatfile.ReferenceProperty {
type: "reference";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/BaseProperty' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface BaseProperty {
key: string;
/** User friendly field name */
label?: string;
description?: string;
constraints?: Flatfile.Constraint[];
readonly?: boolean;
/** Useful for any contextual metadata regarding the schema. Store any valid json here. */
metadata?: unknown;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/ArrayableProperty' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface ArrayableProperty {
/** Will allow multiple values and store as an array */
isArray?: boolean;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/StringProperty' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Defines a property that should be stored and read as a basic string. Database engines should expect any length of text to be provided here unless explicitly defined in the config.
export interface StringProperty extends Flatfile.BaseProperty {
config?: Flatfile.StringConfig;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/NumberProperty' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Defines a property that should be stored and read as either an integer or floating point number. Database engines should look at the configuration to determine ideal storage format.
export interface NumberProperty extends Flatfile.BaseProperty, Flatfile.ArrayableProperty {
config?: Flatfile.NumberConfig;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/NumberConfig' {
* @example
* {
* decimalPlaces: 2
* }
export interface NumberConfig {
/** Number of decimal places to round data to */
decimalPlaces: number;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/BooleanProperty' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A `true` or `false` value type. Matching engines should attempt to resolve all common ways of representing this value and it should usually be displayed as a checkbox.
export interface BooleanProperty extends Flatfile.BaseProperty {
config?: Flatfile.BooleanPropertyConfig;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/BooleanPropertyConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface BooleanPropertyConfig {
/** Allow a neither true or false state to be stored as `null` */
allowIndeterminate: boolean;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/DateProperty' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Store a field as a GMT date. Data hooks must convert this value into a `YYYY-MM-DD` format in order for it to be considered a valid value. Datetime should be a separate and future supported value as it must consider timezone.
export interface DateProperty extends Flatfile.BaseProperty {
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/EnumProperty' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Defines an enumerated list of options for the user to select from. Matching tooling attempts to resolve incoming data assigment to a valid option. The maximum number of options for this list is `100`. For larger lists, users should use the reference or future `lookup` types.
export interface EnumProperty extends Flatfile.BaseProperty, Flatfile.ArrayableProperty {
/** Will allow multiple values and store / provide the values in an array if set. Not all field types support arrays. */
multi?: boolean;
config: Flatfile.EnumPropertyConfig;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/EnumPropertyConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface EnumPropertyConfig {
/** Permit the user to create new options for this specific field. */
allowCustom?: boolean;
options: Flatfile.EnumPropertyOption[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/EnumPropertyOption' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface EnumPropertyOption {
/** A visual label for this option, defaults to value if not provided */
label?: string;
/** An optional color to assign this option */
color?: string;
/** A reference pointer to a previously registered icon */
icon?: string;
/** An arbitrary JSON object to be associated with this option and made available to hooks */
meta?: Record<string, unknown>;
/** The value or ID of this option. This value will be sent in egress. The type is a string | integer | boolean. */
value?: unknown;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/ReferenceProperty' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Defines a reference to another sheet. Links should be established automatically by the matching engine or similar upon an evaluation of unique or similar columns between datasets.
export interface ReferenceProperty extends Flatfile.BaseProperty, Flatfile.ArrayableProperty {
config: Flatfile.ReferencePropertyConfig;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/ReferencePropertyConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ReferencePropertyConfig {
/** Full path reference to a sheet configuration. Must be in the same workbook. */
ref: string;
/** Key of the property to use as the reference key. Defaults to `id` */
key: string;
/** The type of relationship this defines */
relationship: Flatfile.ReferencePropertyRelationship;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/ReferencePropertyRelationship' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type ReferencePropertyRelationship = "has-one" | "has-many";
export const ReferencePropertyRelationship: {
readonly HasOne: "has-one";
readonly HasMany: "has-many";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/Constraint' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export type Constraint = Flatfile.Constraint.Required | Flatfile.Constraint.Unique | Flatfile.Constraint.Computed;
export namespace Constraint {
interface Required {
type: "required";
interface Unique extends Flatfile.UniqueConstraint {
type: "unique";
interface Computed {
type: "computed";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/UniqueConstraint' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface UniqueConstraint {
config?: Flatfile.UniqueConstraintConfig;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/UniqueConstraintConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface UniqueConstraintConfig {
/** Ignore casing when determining uniqueness */
caseSensitive?: boolean;
/** Do not flag empty values as duplicate */
ignoreEmpty?: boolean;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/StringConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface StringConfig {
size: Flatfile.StringConfigOptions;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/property/types/StringConfigOptions' {
* How much text should be storeable in this field
export type StringConfigOptions =
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface RecordsResponse {
data: Flatfile.RecordsResponseData;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordsResponseData' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A list of records with optional record counts
export interface RecordsResponseData extends Flatfile.Success {
records?: Flatfile.RecordsWithLinks;
counts?: Flatfile.RecordCounts;
versionId?: Flatfile.VersionId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordCounts' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface RecordCounts {
total: number;
valid: number;
error: number;
errorsByField?: Record<string, number>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordsWithLinks' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* List of Record objects, including links to related rows
