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Created October 20, 2014 02:17
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RGB to XYZ gamut-remapping matrix calculation.
Main function is rgb_to_xyz_matrix.
class MatrixError(Exception):
class NonInvertableMatrix(MatrixError):
class Matrix(object):
def __init__(self, *matrix):
if len(matrix) != 3*3:
raise MatrixError(
"Incorrect number of values, expected 3*3, got %d" % len(matrix))
assert len(matrix) == 3*3
self.matrix = matrix
def __mul__(self, other):
"""Matrix'ify a vector3
r, g, b = other
m = self.matrix
nr = m[0] * r + m[1] * g + m[2] * b
ng = m[3] * r + m[4] * g + m[5] * b
nb = m[6] * r + m[7] * g + m[8] * b
return (nr, ng, nb)
def det(self):
"""Determinant of matrix
(a, b, c,
d, e, f,
g, h, i) = self.matrix
thedet = a*e*i + b*f*g + c*d*h - a*f*h - b*d*i - c*e*g
return thedet
def invert(self):
"""Return an new, inverted matrix
(a, b, c,
d, e, f,
g, h, k) = self.matrix
A = e*k - f*h
B = f*g - d*k
C = d*h - e*g
D = c*h - b*k
E = a*k - c*g
F = b*g - a*h
G = b*f - c*e
H = c*d - a*f
K = a*e - b*d
new_matrix = [A, D, G, B, E, H, C, F, K]
det = self.det()
if det == 0:
raise NonInvertableMatrix("Determinant was zero")
new_matrix = [(1.0/det) * x for x in new_matrix]
# Return new instance of self
return self.__class__(*new_matrix)
def __repr__(self):
mvals = []
for x in self.matrix:
if x < 0:
mvals.append("%.05f" % x)
# Value has no -sign, so pad one space
mvals.append(" %.05f" % x)
outstr = "Matrix([\n"
for x in range(3):
outstr += " " + ", ".join(mvals[x*3:x*3+3]) + ",\n"
outstr += "])"
return outstr
def assert_close(a, b, epsilon = 0.0001):
"""Test helper to verify float'ness, works on floats, or list/tuples of floats
if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(b, (list, tuple)):
for i in range(max(len(a), len(b))):
assert_close(a[i], b[i])
assert abs(a-b) < epsilon, "Difference between %r and %r > %r (difference is %r)" % (
a, b, epsilon, abs(a-b))
def test_matrix_invert_uninvertable():
"""Tests we cannot invert an uninvertable matrix
m1 = Matrix(
0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1)
assert m1.det() == 0
m2 = m1.invert()
except NonInvertableMatrix:
raise AssertionError("Expected NonInvertableMatrix exception, matrix should be non invertable, got: %s" % (repr(m2)))
def test_matrix_invert_identity():
"""Tests inverting an identity matrix gets an identity matrix
m1 = Matrix(
1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1)
assert m1.det() == 1
m2 = m1.invert()
print m1
print m2
assert m1.matrix == m2.matrix
def test_matrix_invert_almost_identity():
"""Tests inverting a simple matrix
m1 = Matrix(
2, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1)
m2 = m1.invert()
print m1
print m2
# First value should be 1/2
assert_close(0.5, m2.matrix[0])
# Rest of matrix should be same
for a, b in zip(m1.matrix[1:], m2.matrix[1:]):
assert_close(a, b)
def test_matrix_invert_more_complex():
"""Tests inverting a less trivial matrix
m1 = Matrix(
2, 1, 0,
0.1, 2.1, 1.1,
0.1, 0.2, 2.2)
print m1.det()
assert_close(m1.det(), 8.69)
m2 = m1.invert()
assert_close(m2.det(), 0.115075)
correct_matrix = (
