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Created March 4, 2022 17:43
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Cascade velocity macro for sitemap.xml
## // TODO:
## <loc></loc>
## // if not yet published
## // if last modified is greater than last published
## // create system tag to include in sitemap
## // create sitemap index |
## // sitemap index can auto find all sitemaps in the domain by query tool
## // if not include in navigation, should we exclude from the sitemap?
## // changefreq value from metadata (or content type/direct path match e.g. homepage, news site)
## // priority from metadata (or content type)
## // featured news articles
## #set($query = $query.searchAcrossAllSites() )
## <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="sitemap.xsl"?>
Create a base query that can be run against specific sites:
#set($query = $_.query() )
#set($query = $query.publishableOnly(true).indexableOnly(true) )
#set($query = $query.includePages(true).includeFolders(false).includeBlocks(false).includeSymlinks(false) )
Collect the pages we want in the sitemap from specific conditions per site:
<urlset xmlns="">
#sitemapUrlElementList( $query.siteName("").byMetadataSet("UM Landing Page").execute(), 1 )
#sitemapUrlElementList( $query.siteName("").byMetadataSet("Unit Page").execute(), 0.9 )
#sitemapUrlElementList( $query.siteName("").byMetadataSet("Interior Page").execute(), 0.6 )
#sitemapUrlElementList( $query.siteName("Admissions").byMetadataSet("Unit Page").execute(), 0.7 )
#sitemapUrlElementList( $query.siteName("Financial Aid").byMetadataSet("Unit Page").execute(), 0.7 )
#sitemapUrlElementList( $query.siteName("Griz Card Center").byMetadataSet("Unit Page").execute() )
#sitemapUrlElementList( $query.siteName("Orientation").byMetadataSet("Unit Page").execute() )
#sitemapUrlElementList( $query.siteName("Registrar").byMetadataSet("Unit Page").execute() )
MACRO: sitemapUrlElement()
DESCRIPTION: Print an entire <urlset> given a list of pages
$pages required iterable list of page API objects
$priority optional value between 0.1 and 1.0, relative priority to bots
$maxDepth optional number of URL segments beyond the site path to process
#macro( sitemapUrlElementList $pages, $priority, $maxDepth )
#if($_PropertyTool.isEmpty($maxDepth)) #set($maxDepth = 10) #end
#foreach ( $page in $pages )
#set( $depth = $page.path.split("/").size() )
#if ( $depth > $maxDepth )
#elseif ( $page.path.contains("/imx/") )
#elseif ( $page.path.contains("/_") )
#elseif ( $page.path.startsWith("_") )
#elseif ( $page.path.startsWith("my/") )
#sitemapSingleUrlElement($page, $priority)
Takes a single Page
print an individual <url>, for use in a <urlset>
#macro( sitemapSingleUrlElement $page, $priority )
#if($_PropertyTool.isEmpty($priority)) #set($priority = 0.5) #end
#if($priority < 0.1 || $priority > 1) #set($priority = 0.5) #end
<lastmod>$_DateTool.format('yyyy-MM-dd', $page.lastModified)</lastmod>
Takes a single page
Prints the canonical link to a Page as an absolute URL
#macro( absoluteCanonicalPageURL $page )$_EscapeTool.xml("${}/${page.path}.php").replace("//", "/").replace(":/", "://").replace(" ", "%20")#end
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