export type RecordsWithLinks = Flatfile.RecordWithLinks[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordWithLinks' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A single row of data in a Sheet, including links to related rows
export interface RecordWithLinks {
id: Flatfile.RecordId;
values: Flatfile.RecordDataWithLinks;
valid?: boolean;
messages?: Flatfile.ValidationMessage[];
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordDataWithLinks' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A single row of data in a Sheet, including links to related rows
export type RecordDataWithLinks = Record<string, Flatfile.CellValueWithLinks>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/CellValueWithLinks' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface CellValueWithLinks extends Flatfile.CellValue {
links?: Flatfile.Records;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/Records' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* List of Record objects
export type Records = Flatfile.Record_[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/Record_' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A single row of data in a Sheet
export interface Record_ {
id: Flatfile.RecordId;
values: Flatfile.RecordData;
valid?: boolean;
messages?: Flatfile.ValidationMessage[];
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/RecordData' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A single row of data in a Sheet
export type RecordData = Record<string, Flatfile.CellValue>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/CellValue' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface CellValue {
valid?: boolean;
messages?: Flatfile.ValidationMessage[];
value?: Flatfile.CellValueUnion;
updatedAt?: Date;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/CellValueUnion' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type CellValueUnion = string | number | boolean;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/ValidationMessage' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Record data validation messages
export interface ValidationMessage {
type?: Flatfile.ValidationType;
source?: Flatfile.ValidationSource;
message?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/ValidationType' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type ValidationType = "error" | "warn" | "info";
export const ValidationType: {
readonly Error: "error";
readonly Warn: "warn";
readonly Info: "info";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/types/ValidationSource' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type ValidationSource = "required-constraint" | "unique-constraint" | "custom-logic" | "unlinked" | "invalid-option";
export const ValidationSource: {
readonly RequiredConstraint: "required-constraint";
readonly UniqueConstraint: "unique-constraint";
readonly CustomLogic: "custom-logic";
readonly Unlinked: "unlinked";
readonly InvalidOption: "invalid-option";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/ListSheetsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListSheetsResponse {
data: Flatfile.Sheet[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/SheetResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface SheetResponse {
data: Flatfile.Sheet;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/Sheet' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A place to store tabular data
export interface Sheet {
id: Flatfile.SheetId;
workbookId: Flatfile.WorkbookId;
name: string;
config?: Flatfile.SheetConfig;
countRecords?: Flatfile.RecordCounts;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/SheetConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Describes shape of data as well as behavior
export interface SheetConfig {
name: string;
description?: string;
slug?: string;
readonly?: boolean;
access?: Flatfile.SheetAccess[];
fields: Flatfile.Property[];
actions?: Flatfile.Action[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/RecordCountsResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface RecordCountsResponse {
data: Flatfile.RecordCountsResponseData;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/RecordCountsResponseData' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface RecordCountsResponseData extends Flatfile.Success {
counts?: Flatfile.RecordCounts;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/types/SheetAccess' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type SheetAccess = "*" | "add" | "edit" | "delete" | "import";
export const SheetAccess: {
readonly All: "*";
readonly Add: "add";
readonly Edit: "edit";
readonly Delete: "delete";
readonly Import: "import";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/ListUsersResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListUsersResponse {
data: Flatfile.User[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/UserResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface UserResponse {
data: Flatfile.User;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/User' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Configurations for the user
export interface User extends Flatfile.UserConfig {
id: Flatfile.UserId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/UserConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Properties used to create a new user
export interface UserConfig {
email: string;
name: string;
accountId: Flatfile.AccountId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/ListApiTokensResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* List of api tokens without secrets
export interface ListApiTokensResponse {
pagination?: Flatfile.Pagination;
data: Flatfile.ApiToken[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/ApiToken' {
* Client id and secret used for authenticating against our APIs
export interface ApiToken {
clientId: string;
description: string;
metadata: Record<string, unknown>;
createdAt: Date;
secret?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/ExchangeTokenResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ExchangeTokenResponse {
data: Flatfile.ExchangeTokenData;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/types/ExchangeTokenData' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface ExchangeTokenData {
/** Whether the provided token was valid */
valid: boolean;
/** The refreshed token, if the provided token was valid */
token?: string;
/** The email address the recovery email was sent to, if the provided token was not valid */
sentTo?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/types/VersionResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface VersionResponse {
versionId: Flatfile.VersionId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/client' {
export * from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/client/requests";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types/ListWorkbooksResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListWorkbooksResponse {
data: Flatfile.Workbook[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types/WorkbookResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface WorkbookResponse {
data: Flatfile.Workbook;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types/Workbook' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A collection of one or more sheets
export interface Workbook {
id: Flatfile.WorkbookId;
name?: string;
spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId;
environmentId?: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
sheets?: Flatfile.Sheet[];
labels?: string[];
actions?: Flatfile.Action[];
/** Date the workbook was last updated */
updatedAt: Date;