0.506329, -0.253165, 0.126582,
-0.0126582, 0.506329, -0.253165,
-0.0218642, -0.0345224, 0.471807)
for i, (a_b) in enumerate(zip(m2.matrix, correct_matrix)):
a, b = a_b
assert_close(a, b)
def rgb_to_xyz_matrix(red_xy, green_xy, blue_xy, refwhite_xyz, debug=False):
"""Based of this page:
Also somewhat useful, but either I misunderstood something or it contains an error somewhere:
# Unpack primaries xy
red_x, red_y = red_xy
green_x, green_y = green_xy
blue_x, blue_y = blue_xy
# For each primary, get the "missing" z (where x+y+z = 1, so z = 1-x-y)
red_z = 1 - red_xy[0] - red_xy[1]
green_z = 1 - green_xy[0] - green_xy[1]rgb_to_xyz_matrix
blue_z = 1 - blue_xy[0] - blue_xy[1]
if debug:
print("Red primary xyz: (%.04f, %0.4f, %.04f)" % (red_x, red_y, red_z))
print("Green primary xyz: (%.04f, %0.4f, %.04f)" % (green_x, green_y, green_z))
print("Blue primary xyz: (%.04f, %0.4f, %.04f)" % (blue_x, blue_y, blue_z))
# Unpack refwhite XYZ
refwhite_x, refwhite_y, refwhite_z = refwhite_xyz
# Scale whitepoint xyz into XYZ, where Y equals 1.0
refwhite_X = refwhite_x / refwhite_y
refwhite_Y = refwhite_y / refwhite_y # redundant/same as Y=1
refwhite_Z = refwhite_z / refwhite_y
if debug:
print("Reference whitepoint XYZ: (%.04f, %0.4f, %.04f)" % (refwhite_X, refwhite_Y, refwhite_Z))
del refwhite_x, refwhite_y, refwhite_z # prevent stupid typos
# Make a 3x3 matrix where the first row contains the red xyz
# values etc
K = Matrix(
red_x, green_x, blue_x,
red_y, green_y, blue_y,
red_z, green_z, blue_z)
if debug:
print("K matrix: %r" % K)
# Get scaling factors for the rgb primaries. Done by inverting
# the "K" matrix, and using it to matrixify the whitepoint XYZ
scale_R, scale_G, scale_B = K.invert() * (refwhite_X, refwhite_Y, refwhite_Z)
if debug:
print("Scaling factors: %.04f, %.04f, %.04f" % (scale_R, scale_G, scale_B))
# Make matrix with scaled primaries
M = Matrix(
red_x * scale_R, green_x * scale_G, blue_x * scale_B,
red_y * scale_R, green_y * scale_G, blue_y * scale_B,
red_z * scale_R, green_z * scale_G, blue_z * scale_B)
# Done.
return M
def test_srgb_to_xyz_matrix():
"""Values from:
sRGB primaries, D65 whitepoint
Not quite the same as the ones in
..which are allegedly in the sRGB spec
# Get the matrix to go from linearised sRGB values to XYZ
m1 = rgb_to_xyz_matrix(
red_xy = (0.64, 0.33),
green_xy = (0.30, 0.60),
blue_xy = (0.15, 0.06),
refwhite_xyz = (0.3127, 0.3290, 0.3583))
expected_srgb_to_xyz = (
0.4124, 0.3576, 0.1805,
0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722,
0.0193, 0.1192, 0.9505)
for a, b in zip(m1.matrix, expected_srgb_to_xyz):
assert_close(a, b)
# Check the inverse matrix goes from XYZ to linearised sRGB
m2 = m1.invert()
expected_xyz_to_srgb = (
3.241, -1.5374, -0.4986,
-0.9692, 1.8760, 0.0416,
0.0557, -0.2040, 1.0570)
for a, b in zip(m2.matrix, expected_xyz_to_srgb):
assert_close(a, b)
def test_matrix_logicalness():
"""Given an sRGB to XYZ matrix, matrixing rgb(1, 1, 1) will give
the whitepoint, matrixing rgb(1, 0, 0) the red primary etc
refwhite = (0.3127, 0.3290, 0.3583)
red_xy = (0.64, 0.33)
green_xy = (0.30, 0.60)
blue_xy = (0.15, 0.06)
m1 = rgb_to_xyz_matrix(
red_xy = red_xy,
