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Created May 18, 2021 21:22
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Three Dimensional Self Reproducing Cellular Automata
Evolve2D[m_] :=
Mod[#[[2, 1]] + #[[2, 3]] + #[[1, 2]] + #[[3, 2]], 2] &, m, {3, 3},
1], 1]
Evolve3D[m_] := ArrayPad[
Mod[#[[1, 2, 2]] + #[[3, 2, 2]] + #[[2, 1, 2]] + #[[2, 3, 2]] + #[[
2, 2, 1]] + #[[2, 2, 3]], 2] &, m, {3, 3, 3}, 1
VoxelPlot[m_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := Graphics3D[
{EdgeForm[Black], Cuboid[#] & /@ Position[m, 1]},
PlotRange -> Table[{1, Length[m] + 1}, 3],
FilterRules[{opts}, Options[Graphics3D]]
(* 2D Automata *)
plus = Table[0, {i, 3}, {j, 3}];
plus[[2, 2]] = 1;
plus[[1, 2]] = 1;
plus[[2, 1]] = 1;
plus[[2, 3]] = 1;
plus[[3, 2]] = 1;
progression = NestList[Evolve2D, ArrayPad[plus, 6], 4];
PlotLabel ->
Style["Step " <> ToString[First@#2], FontSize -> 24],
Frame -> None] &,
(* 3D Automata *)
plus3d = Table[0, {i, 3}, {j, 3}, {k, 3}];
plus3d[[2, 2, 2]] = 1;
plus3d[[1, 2, 2]] = 1;
plus3d[[2, 1, 2]] = 1;
plus3d[[2, 2, 1]] = 1;
plus3d[[3, 2, 2]] = 1;
plus3d[[2, 2, 3]] = 1;
plus3d[[2, 3, 2]] = 1;
plusProgression = NestList[Evolve3D, ArrayPad[plus3d, 5], 4];
VoxelPlot[#1, Boxed -> False,
PlotLabel ->
Style["Step " <> ToString[First@#2], FontSize -> 24],
ViewAngle -> Pi/12, ViewPoint -> {Pi, 4 Pi/10, 1}]] &,
(* Triceratops: This can take a while to run *)
triceratops = Module[{dino, memberQ},
dino =
ExampleData[{"Geometry3D", "Triceratops"}, "BoundaryMeshRegion"];
memberQ = RegionMember[dino];
Table[If[memberQ[{i, j, k}], 1, 0], {i, -5, 5, 0.1}, {j, -5, 5,
0.1}, {k, -5, 5, 0.1}]
progression3d = NestList[Evolve3D, ArrayPad[triceratops, 40], 34];
images = Rasterize[
VoxelPlot[#, Boxed -> False, ViewPoint -> {Pi, -Pi/2, Pi/2},
ViewAngle -> Pi/14]] & /@ progression3d;
Join[images[[1 ;; 33]], {images[[33]], images[[33]]},
Reverse[images[[1 ;; 33]]]], AnimationRepetitions -> 1,
"DisplayDurations" -> 0.15]
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