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Created October 11, 2022 13:32
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Buffer.add_json function
(* Simple Buffer.add_json function. *)
type json =
[ `Null | `Bool of bool | `Float of float | `String of string
| `Array of json list | `Object of (string * json) list ]
let rec buffer_add_json b = function
| `Null -> Buffer.add_string b "null"
| `Bool bool -> Buffer.add_string b (if bool then "true" else "false")
| `Float f -> Buffer.add_string b (Printf.sprintf "%.16g" f)
| `String s -> buffer_add_json_string b s
| `Array els ->
begin match els with
| [] -> Buffer.add_string b "[]";
| el :: els ->
let add_sep_el b e = Buffer.add_char b ','; buffer_add_json b e in
Buffer.add_char b '[';
buffer_add_json b el; List.iter (add_sep_el b) els;
Buffer.add_char b ']';
| `Object mems ->
begin match mems with
| [] -> Buffer.add_string b "{}"
| mem :: mems ->
let add_mem b (k,v) =
buffer_add_json_string b k; Buffer.add_char b ':'; buffer_add_json b v
let add_sep_mem b mem = Buffer.add_char b ','; add_mem b mem in
Buffer.add_char b '{';
add_mem b mem; List.iter (add_sep_mem b) mems;
Buffer.add_char b '}';
and buffer_add_json_string b s =
let is_control = function '\x00' .. '\x1F' | '\x7F' -> true | _ -> false in
let len = String.length s in
let max_idx = len - 1 in
let flush b start i =
if start < len then Buffer.add_substring b s start (i - start);
let rec loop start i = match i > max_idx with
| true -> flush b start i
| false ->
let next = i + 1 in
match String.get s i with
| '"' -> flush b start i; Buffer.add_string b "\\\""; loop next next
| '\\' -> flush b start i; Buffer.add_string b "\\\\"; loop next next
| c when is_control c ->
flush b start i;
Buffer.add_string b (Printf.sprintf "\\u%04X" (Char.code c));
loop next next
| c -> loop start next
Buffer.add_char b '"'; loop 0 0; Buffer.add_char b '"'
let to_string json =
let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
buffer_add_json b json; Buffer.contents b
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