green_xy = green_xy,
blue_xy = blue_xy,
refwhite_xyz = refwhite)
def XYZ_to_xyz(XYZ):
# Scale XYZ so x+y+z = 1
return [XYZ[i] / sum(XYZ) for i in range(len(XYZ))]
outwhite = m1 * (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
outwhite = XYZ_to_xyz(outwhite)
assert_close(1.0, sum(outwhite)) # Check the xyz values total 1
assert_close(outwhite, refwhite) # and it matches the reference whitepoint
red = m1 * (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
red = XYZ_to_xyz(red)
assert_close(1.0, sum(red))
assert_close(red[:2], red_xy) # Ignore z (it is verified by checking that x+y+z=1 on previous line)
green = m1 * (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
green = XYZ_to_xyz(green)
assert_close(1.0, sum(green))
assert_close(green[:2], green_xy)
blue = m1 * (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
blue = XYZ_to_xyz(blue)
assert_close(1.0, sum(blue))
assert_close(blue[:2], blue_xy)
if __name__ == "__main__":
def diy_nosetest(testfunc):
import sys
import StringIO
orig_stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, StringIO.StringIO()
except Exception:
sys.stdout, captured = orig_stdout, sys.stdout
import traceback
print traceback.format_exc()
print "Captured stdout:"
print captured.getvalue()
sys.stdout, _captured = orig_stdout, sys.stdout
for x, func in locals().items():
if x.startswith("test_"):
print "\n\n# DCI P3"
# Numbers from DCI specification 1.2
dcip3_x = 0.3140
dcip3_y = 0.3510
# X = Y / y * Y
# Y = 48 cd/m**2 (14 fL)
# Z = Y / y * (1 - x - y)
dcip3_Y = 48 # cd/m**2
dcip3_X = (dcip3_Y / dcip3_y) * dcip3_x
dcip3_Z = dcip3_Y / dcip3_y * (1 - dcip3_x - dcip3_y)
dciP3_M = rgb_to_xyz_matrix(
red_xy = (0.680, 0.320),
green_xy = (0.265, 0.690),
blue_xy = (0.150, 0.060),
refwhite_xyz = (dcip3_X, dcip3_Y, dcip3_Z))
print "DCI P3 to XYZ matrix:", dciP3_M
print "XYZ to DCI P3 matrix:", dciP3_M.invert()
# Some known primaries/whitepoints:
# ..and the matricies:
print "\n\n# sRGB"
srgb_M = rgb_to_xyz_matrix(
red_xy = (0.64, 0.33),
green_xy = (0.30, 0.60),
blue_xy = (0.15, 0.06),
refwhite_xyz = (0.3127, 0.3290, 0.3583))
print "sRGB to XYZ matrix:", srgb_M
print "XYZ to sRGB matrix:", srgb_M.invert()
#white_XYZ = srgb_M * (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
#white_xyz = [white_XYZ[i] / sum(white_XYZ) for i in range(3)]
#print white_xyz
def XYZ_to_xy(X, Y, Z, with_z = False):
x = X / sum((X, Y, Z))
y = Y / sum((X, Y, Z))
z = Z / sum((X, Y, Z))
if with_z:
return (x, y, z)
return (x, y)
# From "ACES_1.0.1.pdf"
print "\n\n# ACES"
aces_M = rgb_to_xyz_matrix(
red_xy = (0.73470, 0.26530),
green_xy = (0.0, 1.0),
blue_xy = (0.00010, -0.07700),
refwhite_xyz = (XYZ_to_xy(0.95265, 1.00000, 1.00883, with_z=True)))
print "ACES to XYZ:", aces_M
print "XYZ to ACES:", aces_M
print "\n\n# Rec709"
# with whitepoint XYZ from D65 page,
rec709_M = rgb_to_xyz_matrix(
red_xy = (0.64, 0.33),
green_xy = (0.30, 0.60),
blue_xy = (0.15, 0.06),
refwhite_xyz = (XYZ_to_xy(X=95.047, Y=100.00, Z=108.883, with_z=True))) # Illuminant D65
print "Rec709 to XYZ", rec709_M
print "XYZ to Rec709", rec709_M.invert()
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