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Last active March 5, 2022 15:01
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Run as root

sudo -i

Create openvpn directory and set permissions

cd /config
mkdir openvpn
chmod 777 openvpn

Create Auth file in openvpn directory

cd /openvpn
vi nordvpnauth.txt

Enter following 2 lines replacing with your details:

esc :wq

Copy nordvpn ovpn file to openvpn directory

Edit ovpn file

change 'auth-user-pass' to 'auth-user-pass /config/openvpn/nordvpnauth.txt'
change 'pull' to 'route-nopull'
exit # sudo

1. Setup the VPN tunnels

sudo -i
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 config-file /config/openvpn/
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 description 'US OpenVPN tunnel'


2. Route the appropriate devices though the related VPN tunnels

set service nat rule 5001 description 'Route US OpenVPN clients'
set service nat rule 5001 log disable
set service nat rule 5001 outbound-interface vtun0
set service nat rule 5001 source address
set service nat rule 5001 type masquerade
set service nat rule 5002 description 'Route all other clients'
set service nat rule 5002 log disable
set service nat rule 5002 outbound-interface eth0
set service nat rule 5002 source address
set service nat rule 5002 type masquerade

3. Create a static route using interface vTun0 as next-hop:

set protocols static table 1 interface-route next-hop-interface vtun0


4. Create a firewall modify rule for each host you want to route through the Open VPN tunnel.

set firewall modify OPENVPN-US rule 5001 description 'Allow US clients to access vtun0'
set firewall modify OPENVPN-US rule 5001 source address
set firewall modify OPENVPN-US rule 5001 modify table 1


5. Apply the firewall modify rule "in" to your LAN interface.

set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 100 firewall in modify OPENVPN-US

exit # configure
exit # sudo

6. Convert to config.gateway.json

mca-ctrl -t dump-cfg > config.gateway.json

remove unwanted sections and save

7. Testing

show interfaces
show nat rules
show interfaces openvpn detail
show firewall modify statistics

8. Restart OpenVPN

set interfaces openvpn vtun0 disable
delete interfaces openvpn vtun0 disable
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