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Created June 19, 2019 18:51
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Mentoria python - AsyncIO
import asyncio
# Python 3.3 - Decorators
def empacotar_bala():
print("Empacotando balas...")
# parada para verificar se tem cliente no balcão
yield from asyncio.sleep(0)
# troca de contexto
print("Explicitamente voltando a empacotar balas")
def atender_balcao():
print("Explicitamente verificando se tem cliente no balcão...")
yield from asyncio.sleep(0)
print("Voltando a empacotar as balas")
# Python 3.5 - Async/Await nativo
async def empacotar_bala_native():
print("Empacotando balas...")
# parada para verificar se tem cliente no balcão
await asyncio.sleep(0)
# troca de contexto
print("Explicitamente voltando a empacotar balas")
async def atender_balcao_native():
print("Explicitamente verificando se tem cliente no balcão...")
await asyncio.sleep(0)
print("Voltando a empacotar as balas")
ioloop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Event Loop
# Roda decorators
tasks = [ioloop.create_task(empacotar_bala()),
# Roda async/await
# tasks = [ioloop.create_task(empacotar_bala_native()),
# ioloop.create_task(atender_balcao_native())]
wait_tasks = asyncio.wait(tasks)
ioloop.run_until_complete(wait_tasks) # This will not return until all of the asynchronous methods are done.
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