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Created March 7, 2016 08:23
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Demonstration of Nuke, "Bug 35703. Expressions force tree to validate unnecessarily, when changing unrelated parts of the tree."
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 8.0 v6
push $cut_paste_input
Keyer {
operation "luminance key"
range {0.09247749808 1 1 1}
name Keyer1
selected true
xpos -398
ypos -86
Group {
inputs 0
name ImagePlaneDegizmoed
help "This node lets yuo project a texture onto a card to fit the frustum of the connected camera at the reference frame.\n\nThis is useful to either matchmove or stabilise a plate based on a camera rather than 2D tracking data.\n\n"
knobChanged "\nn = nuke.thisNode()\nk = nuke.thisKnob()\n\nif == 'use_input':\n n\['knob'].setEnabled( not k.value() )\n"
note_font_size 22
selected true
xpos -185
ypos -83
addUserKnob {20 "" l User}
addUserKnob {32 knob l "import chan file" t "when importing a chan file instead of hooking up a camera node, make sure to set the corrcet aperture in the CameraKnobs tab before importing the file!" -STARTLINE +DISABLED T "import_chan_button this.CAM_ANIM\nknob this.use_input 0"}
addUserKnob {6 use_input l "use input" t "if checked the camera hooked up to the cam pipe is used\ninstead of the internal one.\nIf unchecked, make sure to set the correct aperture in the CameraKnobs tab before importing the chan file!" -STARTLINE}
use_input true
addUserKnob {4 output t "stabilize - use this to stabilize a plate using the respective match moved camera\nmatch - track an element into the shot based on the camera input" M {stabilize match}}
output match
addUserKnob {3 ref l refFrame t "if the output format is the same as the plate you want to match/stabilize,\nthis will be the frame that will not be modified."}
ref 1001
addUserKnob {7 distance t "the distance of the card to the camera.\nIf you have a nodal camera this isn't important\notherwise you need to adjust this to get the required parallax." R 1 10000}
distance 184
addUserKnob {26 "" l output}
addUserKnob {41 format T Card3D1.format}
addUserKnob {41 crop_1 l "black outside" +INVISIBLE T Card3D1.crop}
addUserKnob {6 crop -STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {41 full_format l "output format" +INVISIBLE T Card3D1.full_format}
addUserKnob {41 proxy_format l "proxy format" +INVISIBLE T Card3D1.proxy_format}
addUserKnob {41 filter T Card3D1.filter}
addUserKnob {20 "" l MotionBlur}
addUserKnob {41 motionblur T Card3D1.motionblur}
addUserKnob {41 shutter T Card3D1.shutter}
addUserKnob {41 shutteroffset l "shutter offset" T Card3D1.shutteroffset}
addUserKnob {41 shuttercustomoffset l "" -STARTLINE T Card3D1.shuttercustomoffset}
addUserKnob {20 "" l CameraKnobs}
addUserKnob {41 rot_order l "rotation order" T CAM_ANIM.rot_order}
addUserKnob {41 translate T CAM_ANIM.translate}
addUserKnob {41 rotate T CAM_ANIM.rotate}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {41 focal l "focal length" T CAM_ANIM.focal}
addUserKnob {41 haperture l "horiz aperture" T CAM_ANIM.haperture}
addUserKnob {41 vaperture l "vert aperture" T CAM_ANIM.vaperture}
addUserKnob {41 win_scale l "window scale" T CAM_ANIM.win_scale}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {41 label_1 l label T CAM_ANIM.label}
Input {
inputs 0
name CAM
xpos -16
ypos 113
number 1
Camera {
inputs 0
display off
selectable false
haperture 9.58
vaperture 5.39
near 0.001
far {{parent.distance*2}}
xpos -149
ypos 40
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.use_input}}
name Switch4
label "internal or connected camera"
xpos -16
ypos 54
set N57969a0 [stack 0]
Camera {
inputs 0
display off
selectable false
rot_order {{"\[topnode parent.input1].rot_order"}}
translate {{"\[topnode parent.input1].translate.x(parent.ref)"} {"\[topnode parent.input1].translate.y(parent.ref)"} {"\[topnode parent.input1].translate.z(parent.ref)"}}
rotate {{"\[topnode parent.input1].rotate.x(parent.ref)"} {"\[topnode parent.input1].rotate.y(parent.ref)"} {"\[topnode parent.input1].rotate.z(parent.ref)"}}
focal {{"\[topnode input1].focal.0"}}
haperture {{"\[topnode input1].haperture.0"}}
vaperture {{"\[topnode input1].vaperture.0"}}
near 0.0001
far {{parent.distance*2}}
win_scale {{"\[topnode input1].win_scale.0"} {"\[topnode input1].win_scale.1"}}
tile_color 0x5682e700
gl_color 0x4851e400
label "connected cam\n"
xpos 28
ypos -178
Camera {
inputs 0
display off
selectable false
rot_order {{CAM_ANIM.rot_order}}
translate {{CAM_ANIM.translate.x(parent.ref)} {CAM_ANIM.translate.y(parent.ref)} {CAM_ANIM.translate.z(parent.ref)}}
rotate {{CAM_ANIM.rotate.x(parent.ref)} {CAM_ANIM.rotate.y(parent.ref)} {CAM_ANIM.rotate.z(parent.ref)}}
focal {{CAM_ANIM.focal.0}}
haperture {{CAM_ANIM.haperture.0}}
vaperture {{CAM_ANIM.vaperture.0}}
near 0.0001
far {{parent.distance*2}}
tile_color 0x5682e700
gl_color 0x4851e400
label "internal cam"
xpos -150
ypos -80
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.use_input}}
name Switch5
label "internal or connected cam\n\[input this \[knob parent.use_input]]"
xpos 28
ypos -72
set N57c0560 [stack 0]
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{!parent.output}}
name Switch1
label "match or stabilize"
xpos 177
ypos -72
push $N57c0560
push $N57969a0
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{!parent.output}}
name Switch2
label "match or stabilize"
xpos 166
ypos 54
Input {
inputs 0
name IMG
xpos 409
ypos -97
Card3D {
inputs 3
scaling {{"\[input Switch5 \[value parent.use_input]].win_scale.0"} {"\[input Switch5 \[value parent.use_input]].win_scale.1"} 1}
uniform_scale {{parent.distance}}
pivot {0 0 1}
lens_in_focal {{"\[input Switch5 \[value parent.use_input]].focal"}}
lens_in_haperture {{"\[input Switch5 \[value parent.use_input]].haperture"}}
motionblur 30
name Card3D1
label internal
xpos 409
ypos 54
Crop {
box {0 0 {width} {height}}
intersect true
name Crop1
xpos 409
ypos 241
disable {{!parent.crop}}
Output {
name Output1
xpos 409
ypos 324
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