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Created April 17, 2011 21:12
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Example of Editable CPTableView
@implementation ManageWatchListsController : CPObject
@outlet CPTableView watchListTableView;
@outlet CPButtonBar buttonBar;
CPArray watchLists;
var selectedWatchList;
self = [super init];
return self;
[self setWatchlists:[CPArray arrayWithObjects:@"Default", @"Another one", @"Special One"]];
var addButton = [CPButtonBar plusButton];
[addButton setAction:@selector(add:)];
[addButton setTarget:self];
[addButton setEnabled:YES];
var minusButton = [CPButtonBar minusButton];
[minusButton setAction:@selector(remove:)];
[minusButton setTarget:self];
[minusButton setEnabled:YES];
[buttonBar setButtons:[addButton, minusButton]];
[buttonBar setHasResizeControl:NO];
newRequest = [[RESTRequest alloc] init];
var watchList = [watchLists objectAtIndex:[watchListTableView selectedRow]];
[watchLists removeObject:watchList];
[watchListTableView reloadData];
watchLists = anArray;
[watchListTableView reloadData];
- (id)tableView:(CPTableView)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(int)aColumn row:(int)row
var value = [[watchLists objectAtIndex:row] valueForKeyPath:""];
return value;
- (int)numberOfRowsInTableView:(CPTableView)aTableView
return [watchLists count];
- (id)tableView:(CPTableView)aTableView
var watchList = [watchLists objectAtIndex:row];
[watchList setValue:anObject forKeyPath:""];
var request = [[RESTRequest alloc] init];
- (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(CPNotification )notification
var tableView = [notification object];
var aRow = [tableView selectedRow]
if (aRow > -1) {
selectedWatchList = [watchLists objectAtIndex:aRow];
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