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Created October 21, 2020 01:44
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Example of using OCaml's module system for adhoc polymorphic infix operators.
If you want, you can replace all
and this will still work.
It's just that the default (+) for `int` will be shadowed after the
let Open Num in
(* Resources used during writing:
Used for basic module syntax/intro
Used to discover syntax for local module imports
Contained the example of with type element = Elt.t for unabstracting types
Used to interactively develop and run this sample.
(* analogous to typeclass Numbertype Num where *)
module type Number_type =
type num
val (+?) : num -> num -> num
val one : num
(* Analogous to instance (Number_type Int) *)
module Integer : (Number_type with type num = int) =
type num = int
let (+?) = (+)
let one = 1
with type num = float
is there to allow the caller to use the result of (+?) as an int
Otherwise, it would be an abstract type
(like a Haskell module that doesn't export the constructors for a Number newtype)
And you couldn't do anything other than addition with the result.
Nor could you plug in ints constructed outside of the module
module Float : (Number_type with type num = float) =
type num = float
let (+?) = (+.)
let one = 1.0
(* Here is how we can use the module to write monomorphic code *)
let rec fib_int n =
The let open brings all functions in the Integer module into the local scope
let open Integer in
match n with
| 0 -> one
| 1 -> one
| n -> fib_int (n - 1) +? fib_int (n - 2)
Same as fib_int except we open Float to indicate we want float's
instance of (+?)
very roughly analogous to (+) @Float
compared to (+) @Int
let rec fib_float n =
let open Float in
match n with
| 0 -> one
| 1 -> one
| n -> fib_float (n - 1) +? fib_float (n - 2)
To write code generic over the number type
analogous to fib :: Num a => Int -> a
we have to use a Functor to let the caller choose our instance.
module Fib =
functor (Num: Number_type) ->
let rec fib n =
let open Num in
match n with
| 0 -> one
| 1 -> one
| n -> fib (n - 1) +? fib (n - 2)
let fib4_int = fib_int 4
let fib5_int = let open Fib(Integer) in fib 5
let fib4_float = fib_float 4
let fib5_float = let module FloatFib = Fib(Integer) in FloatFib.fib 5
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