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Last active April 22, 2024 03:57
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A cheatsheet for Haskell syntax.
-- save as HaskellCheatsheet.hs
module HaskellCheatsheet where
-- On Windows, I sometimes have to remove the module line above
-- in order to get GHC to compile the file as an executable instead
-- of a library.
-- Single line comment
-- imports must come before anything else in a module
-- For now just reference if you need imports.
-- value definition
-- type signature
ex :: Int
-- value definition
ex = 2
--function signature
f :: Int -> Int -> Bool
--function definition
f x y = x < y + 1
-- if expression
-- where
f2 :: Int -> Bool
f2 x = x * x' < x
where x' = 2 * x + 1
-- multiline where
f3 :: Int -> Bool
f3 x = result
result = x * x' < x
x' :: Int
x' = 2 * x + 1
-- Parametric Polymorphism
-- If expression
ifLike :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
ifLike x y cond = if cond
then x
else y
-- Ad-hoc polymorphism with typeclass constraints
biggerAndText :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> a -> (String, a)
biggerAndText x y = (show big, big)
where big = if x >= y then x else y
-- data type definition
data TypeName = ConstructorName Int Bool
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- data type with multiple Constructors
data Choices =
Choice1 Int
| Choice2 Bool
| Choice3 [Double]
-- Typeclass definitions
class Why a where
-- Declare the functions of the typeclass
makeInt :: a -> Int
-- You can specify a default implementation like so
makeFloat :: a -> Float
makeFloat x = fromIntegral (makeInt x)
-- Subtyping a Typeclass
-- This means that if a is a SumThing then it must also be in Show and in Num.
class (Show a, Num a) => SumThing a where
showSum :: a -> a -> String
showSum x y = show (x + y)
-- Making an instance
instance Why TypeName where
-- Don't put a type signature here without enabling InstanceSigs
-- makeInt :: TypeName -> Int
makeInt _ = 55
instance Why Int where
makeInt x = x
-- Can optionally fill in these extra functions.
makeFloat x = fromIntegral (x + 1)
-- If you aren't going to define anything other than the default you
-- can leave out the where
instance SumThing Int
-- Let expression
g :: Int -> Int
g x = let t = x + 1 in x * t
-- Multiline Let expression
g2 :: Int -> Int
g2 x = let
t = x + 1
h = t * x
z = h + 2 * t
-- Note the order of definitions doesn't matter to Haskell.
in z + h + t + x
-- Do notation
somethingWierd :: [a] -> [[a]]
somethingWierd xs = do
-- Get an x of type a from (Monad a) (in this case [a])
x <- xs
-- Create a pure value in the do block
let pureValue = (x, (x, 1))
y <- reverse xs
return $ x : y : xs
where thisIsStillDoableInAFunction = True
-- lambda expressions
add2 :: Int -> Int
add2 = \x -> x + 2
addMult :: Int -> Int -> Int
addMult = \x y -> x + x * y
-- infix partial application (Normally referred to as operator sections)
divListBy2 :: [Double] -> [Double]
divListBy2 xs = map (/ 2) xs
-- Same as map (\x -> x / 2) xs
-- WARNING: (- 2) isn't the same as \x -> x - 2 instead it is the same as (negate 2)
-- What you want is (subtract 2).
div2ByList :: [Double] -> [Double]
div2ByList xs = map (2 /) xs
-- Same as map (\x -> 2 / x) xs
--infix normal functions
isEven :: Int -> Bool
isEven x = x `mod` 2 == 0
-- Same as mod x 2 == 0
--infix normal functions trick.
mapZ10 :: [Int] -> [Int]
mapZ10 xs = map (`mod` 10) xs
-- Otherwise must be written as map (\x -> x `mod` 10) xs
-- Guards
maxProd :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
maxProd a b c
| a > b = prod1
| a < b = prod2
| otherwise = 0 -- otherwise is just another name for True
-- | Bool expression = return value
prod1 = a * c
prod2 = b * c
-- Case expressions
caseEx :: Choices -> Choices
caseEx x =
case x of
Choice1 a -> Choice1 (2 * a)
Choice2 b -> Choice2 (not b)
Choice3 cs -> Choice3 cs
--pattern -> result
-- Function level pattern matching
-- caseEx can be written as
caseEx' :: Choices -> Choices
caseEx' (Choice1 a) = Choice1 (2 * a)
caseEx' (Choice2 b) = Choice2 (not b)
caseEx' (Choice3 cs) = Choice3 cs
-- List comprehension
pythagoreanTriangles :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
pythagoreanTriangles n = [(a, b, c) | c <- [1..n], let bIsLessrOrEqualToMe = c, -- showing that you can bind to variables here
b <- [1..bIsLessrOrEqualToMe], a <- [1..b], -- Whitespace is unnecessary.
a^2 + b^2 == c^2] -- filtering out invalid results.
-- New infix operators must be made of symbols. I normally see these defined in prefix form.
-- Achieved by partial application where the operator is left on its own.
(^!) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
(^!) base 0 = 1
(^!) base power
| power `mod` 2 == 0 = (^!) (base ^ 2) (power `div` 2)
| otherwise = base * (^!) base (power - 1)
-- Defining how strongly (^!) binds and if it is left or right associative.
-- This is called operator precedence
-- This is right associative a ^! b ^! c = a ^! (b ^! c)
infixr 8 ^!
-- Same as (^), you can check this by loading the operator in GHCi and typing
-- "GHCI>" is the provided prompt
-- GHCI>:info (^)
-- The higher the number, the tighter it binds. Ex, (+) has precedence 6 and (*) has precedence 7
-- So a + b * c is a + (b * c)
--infixl 8 ^! would make it left associative a ^! b ^! c = (a ^! b) ^! c
--infix 8 ^! Says there is no associativity and "a ^! b ^! c" is a parse error.
-- You can also do this for `mod` style functions.
infixr 3 `addMult`
-- Typeclass constraints for polymorphic datatypes.
data Two a = Two a a
instance Show a => Show (Two a) where
show (Two x y) = "Two " ++ show x ++ ", " ++ show y
multilineString = "Hello\
\ World!"
-- = to "Hello World!"
-- Pattern matching with guards
data ListCategory =
| IsTwoOrLonger
| IsLengthOneAndXIsEven
| IsLengthOneAndXIsOdd
| IsEmpty
-- Inline guard to go to next pattern if the guard fails
-- The option used for even below can also be used
findCategory (x:y:_) | x == y = StartsWithTwoSame
findCategory (_:_:_) = IsTwoOrLonger
-- Non-inline guard to try a couple options with the same pattern.
findCategory [x]
| even x = IsLengthOneAndXIsEven
| otherwise = IsLengthOneAndXIsOdd
findCategory [] = IsEmpty
-- Warning
-- This won't terminate because (Use 1) uses (Def 2), recursively,
-- instead of using (Def 1) like one might expect
broken =
let {-Def 1-} x = 2 in
let {-Def 2-} x = {-Use 1-} x + 1 in {-Use 2-} x
-- Recursive binding with let
fibOneHundred = let fibs = 1:1:zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs) in fibs !! 100
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