/** Date the workbook was created */
createdAt: Date;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types/CreateWorkbookConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Properties used to create a new Workbook
export interface CreateWorkbookConfig {
name: string;
labels?: string[];
spaceId?: Flatfile.SpaceId;
environmentId?: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
/** Sheets must be <= 50 */
sheets?: Flatfile.SheetConfig[];
actions?: Flatfile.Action[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/types/UpdateWorkbookConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Properties used to create a new Workbook
export interface UpdateWorkbookConfig {
name?: string;
labels?: string[];
spaceId?: Flatfile.SpaceId;
environmentId?: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
/** Sheets must be <= 50 */
sheets?: Flatfile.SheetConfig[];
actions?: Flatfile.Action[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/errors/BadRequestError' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as errors from "@flatfile/api/errors";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export class BadRequestError extends errors.FlatfileError {
constructor(body: Flatfile.Error_[]);
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/commons/errors/NotFoundError' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as errors from "@flatfile/api/errors";
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export class NotFoundError extends errors.FlatfileError {
constructor(body: Flatfile.Error_[]);
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/ListAgentsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListAgentsRequest {
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/CreateAgentsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface CreateAgentsRequest {
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
body: Flatfile.AgentConfig;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/GetAgentRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GetAgentRequest {
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/GetAgentLogsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GetAgentLogsRequest {
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/GetEnvironmentAgentLogsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GetEnvironmentAgentLogsRequest {
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
* Number of logs to return in a page (default 20)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of records to return
pageNumber?: number;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/agents/client/requests/DeleteAgentRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface DeleteAgentRequest {
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
body: Flatfile.AgentConfig;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/auth/client/requests/GetApiKeysRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GetApiKeysRequest {
* ID of environment to search
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/cells/client/requests/GetFieldValuesRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GetFieldValuesRequest {
* Returns results from the given field only. Otherwise all field cells are returned
fieldKey: string;
sortField?: Flatfile.SortField;
sortDirection?: Flatfile.SortDirection;
* Options to filter records
filter?: Flatfile.Filter;
* Name of field by which to filter records
filterField?: string;
* Number of records to return in a page (default 1000 if pageNumber included)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of records to return
pageNumber?: number;
* When true, excludes duplicate values
distinct?: boolean;
* When both distinct and includeCounts are true, the count of distinct field values will be returned
includeCounts?: boolean;
* A value to find for a given field in a sheet. Wrap the value in "" for exact match
searchValue?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/environments/client/requests/ListEnvironmentsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface ListEnvironmentsRequest {
* Number of environments to return in a page (default 10)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of environments to return
pageNumber?: number;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client/requests/ListEventsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListEventsRequest {
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
spaceId?: string;
* Filter by event domain
domain?: string;
* Filter by event topic
topic?: string;
* Filter by event timestamp
since?: string;
* Number of tokens to return in a page (default 10)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of records to return
pageNumber?: number;
* Include acknowledged events
includeAcknowledged?: boolean;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/events/client/requests/GetEventTokenRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GetEventTokenRequest {
* The space id
spaceId?: Flatfile.SpaceId;
* The scope of the event stream (space or environment id)
scope?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/requests/ListFilesRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListFilesRequest {
spaceId?: string;
* Number of jobs to return in a page (default 20)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of jobs to return
pageNumber?: number;
* The storage mode of file to fetch, defaults to "import"
mode?: Flatfile.Mode;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/requests/CreateFileRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface CreateFileRequest {
spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId;
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
/** The storage mode of file to insert, defaults to "import" */
mode?: Flatfile.Mode;
/** A binary payload containing the file contents */
file: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/files/client/requests/UpdateFileRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface UpdateFileRequest {
workbookId?: Flatfile.WorkbookId;
/** The name of the file */
name?: string;
/** The storage mode of file to update */
mode?: Flatfile.Mode;
/** Status of the file */
status?: Flatfile.ModelFileStatusEnum;
/** The actions attached to the file */
actions?: Flatfile.Action[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/guests/client/requests/ListGuestsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListGuestsRequest {
* ID of space to return
spaceId: Flatfile.SpaceId;
* Email of guest to return
email?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/jobs/client/requests/ListJobsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListJobsRequest {
environmentId?: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
spaceId?: Flatfile.SpaceId;
workbookId?: Flatfile.WorkbookId;
fileId?: Flatfile.FileId;
* Number of jobs to return in a page (default 20)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of jobs to return
pageNumber?: number;
sortDirection?: Flatfile.SortDirection;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests/GetRecordsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GetRecordsRequest {
versionId?: string;
untilVersionId?: Flatfile.VersionId;
sinceVersionId?: Flatfile.VersionId;
sortField?: Flatfile.SortField;
sortDirection?: Flatfile.SortDirection;
filter?: Flatfile.Filter;
* Name of field by which to filter records
filterField?: Flatfile.FilterField;
searchValue?: Flatfile.SearchValue;
searchField?: Flatfile.SearchField;
* A list of record ids to fetch. If filter "all" is also specified, then this is a list of record ids to exclude from the results.
