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Last active October 10, 2022 14:00
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Restart the DSL connection on a Telekom Speedport Hybrid router
# tested on firmware version 050124.04.00.007
# thanks and credit to
# note that this script depends on sha256sum which may not be installed in some systems (eg Tomato router). It can be installed using entware/opkg.
echo "contacting speedport router at ${address} ..."
challengev=$(curl -s -m 5 http://${address}/html/login/index.html?lang=en | grep challenge | cut -d'"' -f2)
#echo "challenge : ${challengev}"
encryptpwd=$(echo -n "${challengev}:${password}" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)
#echo "encryptpwd : ${encryptpwd}"
sessionid=$(curl -s -i -m 5 -d csrf_token=nulltoken -d showpw=0 -d challengev=${challengev} -d password=${encryptpwd} http://${address}/data/Login.json?lang=en | grep SessionID | cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d';' -f1)
#echo "sessionid : ${sessionid}"
if [ -z $sessionid ]; then
echo "error: unable to log in to Telekom router and get a session id.";
exit 1;
echo "tunnel_addr before: $(curl -s -m 5 --cookie "SessionID_R3=${sessionid}" http://${address}/data/bonding_client.json | grep tunnel_addr | cut -d'"' -f2)"
#echo "IPv4: $(curl -s --cookie "SessionID_R3=${sessionid}" http://${address}/data/interfaces.json | grep -B 1 | head -1 | awk -F"'" '{print $4}')"
echo "disconnecting DSL"
curl -s -m 10 --cookie "SessionID_R3=${sessionid}" -d req_connect=disabled http://${address}/data/Connect.json > /dev/null
sleep 10
# TODO: wait for status to show dsl offline instead of this simple sleep command
echo "connecting DSL"
curl -s -m 10 --cookie "SessionID_R3=${sessionid}" -d req_connect=online http://${address}/data/Connect.json > /dev/null
# TODO: check for status indicating dsl online, and set exit status accordingly
echo "tunnel_addr after: $(curl -s -m 5 --cookie "SessionID_R3=${sessionid}" http://${address}/data/bonding_client.json | grep tunnel_addr | cut -d'"' -f2)"
exit 0
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