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Created April 17, 2016 17:10
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Extract domain, principal and SPN from Kerberos TGS-REP messages
Param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True, Mandatory = $True)]
[String]$WireSharkPath = "C:\Program Files\Wireshark"
$TempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
try {
& "$WireSharkPath\tshark.exe" -r $PcapFile -T pdml 'kerberos.msg_type == 13' > $TempFile
[xml]$x = Get-Content $TempFile
$x.SelectNodes("//packet") | % {
$Domain = $_.SelectSingleNode(".//field[@name='kerberos.realm']").show
$Principal = $_.SelectSingleNode(".//field[@name='kerberos.cname_element']/field/field[@name='kerberos.KerberosString']").show
$SPN = % { $_.SelectNodes(".//field[@name='kerberos.sname_element']") |
% { ($_.SelectNodes("field/field[@name='kerberos.KerberosString']")).show -join "/" }
New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property @{
Domain = $Domain
Principal = $Principal
} finally {
Remove-Item -Force $TempFile
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