ids?: Flatfile.RecordId | Flatfile.RecordId[];
* Number of records to return in a page (default 1000 if pageNumber included)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of records to return
pageNumber?: number;
* Include counts for the total records, valid records and records with errors
includeCounts?: boolean;
* If true, linked records will be included in the results. Defaults to false.
includeLinks?: boolean;
* Include error messages, defaults to false.
includeLMessages?: boolean;
* if "for" is provided, the query parameters will be pulled from the event payload
for?: Flatfile.EventId;
* An FFQL query used to filter the result set
q?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests/DeleteRecordsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface DeleteRecordsRequest {
* A list of record ids
ids?: Flatfile.RecordId | Flatfile.RecordId[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests/FindRecordsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface FindRecordsRequest {
* The unique key used to identify a field in a sheet
fieldKey: string;
* The value to search for
searchValue: string;
* Number of records to return in a page (default 1000 if pageNumber included)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of records to return
pageNumber?: number;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests/FindAndReplaceRecordRequestDeprecated' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface FindAndReplaceRecordRequestDeprecated {
* A unique key used to identify a field in a sheet
fieldKey: string;
* A value to find for a given field in a sheet. Wrap the value in "" for exact match
searchValue: string;
filter?: Flatfile.Filter;
* Number of records to return in a page (default 1000 if pageNumber included)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of records to return
pageNumber?: number;
/** The value to replace found values with */
replace?: unknown;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/records/client/requests/FindAndReplaceRecordRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface FindAndReplaceRecordRequest {
filter?: Flatfile.Filter;
* Name of field by which to filter records
filterField?: Flatfile.FilterField;
searchValue?: Flatfile.SearchValue;
searchField?: Flatfile.SearchField;
* A list of record ids to search within. If filter "all" is also specified, then this is a list of record ids to exclude from the search.
ids?: Flatfile.RecordId | Flatfile.RecordId[];
/** A value to find for a given field in a sheet. Wrap the value in "" for exact match */
find?: Flatfile.CellValueUnion;
/** The value to replace found values with */
replace?: Flatfile.CellValueUnion;
/** The value to replace found values with */
fieldKey: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/requests/ListSheetsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListSheetsRequest {
* ID of workbook
workbookId: Flatfile.WorkbookId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/requests/GetRecordsCsvRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GetRecordsCsvRequest {
versionId?: string;
sinceVersionId?: Flatfile.VersionId;
sortField?: Flatfile.SortField;
* Sort direction - asc (ascending) or desc (descending)
sortDirection?: Flatfile.SortDirection;
* Options to filter records
filter?: Flatfile.Filter;
filterField?: Flatfile.FilterField;
searchValue?: Flatfile.SearchValue;
searchField?: Flatfile.SearchField;
* A list of record ids to download. If filter "all" is also specified, then this is a list of record ids to exclude from the download.
