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Created April 26, 2011 13:48
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WIP OCIO integration for RV
use rvtypes;
use app_utils;
use commands;
use extra_commands;
use rvui;
require math;
require io;
require qt;
require system;
module: ocio_source_setup {
\: makelut(string; string src, string dest, string shaper)
string outfile = "/tmp/ocio_%s_via_%s_to_%s.csp" % (src, shaper, dest);
string extra = "";
if(shaper neq nil)
extra = "--shaperspace %s" % shaper;
string cmdstr = "ociobakelut --cubesize 3 --shapersize 10 --format cinespace --inputspace %s %s --outputspace %s %s" % (src, extra, dest, outfile);
print("Running command: %s\n" % cmdstr);
qt.QTime timer = qt.QTime();
int status = system.system(cmdstr);
if(status != 0)
print("Error while generating LUT's, exit code was %s after %sms\n" % (status, timer.restart()));
print("LUT generated in %sms\n" % timer.restart());
return outfile;
class: SourceSetupMode : MinorMode
\: sourceSetup (void; Event event, bool noColorChanges)
qt.QTime timer_overall = qt.QTime();
let args = event.contents().split(";;"),
source = args[0],
colorNode = associatedNode("RVColor", source),
fmtNode = associatedNode("RVFormat", source),
tformNode = associatedNode("RVTransform2D", source),
lookNode = associatedNode("RVLookLUT", source),
type = args[1],
file = args[2],
ext = io.path.extension(file);
print("Source is: %s\n" % source);
print("Type is %s\n" % type);
print("File is %s\n" % file);
qt.QTime timer = qt.QTime();
int cubesize = 32;
float[] zecube = float[]();
for(int b = 0; b < cubesize; b++)
for(int g = 0; g < cubesize; g++)
for(int r = 0; r < cubesize; r++)
zecube.push_back(r / (float(cubesize)-1));
zecube.push_back(g*1.2 / (float(cubesize)-1));
zecube.push_back(b / (float(cubesize)-1));
print("Making dummy LUT took %sms\n" % timer.restart());
setIntProperty("%s.lut.size" % lookNode, int[] {cubesize, cubesize, cubesize});
set("%s.lut.lut" % lookNode, zecube);
setStringProperty("%s.lut.type" % lookNode, string[] {"RGB"});
setIntProperty("" % lookNode, int[] {1});
print("Manually setting LUT's took %sms\n" % timer.restart());
/* Old slow file-based LUT method
// Generate the LUT's
string filelutfile = makelut("lg10", "lnf", nil);
string looklutfile = makelut("lnf", "srgb8", "lg10");
print("Generating both LUT's took %sms\n" % timer.restart());
// Read the LUT's
readLUT(filelutfile, colorNode);
readLUT(looklutfile, lookNode);
print("readLUT's took %sms\n" % timer.restart());
// Activate them
setIntProperty("" % lookNode, int[] {1});
setIntProperty("" % colorNode, int[] {1});
print("setIntProperty to active LUT %sms\n" % timer.restart());
// Force LUT's to be updated
print("updateLUT took %sms\n" % timer.restart());
// Disable RV's default linear-to-blah transforms
set("#RVDisplayColor.color.sRGB", 0);
set("#RVDisplayColor.color.Rec709", 0);
print("Overall took %sms\n" % timer_overall.restart());
method: SourceSetupMode (SourceSetupMode;)
init("Source Setup",
[("new-source", sourceSetup(,false), "Color and Geometry Management")],
\: createMode (Mode;)
return SourceSetupMode();
} // end ocio_source_setup module
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