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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Using Code Contracts for Safer Code
class FirstBankOfSafety
/// <summary>
/// The current balance in the account
/// </summary>
public double CurrentBalance { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Deposit money into your bank account and return the new balance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The amount to deposit</param>
/// <returns>The current balance in the account after the deposit.</returns>
public double Deposit(double value)
{ // enforce Rule # 1
Contract.Requires(value > 0.0, "You must deposit a value greater than $0.00");
// add the new value to your balance
CurrentBalance += value;
// return the current balance
return CurrentBalance;
/// <summary>
/// Withdrawal money from your bank account and return the new balance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The amount to withdrawal</param>
/// <returns>The current balance in the account after the widthdrawal</returns>
public double Withdrawal(double value)
{ // enforce Rule # 3
Contract.Requires(value <= CurrentBalance, "No withdrawal can be greater than the current balance.");
Contract.Requires(value > 0.0, "You cannot withdrawal a negative value.");
// remove the value from the current balance
CurrentBalance -= value;
// return the current balance
return CurrentBalance;
class FirstBankOfSloppyness
/// <summary>
/// The current balance in the account
/// </summary>
public double CurrentBalance { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Deposit money into your bank account and return the new balance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The amount to deposit</param>
/// <returns>The current balance in the account after the deposit.</returns>
public double Deposit(double value)
{ // add the new value to your balance
CurrentBalance += value;
// return the current balance
return CurrentBalance;
/// <summary>
/// Withdrawal money from your bank account and return the new balance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The amount to withdrawal</param>
/// <returns>The current balance in the account after the widthdrawal</returns>
public double Withdrawal(double value)
{ // remove the value from the current balance
CurrentBalance -= value;
// return the current balance
return CurrentBalance;
private static void SampleWithoutAssertions()
var bank = new FirstBankOfSloppyness();
Console.WriteLine("[SloppyBank] Starting Balance: {0,8:c}", bank.CurrentBalance);
Console.WriteLine("[SloppyBank] Balance After Depositing $100.00: {0,8:c}", bank.CurrentBalance);
Console.WriteLine("[SloppyBank] Balance After Depositing $100.00: {0,8:c}", bank.CurrentBalance);
Console.WriteLine("[SloppyBank] Balance After Depositing -$500.00: {0,8:c}", bank.CurrentBalance);
Console.WriteLine("[SloppyBank] Balance After Depositing $1500.00: {0,8:c}", bank.CurrentBalance);
Console.WriteLine("[SloppyBank] Balance After Depositing $1500.00: {0,8:c}", bank.CurrentBalance);
class SecondBankOfSafety
/// <summary>
/// The current balance in the account
/// </summary>
public double CurrentBalance { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Deposit money into your bank account and return the new balance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The amount to deposit</param>
/// <returns>The current balance in the account after the deposit.</returns>
public double Deposit(double value)
{ // enforce Rule # 1
Contract.Requires(value > 0.0, "You must deposit a value greater than $0.00");
// enforce Rule # 2
Contract.Ensures(CurrentBalance >= 0);
// add the new value to your balance
CurrentBalance += value;
// return the current balance
return CurrentBalance;
/// <summary>
/// Withdrawal money from your bank account and return the new balance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The amount to withdrawal</param>
/// <returns>The current balance in the account after the widthdrawal</returns>
public double Withdrawal(double value)
{ // enforce Rule # 3
Contract.Requires(value <= CurrentBalance, "No withdrawal can be greater than the current balance.");
Contract.Requires(value > 0.0, "You cannot withdrawal a negative value.");
// enforce Rule # 2
Contract.Ensures(CurrentBalance >= 0);
// remove the value from the current balance
CurrentBalance -= value;
// return the current balance
return CurrentBalance;
class ThirdBankOfSafety
/// <summary>
/// The current balance in the account
/// </summary>
public double CurrentBalance { get; private set; }
private void ThirdBankOfSafetyInvariant()
{ // enforce Rule # 2
Contract.Invariant(CurrentBalance >= 0, "The balance must be greater than or equal to $0.00");
/// <summary>
/// Deposit money into your bank account and return the new balance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The amount to deposit</param>
/// <returns>The current balance in the account after the deposit.</returns>
public double Deposit(double value)
{ // enforce Rule # 1
//Contract.Requires(value > 0.0, "You must deposit a value greater than $0.00");
// add the new value to your balance
CurrentBalance += value;
// return the current balance
return CurrentBalance;
/// <summary>
/// Withdrawal money from your bank account and return the new balance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The amount to withdrawal</param>
/// <returns>The current balance in the account after the widthdrawal</returns>
public double Withdrawal(double value)
{ // enforce Rule # 3
//Contract.Requires(value <= CurrentBalance, "No withdrawal can be greater than the current balance.");
Contract.Requires(value > 0.0, "You cannot withdrawal a negative value.");
// remove the value from the current balance
CurrentBalance -= value;
// return the current balance
return CurrentBalance;
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