ids?: Flatfile.RecordId | Flatfile.RecordId[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/sheets/client/requests/GetRecordCountsRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface GetRecordCountsRequest {
versionId?: string;
sinceVersionId?: Flatfile.VersionId;
* Options to filter records
filter?: Flatfile.Filter;
filterField?: Flatfile.FilterField;
searchValue?: Flatfile.SearchValue;
searchField?: Flatfile.SearchField;
* If true, the error counts for each field will also be returned
byField?: boolean;
* An FFQL query used to filter the result set to be counted
q?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests/ListUsersRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface ListUsersRequest {
* Email of guest to return
email?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests/ListApiTokensRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface ListApiTokensRequest {
tenantId: string;
* Number of tokens to return in a page (default 10)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of records to return
pageNumber?: number;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests/CreateApiTokenRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface CreateApiTokenRequest {
tenantId: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/users/client/requests/ExchangeTokenRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export interface ExchangeTokenRequest {
/** The token to use for the request */
token?: string;
/** The invited guest's email, required if no token */
email?: string;
/** The spaceId, required if no token */
spaceId?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/versions/client/requests/VersionsPostRequestBody' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface VersionsPostRequestBody {
sheetId?: Flatfile.SheetId;
parentVersionId?: Flatfile.VersionId;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/workbooks/client/requests/ListWorkbooksRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListWorkbooksRequest {
spaceId?: Flatfile.SpaceId;
* Include counts for the workbook
includeCounts?: boolean;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/date' {
export { date } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/date/date";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/enum' {
export { enum_ } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/enum/enum";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/lazy' {
export { lazy } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/lazy/lazy";
export type { SchemaGetter } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/lazy/lazy";
export { lazyObject } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/lazy/lazyObject";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/list' {
export { list } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/list/list";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/literals' {
export { stringLiteral } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/literals/stringLiteral";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object' {
export { getObjectUtils, object } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object/object";
export { isProperty, property } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object/property";
export type { Property } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object/property";
export type { BaseObjectSchema, inferObjectSchemaFromPropertySchemas, inferParsedObject, inferParsedObjectFromPropertySchemas, inferParsedPropertySchema, inferRawKey, inferRawObject, inferRawObjectFromPropertySchemas, inferRawPropertySchema, ObjectSchema, ObjectUtils, PropertySchemas, } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object/types";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object-like' {
export { getObjectLikeUtils, withParsedProperties } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object-like/getObjectLikeUtils";
export type { ObjectLikeSchema, ObjectLikeUtils } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object-like/types";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives' {
export { any } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives/any";
export { boolean } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives/boolean";
export { number } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives/number";
export { string } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives/string";
export { unknown } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives/unknown";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/record' {
export { record } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/record/record";
export type { BaseRecordSchema, RecordSchema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/record/types";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils' {
export { getSchemaUtils, optional, transform } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils/getSchemaUtils";
export type { SchemaUtils } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils/getSchemaUtils";
export { JsonError } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils/JsonError";
export { ParseError } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils/ParseError";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/set' {
export { set } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/set/set";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/undiscriminated-union' {
export type { inferParsedUnidiscriminatedUnionSchema, inferRawUnidiscriminatedUnionSchema, UndiscriminatedUnionSchema, } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/undiscriminated-union/types";
export { undiscriminatedUnion } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/undiscriminated-union/undiscriminatedUnion";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union' {
export { discriminant } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union/discriminant";
export type { Discriminant } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union/discriminant";
