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Created September 14, 2012 03:17
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fmt datavisitor
extern mod std; // for tests
use reflect::*;
enum fmt_visitor = @{
out: io::WriterUtil,
// duplicated from syntax/ so as not to depend on it
enum mutability { m_mutbl, m_imm, m_const, }
impl fmt_visitor: DataVisitor {
fn visit_nil() {
fn visit_bool(val: bool) {
fn visit_int(val: int) {
self.out.write_str(int::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_i8(val: i8) {
self.out.write_str(i8::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_i16(val: i16) {
self.out.write_str(i16::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_i32(val: i32) {
self.out.write_str(i32::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_i64(val: i64) {
self.out.write_str(i64::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_uint(val: uint) {
self.out.write_str(uint::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_u8(val: u8) {
self.out.write_str(u8::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_u16(val: u16) {
self.out.write_str(u16::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_u32(val: u32) {
self.out.write_str(u32::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_u64(val: u64) {
self.out.write_str(u64::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_float(val: float) {
self.out.write_str(float::to_str(val, 10));
fn visit_f32(val: f32) {
fn visit_f64(val: f32) {
fn visit_char(val: char) {
// is this type used?
// fn visit_str(val: str)
fn visit_str_box(val: @str) {
fn visit_str_uniq(val: ~str) {
fn visit_str_slice(val: &str) {
fn visit_str_fixed(val: &str) {
} // can't actually pass fixed size
fn visit_box() {
} // indicates next visit is in a box
fn visit_uniq() {
//fn visit_ptr // not sure what these are
//fn visit_rptr
// is this type used?
// fn visit_vec(val: vec)
fn visit_vec_box_start(size: uint) {
fn visit_vec_box_elem() {
fn visit_vec_box_end() {
fn visit_vec_uniq_start(size: uint) {
fn visit_vec_uniq_elem() {
fn visit_vec_uniq_end() {
fn visit_vec_slice_start(size: uint) {
fn visit_vec_slice_elem() {
fn visit_vec_slice_end() {
fn visit_vec_fixed_start(size: uint) {
fn visit_vec_fixed_elem() {
fn visit_vec_fixed_end() {
fn visit_rec_start(fields: uint) {
fn visit_rec_field(name: &str) {
} // next visit is value
fn visit_rec_end() {
// what is a class now? are the visit_class_* all deprecated
fn visit_tup_start(size: uint) {
fn visit_tup_elem() {
fn visit_tup_end() {
fn visit_enum_start(size: uint, disr_val: int, name: &str) {
fn visit_enum_field() {
} // next is value
fn visit_enum_field_end() {
fn conv_poly<T>(v: T) -> ~str {
return do io::with_str_writer |writer| {
let mut fmv = fmt_visitor(@{out: writer as io::WriterUtil});
visit_data(fmv, v);
mod tests {
fn int_types() {
assert conv_poly(-20) == ~"-20";
assert conv_poly(-20i8) == ~"-20";
assert conv_poly(-20i16) == ~"-20";
assert conv_poly(-20i32) == ~"-20";
assert conv_poly(-20i64) == ~"-20";
assert conv_poly(20u) == ~"20";
assert conv_poly(20u8) == ~"20";
assert conv_poly(20u16) == ~"20";
assert conv_poly(20u32) == ~"20";
assert conv_poly(20u64) == ~"20";
fn float_types() {
// FIXME: do smart conversions of floating point
// assert(conv_poly(1.2) == ~"1.2");
// assert(conv_poly(1.2e8) == ~"1.2e+08");
fn str_types() {
assert conv_poly(~"hello") == ~"~\"hello\"";
assert conv_poly(@"hello") == ~"@\"hello\"";
assert conv_poly("hello") == ~"&\"hello\"";
assert conv_poly("hello"/5) == ~"\"hello\"";
fn char_types() {
assert conv_poly('A') == ~"'A'";
// #[test]
// fn rec_types() {
// let r = {a: 1, b: 2};
// let m = {mut a: 10};
// assert conv_poly(r) == ~"{a: 1, b: 2}";
// assert conv_poly(m) == ~"{mut a: 10}";
// }
// #[test]
// fn tuple_types() {
// let t = (10, ~"hello");
// assert conv_poly(t) == ~"(10, ~\"hello\")";
// }
// #[test]
// fn enum_variant_type() {
// enum a { b, c };
// assert conv_poly(b) == ~"b";
// enum d { e(int), f(~str) };
// assert conv_poly(e(10)) == ~"e(10)";
// enum g { h(int,int,int), i(int) };
// assert conv_poly(h(1,2,3)) == ~"h(1, 2, 3)";
// }
// #[test]
// fn vec_types() {
// let v = ~[1,2];
// let u = @[0,0];
// assert conv_poly(v) == ~"~[1, 2]";
// assert conv_poly(u) == ~"@[0, 0]";
// assert conv_poly(&[1,2,3]) == ~"&[1, 2, 3]";
// assert conv_poly([1,2,3]/3) == ~"[1, 2, 3]";
// }
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