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Last active February 29, 2020 07:24
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WooCommerce - search by product dimensions
* Plugin Name: WooCommerce - Search by product dimensions, pa_colour and SKU
* Description: Shortcodes [wpq_search] and [wpq_results] to search products by length, height, width, attribute colour taxonomy and SKU
* Plugin URI:
* Author: dbranes
* Version: 0.2.1
* Changelog:
* 0.2.1
* - Fixed a minor bug.
* 0.2.0
* - Plugin rewrite to handle the 'pa_colour' attribute taxonomy.
* - Added automatic construction of the color select box in the search form.
* - Added a search support for the 'pa_colour' taxonomy.
* - Added the 'color_tax' attribute to the [wp_search] shortcoce. Example: [wp_search color_tax="pa_colour"].
* - Removed the 'save_post_product' action hook. don't need it for attribute taxonomies.
* 0.1.1
* - Changed the product attribute 'pa_colour' to 'colour'
* 0.1
* - Plugin rewrite
* - Added automatic color collection
* - Added support shortcode in text widgets
* - Added support for search form to recall last used critera
* - Added a new [wpq_results] shortcode
* - Added new parameters in [wpq_search] to support dimensional ranges
* - Removed dimensional range selectbox from the form
* - Changed from POST to GET
* - Changed attribute name from 'color' to 'pa_colour'
* 0.0.4
* - Added a way to automatically save the "color" attribute value to the "_wpq_color" custom field value
* - Added color selectbox to the search form
* 0.0.3
* - Added helper functions to make it easier to modify
* - Added search range
* 0.0.2
* - Fixed a bug with meta variable
* 0.0.1
* - Init
* Support shortcodes in Text Widgets
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' );
* Shortcode: [wpq_results]
add_shortcode( 'wpq_results',
function( $atts = array(), $content ='' )
// Get GET inputs:
$inputs = filter_input_array( INPUT_GET, array(
'wpq_length_range' => FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT,
'wpq_width_range' => FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT,
'wpq_height_range' => FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT,
'wpq_color_tax' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,
) );
// Check if the search form was sent:
if( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_post'] ) )
// Check security nonce:
if( ! wp_verify_nonce( $inputs['wpq_nonce'], 'wpq_search' ) )
return sprintf( '<div class="wpq_error">%s</div>', __( 'The nonce is not valid! Please try again!' ) );
// Construct the Meta query:
$meta = array();
if( ! function_exists( 'wpq_generate_meta_from_dimension' ) )
return sprintf( '<div class="wpq_error">%s</div>', __( 'Error: Search setup is not correct!' ) );
// Height:
if( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_height'] ) )
$meta[] = wpq_generate_meta_from_dimension ( $inputs['wpq_height'], $inputs['wpq_height_range'], '_height' );
// Width:
if( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_width'] ) )
$meta[] = wpq_generate_meta_from_dimension ( $inputs['wpq_width'], $inputs['wpq_width_range'], '_width' );
// Length:
if( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_length'] ) )
$meta[] = wpq_generate_meta_from_dimension ( $inputs['wpq_length'], $inputs['wpq_length_range'], '_length' );
// Sku:
if( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_sku'] ) )
$meta[] = array( 'key' => '_sku', 'value' => $inputs['wpq_sku'] );
// Construct the Tax query:
$tax = array();
// Color:
if( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_color'] ) && ! empty( $inputs['wpq_color_tax'] ) && taxonomy_exists( $inputs['wpq_color_tax'] ) )
$tax[] = array( 'taxonomy' => $inputs['wpq_color_tax'], 'terms' => $inputs['wpq_color'], 'field' => 'slug' );
// Search query arguments:
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'product',
// Add the dynamic meta/tax queries to the search query arguments:
if( count( $meta ) > 0 || count( $tax ) > 0 )
// Meta query:
if( count( $meta ) > 0 )
$args['meta_query'] = $meta;
// Meta query relations:
if( count( $meta ) > 1 )
$meta[] = array( 'relation' => 'AND' );
// Tax query:
if( count( $tax ) > 0 )
$args['tax_query'] = $tax;
// Run search query:
$results = new WP_Query( $args );
// Render the results view:
if( function_exists( 'wpq_results_view' ) )
wpq_results_view( $results );
return ob_get_clean();
return printf( '<div class="wpq_error">%s</div>', __( 'Please enter your search criteria!' ) );
} // end function
* Shortcode: [wpq_search]
* Example: [wpq_search url="" width_range="10" height_range="0" length_range="20" ]
add_shortcode( 'wpq_search',
function( $atts = array(), $content ='' )
// Get shortcode inputs:
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
'width_range' => '0',
'height_range' => '0',
'length_range' => '0',
'color_tax' => 'pa_colour',
'url' => '',
), $atts, 'wpq_search' );