export type { inferParsedDiscriminant, inferParsedUnion, inferRawDiscriminant, inferRawUnion, UnionSubtypes, } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union/types";
export { union } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union/union";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/utils/MaybePromise' {
export type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/ListSpacesResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListSpacesResponse {
pagination?: Flatfile.Pagination;
data: Flatfile.spaces.Space[];
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/SpaceResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface SpaceResponse {
data: Flatfile.spaces.Space;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/Space' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* A place to store your workbooks
export interface Space extends Flatfile.spaces.SpaceConfig {
id: Flatfile.SpaceId;
/** Amount of workbooks in the space */
workbookCount?: number;
/** Amount of files in the space */
filesCount?: number;
createdByUserId?: Flatfile.UserId;
/** User name who created space */
createdByUserName?: string;
/** Date when space was created */
createdAt: Date;
/** Date when space was updated */
updatedAt: Date;
/** Date when space was archived */
archivedAt?: Date;
/** Guest link to the space */
guestLink?: string;
accessToken?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/SpaceConfig' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Properties used to create a new Space
export interface SpaceConfig {
spaceConfigId?: Flatfile.SpaceConfigId;
environmentId: Flatfile.EnvironmentId;
primaryWorkbookId?: Flatfile.WorkbookId;
/** The name of the space */
name?: string;
/** The display order */
displayOrder?: number;
/** Metadata for the space */
metadata?: unknown;
actions?: Flatfile.Action[];
guestAuthentication?: Flatfile.GuestAuthenticationEnum[];
access?: Flatfile.spaces.SpaceAccess[];
autoConfigure?: boolean;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/EventTokenResponse' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface EventTokenResponse {
data: Flatfile.spaces.EventToken;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/EventToken' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
* Properties used to allow users to connect to the event bus
export interface EventToken {
accountId?: Flatfile.AccountId;
/** The id of the event bus to subscribe to */
subscribeKey?: string;
/** Time to live in minutes */
ttl?: number;
token?: string;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/GetSpacesSortField' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type GetSpacesSortField = "name" | "workbooksCount" | "filesCount" | "environmentId" | "createdByUserName";
export const GetSpacesSortField: {
readonly Name: "name";
readonly WorkbooksCount: "workbooksCount";
readonly FilesCount: "filesCount";
readonly EnvironmentId: "environmentId";
readonly CreatedByUserName: "createdByUserName";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/types/SpaceAccess' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
export type SpaceAccess = "*" | "upload";
export const SpaceAccess: {
readonly All: "*";
readonly Upload: "upload";
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/client/requests' {
export { ListSpacesRequest } from "@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/client/requests/ListSpacesRequest";
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/date/date' {
import { Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export function date(): Schema<string, Date>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/enum/enum' {
import { Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export function enum_<U extends string, E extends U[]>(values: E): Schema<E[number], E[number]>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/lazy/lazy' {
import { BaseSchema, Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export type SchemaGetter<SchemaType extends Schema<any, any>> = () => SchemaType | Promise<SchemaType>;
export function lazy<Raw, Parsed>(getter: SchemaGetter<Schema<Raw, Parsed>>): Schema<Raw, Parsed>;
export function constructLazyBaseSchema<Raw, Parsed>(getter: SchemaGetter<Schema<Raw, Parsed>>): BaseSchema<Raw, Parsed>;
export function getMemoizedSchema<SchemaType extends Schema<any, any>>(getter: SchemaGetter<SchemaType>): Promise<SchemaType>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/lazy/lazyObject' {
import { ObjectSchema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object/types";
import { SchemaGetter } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/lazy/lazy";
export function lazyObject<Raw, Parsed>(getter: SchemaGetter<ObjectSchema<Raw, Parsed>>): ObjectSchema<Raw, Parsed>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/list/list' {
import { Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export function list<Raw, Parsed>(schema: Schema<Raw, Parsed>): Schema<Raw[], Parsed[]>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/literals/stringLiteral' {
import { Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export function stringLiteral<V extends string>(literal: V): Schema<V, V>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object/object' {
import { BaseObjectSchema, inferObjectSchemaFromPropertySchemas, ObjectUtils, PropertySchemas } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object/types";
export function object<ParsedKeys extends string, T extends PropertySchemas<ParsedKeys>>(schemas: T): inferObjectSchemaFromPropertySchemas<T>;
export function getObjectUtils<Raw, Parsed>(schema: BaseObjectSchema<Raw, Parsed>): ObjectUtils<Raw, Parsed>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object/property' {
import { Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export function property<RawKey extends string, RawValue, ParsedValue>(rawKey: RawKey, valueSchema: Schema<RawValue, ParsedValue>): Property<RawKey, RawValue, ParsedValue>;
export interface Property<RawKey extends string, RawValue, ParsedValue> {
rawKey: RawKey;
