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Created September 13, 2021 16:55
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Analysing party conference speeches
pacman::p_load(rvest, purrr, textclean, tidyverse, quanteda,
quanteda.textplots, quanteda.textmodels, stm)
pg <- read_html("")
links <- pg %>% html_elements("a") %>% html_attr("href") %>%
str_subset("address-to-snp21") %>% unique()
pages <- lapply(links, read_html)
out <- pages %>% map_df(~{
title <- html_element(., ".content__offset") %>% html_text()
speech <- html_element(., ".wysiwyg-ce") %>% html_text() %>% replace_white() %>%
df <- tibble(title, speech)
out$speaker <- gsub("’s address to #SNP21 Conference", "", out$title)
out$speaker <- gsub("’ address to #SNP21 Conference", "", out$speaker)
out$speaker <- gsub("’s full address to #SNP21 Conference", "", out$speaker)
snp_corp <- corpus(out, text_field = "speech", docid_field = "speaker")
snp_toks <- tokens(snp_corp, remove_punct = T, remove_symbols = T, remove_numbers = T,
remove_separators = T, remove_url = T) %>%
tokens_remove(c(stopwords("en"), "welcome", "good", "aftenoon", "morning", "people"))
snp_dfm <- dfm(snp_toks) %>% dfm_trim(min_docfreq = 2)
tmod_wf <- textmodel_wordfish(snp_dfm, dir = c(3, 1))
textplot_scale1d(tmod_wf, margin = "features",
highlighted = c("parents", "promise", "pledge",
"inequality", "referendum",
"campaign", "europe", "education",
"health", "independence"))
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