$atts['width_range'] = intval( $atts['width_range'] );
$atts['height_range'] = intval( $atts['height_range'] );
$atts['length_range'] = intval( $atts['length_range'] );
$atts['color_tax'] = sanitize_key( $atts['color_tax'] );
$atts['url'] = esc_url( $atts['url'] );
// Get GET inputs:
$inputs = filter_input_array( INPUT_GET, array(
'wpq_length_range' => FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT,
'wpq_width_range' => FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT,
'wpq_height_range' => FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT,
'wpq_color_tax' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,
) );
// Render the search form view:
if( function_exists( 'wpq_form_view' ) )
wpq_form_view( $inputs, $atts );
return ob_get_clean();
} // end function
* Helper functions
function wpq_results_view( WP_Query $results )
// Display search results: ?>
<h2><?php printf( __( 'Search results (%d):' ), $results->found_posts );?></h2>
<?php if( $results->have_posts() ): ?>
<?php while ( $results->have_posts() ) : $results->the_post(); ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
<?php endwhile; ?>
else: ?>
<p><?php _e( 'No products matched your criteria! ' );?></p>
function wpq_form_view( $inputs = array(), $atts = array() )
{ ?>
<form method="get" action="<?php echo ( ! empty( $atts['url'] ) ) ? esc_url( $atts['url'] ) : '' ;?>">
<label for="wpq_length"><?php _e( 'Length:' );?></label>
<input type="text" id="wpq_length" name="wpq_length" value="<?php echo ( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_length'] ) ? $inputs['wpq_length'] : '' ) ;?>" />
<label for="wpq_width"><?php _e( 'Width:' );?></label>
<input type="text" id="wpq_width" name="wpq_width" value="<?php echo ( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_width'] ) ? $inputs['wpq_width'] : '' ) ;?>" />
<label for="wpq_height"><?php _e( 'Height:' );?></label>
<input type="text" id="wpq_height" name="wpq_height" value="<?php echo ( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_height'] ) ? $inputs['wpq_height'] : '' ) ;?>" />
<label for="wpq_sku"><?php _e( 'Sku:' );?></label>
<input type="text" id="wpq_sku" name="wpq_sku" value="<?php echo ( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_sku'] ) ? esc_attr( $inputs['wpq_sku'] ) : '' ) ;?>"/>
<label for="wpq_color"><?php _e( 'Color:' );?></label>
<select id="wpq_color" name="wpq_color">
<option value=""><?php _e( 'Select color' );?></option>
if( taxonomy_exists( $atts['color_tax'] ) )
$colors = get_terms( $atts['color_tax'] );
foreach( (array) $colors as $color ): ?>
<option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $color->slug );?>" <?php selected( $color->slug, $inputs['wpq_color'] );?> ><?php echo esc_attr( $color->name );?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php wp_nonce_field('wpq_search','wpq_nonce'); ?>
<input type="hidden" name="wpq_post" value="<?php the_ID();?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="wpq_length_range" value="<?php echo ( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_length_range'] ) ? $inputs['wpq_length_range'] : $atts['length_range'] ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="wpq_width_range" value="<?php echo ( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_width_range'] ) ? $inputs['wpq_width_range'] : $atts['width_range'] ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="wpq_height_range" value="<?php echo ( ! empty( $inputs['wpq_height_range'] ) ? $inputs['wpq_height_range'] : $atts['height_range'] ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="wpq_color_tax" value="<?php echo $atts['color_tax']; ?>" />
<input type="submit" name="wpq_submit" value="<?php _e( 'Search ');?>" />
function wpq_generate_meta_from_dimension ( $dim, $range, $key )
// Sanitize input:
$dim = intval( $dim );
$range = intval( $range );
$key = sanitize_key( $key );
// Construct Sub Meta query:
$meta = array();
if( 0 == $range )
// Exact:
$meta = array(
'key' => $key,
'value' => $dim
// Range:
$ratio = ( 1 * $range / 100 );
$down = floor( ( 1 - $ratio ) * $dim );
$up = floor( ( 1 + $ratio ) * $dim );
$meta = array(
'key' => $key,
'compare' => 'BETWEEN',
'type' => 'NUMERIC',
'value' => array( $down, $up )
return $meta;
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I'm trying to understand how this code is working. When I create all the data in my woocommerce custom fields (wpq_length, wpq_height, and wpq_width) and do a search for either the length, width, or height that should match what I typed in on the value for wpq_length, wpq_height, and wpq_width, the results show no products found. But if I type in 10 for either the length, width, or height the results find a product but the number 10 isn't associated with that product in any way.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

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