valueSchema: Schema<RawValue, ParsedValue>;
isProperty: true;
export function isProperty<O extends Property<any, any, any>>(maybeProperty: unknown): maybeProperty is O;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object/types' {
import { BaseSchema, inferParsed, inferRaw, Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
import { addQuestionMarksToNullableProperties } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/utils/addQuestionMarksToNullableProperties";
import { ObjectLikeUtils } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object-like";
import { SchemaUtils } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils";
import { Property } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object/property";
export type ObjectSchema<Raw, Parsed> = BaseObjectSchema<Raw, Parsed> & ObjectLikeUtils<Raw, Parsed> & ObjectUtils<Raw, Parsed> & SchemaUtils<Raw, Parsed>;
export interface BaseObjectSchema<Raw, Parsed> extends BaseSchema<Raw, Parsed> {
_getRawProperties: () => Promise<(keyof Raw)[]>;
_getParsedProperties: () => Promise<(keyof Parsed)[]>;
export interface ObjectUtils<Raw, Parsed> {
extend: <RawExtension, ParsedExtension>(schemas: ObjectSchema<RawExtension, ParsedExtension>) => ObjectSchema<Raw & RawExtension, Parsed & ParsedExtension>;
export type inferRawObject<O extends ObjectSchema<any, any>> = O extends ObjectSchema<infer Raw, any> ? Raw : never;
export type inferParsedObject<O extends ObjectSchema<any, any>> = O extends ObjectSchema<any, infer Parsed> ? Parsed : never;
export type inferObjectSchemaFromPropertySchemas<T extends PropertySchemas<keyof T>> = ObjectSchema<inferRawObjectFromPropertySchemas<T>, inferParsedObjectFromPropertySchemas<T>>;
export type inferRawObjectFromPropertySchemas<T extends PropertySchemas<keyof T>> = addQuestionMarksToNullableProperties<{
[ParsedKey in keyof T as inferRawKey<ParsedKey, T[ParsedKey]>]: inferRawPropertySchema<T[ParsedKey]>;
export type inferParsedObjectFromPropertySchemas<T extends PropertySchemas<keyof T>> = addQuestionMarksToNullableProperties<{
[K in keyof T]: inferParsedPropertySchema<T[K]>;
export type PropertySchemas<ParsedKeys extends string | number | symbol> = Record<ParsedKeys, Property<any, any, any> | Schema<any, any>>;
export type inferRawPropertySchema<P extends Property<any, any, any> | Schema<any, any>> = P extends Property<any, infer Raw, any> ? Raw : P extends Schema<any, any> ? inferRaw<P> : never;
export type inferParsedPropertySchema<P extends Property<any, any, any> | Schema<any, any>> = P extends Property<any, any, infer Parsed> ? Parsed : P extends Schema<any, any> ? inferParsed<P> : never;
export type inferRawKey<ParsedKey extends string | number | symbol, P extends Property<any, any, any> | Schema<any, any>> = P extends Property<infer Raw, any, any> ? Raw : ParsedKey;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object-like/getObjectLikeUtils' {
import { BaseSchema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
import { ObjectLikeSchema, ObjectLikeUtils } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object-like/types";
export function getObjectLikeUtils<Raw, Parsed>(schema: BaseSchema<Raw, Parsed>): ObjectLikeUtils<Raw, Parsed>;
* object-like utils are defined in one file to resolve issues with circular imports
export function withParsedProperties<RawObjectShape, ParsedObjectShape, Properties>(objectLike: BaseSchema<RawObjectShape, ParsedObjectShape>, properties: {
[K in keyof Properties]: Properties[K] | ((parsed: ParsedObjectShape) => Properties[K]);
}): ObjectLikeSchema<RawObjectShape, ParsedObjectShape & Properties>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object-like/types' {
import { BaseSchema, Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export type ObjectLikeSchema<Raw, Parsed> = Schema<Raw, Parsed> & BaseSchema<Raw, Parsed> & ObjectLikeUtils<Raw, Parsed>;
export interface ObjectLikeUtils<Raw, Parsed> {
withParsedProperties: <T extends Record<string, any>>(properties: {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] | ((parsed: Parsed) => T[K]);
}) => ObjectLikeSchema<Raw, Parsed & T>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives/any' {
export const any: () => import("../../Schema").Schema<any, any>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives/boolean' {
export const boolean: () => import("../../Schema").Schema<boolean, boolean>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives/number' {
export const number: () => import("../../Schema").Schema<number, number>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives/string' {
export const string: () => import("../../Schema").Schema<string, string>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/primitives/unknown' {
export const unknown: () => import("../../Schema").Schema<unknown, unknown>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/record/record' {
import { Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
import { RecordSchema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/record/types";
export function record<RawKey extends string | number, RawValue, ParsedValue, ParsedKey extends string | number>(keySchema: Schema<RawKey, ParsedKey>, valueSchema: Schema<RawValue, ParsedValue>): RecordSchema<RawKey, RawValue, ParsedKey, ParsedValue>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/record/types' {
import { BaseSchema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
import { SchemaUtils } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils";
export type RecordSchema<RawKey extends string | number, RawValue, ParsedKey extends string | number, ParsedValue> = BaseRecordSchema<RawKey, RawValue, ParsedKey, ParsedValue> & SchemaUtils<Record<RawKey, RawValue>, Record<ParsedKey, ParsedValue>>;
export type BaseRecordSchema<RawKey extends string | number, RawValue, ParsedKey extends string | number, ParsedValue> = BaseSchema<Record<RawKey, RawValue>, Record<ParsedKey, ParsedValue>>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils/getSchemaUtils' {
import { BaseSchema, Schema, SchemaOptions } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export interface SchemaUtils<Raw, Parsed> {
optional: () => Schema<Raw | null | undefined, Parsed | undefined>;
transform: <Transformed>(transformer: SchemaTransformer<Parsed, Transformed>) => Schema<Raw, Transformed>;
parseOrThrow: (raw: unknown, opts?: SchemaOptions) => Promise<Parsed>;
jsonOrThrow: (raw: unknown, opts?: SchemaOptions) => Promise<Raw>;
export interface SchemaTransformer<Parsed, Transformed> {
transform: (parsed: Parsed) => Transformed;
untransform: (transformed: any) => Parsed;
export function getSchemaUtils<Raw, Parsed>(schema: BaseSchema<Raw, Parsed>): SchemaUtils<Raw, Parsed>;
* schema utils are defined in one file to resolve issues with circular imports
export function optional<Raw, Parsed>(schema: BaseSchema<Raw, Parsed>): Schema<Raw | null | undefined, Parsed | undefined>;
export function transform<Raw, Parsed, Transformed>(schema: BaseSchema<Raw, Parsed>, transformer: SchemaTransformer<Parsed, Transformed>): Schema<Raw, Transformed>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils/JsonError' {
import { ValidationError } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export class JsonError extends Error {
readonly errors: ValidationError[];
constructor(errors: ValidationError[]);
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/schema-utils/ParseError' {
import { ValidationError } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export class ParseError extends Error {
readonly errors: ValidationError[];
constructor(errors: ValidationError[]);
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/set/set' {
import { Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export function set<Raw, Parsed>(schema: Schema<Raw, Parsed>): Schema<Raw[], Set<Parsed>>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/undiscriminated-union/types' {
import { inferParsed, inferRaw, Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
export type UndiscriminatedUnionSchema<Schemas extends [...Schema[]]> = Schema<inferRawUnidiscriminatedUnionSchema<Schemas>, inferParsedUnidiscriminatedUnionSchema<Schemas>>;
export type inferRawUnidiscriminatedUnionSchema<Schemas extends [...Schema[]]> = inferRaw<Schemas[number]>;
export type inferParsedUnidiscriminatedUnionSchema<Schemas extends [...Schema[]]> = inferParsed<Schemas[number]>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/undiscriminated-union/undiscriminatedUnion' {
import { Schema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/Schema";
import { inferParsedUnidiscriminatedUnionSchema, inferRawUnidiscriminatedUnionSchema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/undiscriminated-union/types";
export function undiscriminatedUnion<Schemas extends [Schema<any, any>, ...Schema<any, any>[]]>(schemas: Schemas): Schema<inferRawUnidiscriminatedUnionSchema<Schemas>, inferParsedUnidiscriminatedUnionSchema<Schemas>>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union/discriminant' {
export function discriminant<RawDiscriminant extends string, ParsedDiscriminant extends string>(parsedDiscriminant: ParsedDiscriminant, rawDiscriminant: RawDiscriminant): Discriminant<RawDiscriminant, ParsedDiscriminant>;
export interface Discriminant<RawDiscriminant extends string, ParsedDiscriminant extends string> {
parsedDiscriminant: ParsedDiscriminant;
rawDiscriminant: RawDiscriminant;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union/types' {
import { inferParsedObject, inferRawObject, ObjectSchema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object";
import { Discriminant } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union/discriminant";
export type UnionSubtypes<DiscriminantValues extends string | number | symbol> = {
[K in DiscriminantValues]: ObjectSchema<any, any>;
export type inferRawUnion<D extends string | Discriminant<any, any>, U extends UnionSubtypes<keyof U>> = {
[K in keyof U]: Record<inferRawDiscriminant<D>, K> & inferRawObject<U[K]>;
}[keyof U];
export type inferParsedUnion<D extends string | Discriminant<any, any>, U extends UnionSubtypes<keyof U>> = {
[K in keyof U]: Record<inferParsedDiscriminant<D>, K> & inferParsedObject<U[K]>;
}[keyof U];
export type inferRawDiscriminant<D extends string | Discriminant<any, any>> = D extends string ? D : D extends Discriminant<infer Raw, any> ? Raw : never;
export type inferParsedDiscriminant<D extends string | Discriminant<any, any>> = D extends string ? D : D extends Discriminant<any, infer Parsed> ? Parsed : never;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union/union' {
import { ObjectLikeSchema } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/object-like";
import { Discriminant } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union/discriminant";
import { inferParsedUnion, inferRawUnion, UnionSubtypes } from "@flatfile/api/core/schemas/builders/union/types";
export function union<D extends string | Discriminant<any, any>, U extends UnionSubtypes<any>>(discriminant: D, union: U): ObjectLikeSchema<inferRawUnion<D, U>, inferParsedUnion<D, U>>;
declare module '@flatfile/api/api/resources/spaces/client/requests/ListSpacesRequest' {
* This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
import * as Flatfile from "@flatfile/api/api";
export interface ListSpacesRequest {
environmentId?: string;
* Number of spaces to return in a page (default 10)
pageSize?: number;
* Based on pageSize, which page of records to return
pageNumber?: number;
search?: string;
archived?: boolean;
sortField?: Flatfile.spaces.GetSpacesSortField;
sortDirection?: Flatfile.SortDirection;
declare module '@flatfile/api/core/schemas/utils/addQuestionMarksToNullableProperties' {
export type addQuestionMarksToNullableProperties<T> = {
[K in OptionalKeys<T>]?: T[K];
} & Pick<T, RequiredKeys<T>>;
export type OptionalKeys<T> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: undefined extends T[K] ? K : null extends T[K] ? K : 1 extends (any extends T[K] ? 0 : 1) ? never : K;
}[keyof T];
export type RequiredKeys<T> = Exclude<keyof T, OptionalKeys<T>>;
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