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Created January 13, 2019 09:58
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[WIP] Script to generate a static site/blog
#load "Hyde.fsx"
open Hyde
type Config = {
let defaults = {
title = "A blog"
let tee f x =
f x
// load config
let loadConfig path =
FS.loadFile "_config.yaml"
|> fun c -> match c with
| Some x -> Yaml.deserialize x
| None -> defaults
// render template
loadConfig "_config.yaml"
|> Liquid.init (Liquid.Defaults.populateCtx "site")
|> Liquid.addString "test" "tval"
|> Liquid.renderContent Liquid.Defaults.errorHandler "<h1> {{ site.title }} </h1> <p> {{ test }} </p>"
|> printfn "%s"
//font matter
let ti = FS.loadFile "index.html"
|> Template.parse
|> (tee (printfn "Template item: %A"))
// FS
let fs = FS.Defaults.directoryFilter FS.Defaults.fileFilter __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
printfn "%A" fs
let layout = ti |> (fun t -> FrontMatter.layout t.FrontMatter) |> Option.flatten
#r "packages/Antlr4.Runtime/lib/net45/Antlr4.Runtime.dll"
#r "packages/Liquid.NET/lib/net452/Liquid.NET.dll"
#r "packages/YamlDotNet/lib/net45/YamlDotNet.dll"
namespace Hyde
type FrontMatter = Map<string,obj>
type ContentItem = {
type SupportItem = {
type TemplateItem = {
// need location of file, frontmatter
type Layout = | Layout of SupportItem
type Include = | Include of SupportItem
type Page = | Page of TemplateItem
type Post = | Post of TemplateItem
type SiteFileContext = {
Includes : Map<string,Include>
Layouts : Map<string,Layout>
Pages : Page list
Posts : Post list
Assets : string list
module String =
let trim (s:string) = s.Trim()
let indexOf (v:string) (start:int) (s:string) = s.IndexOf(v,start)
let indexOfLast (v:string) (s:string) = s.LastIndexOf(v)
let substring (start:int) (length:int) (s:string) = s.Substring(start,length)
module TypeHelpers =
open System.Reflection
open FSharp.Reflection
let isSimple (o:obj) =
let t = o.GetType()
match o with
| :? string -> true
| _ when t.IsSubclassOf(typeof<System.ValueType>) -> true
| _ -> false
let (|IsSimple|_|) (o: obj) = if(isSimple o) then Some o else None
let (|IsComplex|_|) (o: obj) = if(isSimple o |> not) then Some o else None
let rec toMap (o:obj) =
let getValOfProperty (oo:obj) (pi:PropertyInfo) =
printfn "Getting value for %s on %A" pi.Name oo
let (k,v) = pi.GetValue(oo, null) |> (fun x -> pi.Name, x)
match v with
| IsSimple _ -> (k,v)
| _ -> (k,(toMap v))
//let ff = FSharpValue.GetRecordFields(o)
let pis = o.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance) |> Seq.toList
let m = pis |> (getValOfProperty o) |> Map.ofList
m :> obj
let objToMap (o:obj) : Map<string,obj> =
if(isNull o || isSimple o) then Map.empty
else (toMap o :?> Map<string,obj>)
module FS =
open System.IO
type FSItem =
| D of DItem
| F of FItem
and DItem = DirectoryInfo * FSItem list
and FItem = FileInfo
let dirExists path = Directory.Exists(path)
let fileExists path = File.Exists(path)
let directoryName path = if(dirExists path) then Some(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)) else None
let fileContent path = if(fileExists path) then Some(File.ReadAllText(path)) else None
let fileName path = if(fileExists path) then Some(Path.GetFileName(path)) else None
let fileExt path = if(fileExists path) then Some(Path.GetExtension(path)) else None
let fileNameWithoutExt path = if(fileExists path) then Some(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)) else None
let loadFile path = path |> fileContent
let writeFile path content = File.WriteAllText(path, content)
let private directory path = if(dirExists path) then Some(new DirectoryInfo(path)) else None
module FSItem =
let private dirs filter (d:DirectoryInfo) =
|> Seq.filter filter
|> List.ofSeq
let private files filter (d:DirectoryInfo) =
|> Seq.filter filter
|> List.ofSeq
let private subDirs (f:string->(DirectoryInfo->bool)->(FileInfo->bool)->FSItem) (dirFilter:DirectoryInfo->bool) (fileFilter:FileInfo->bool) (d:DirectoryInfo) =
let ds = d |> dirs dirFilter
ds |> (fun sd -> (f (sd.ToString()) dirFilter fileFilter))
let rec init path dirFilter fileFilter =
let construct (di:DirectoryInfo) =
let sDirs = di |> subDirs init dirFilter fileFilter
let files = di |> files fileFilter |> (fun f -> f |> FSItem.F)
let items = List.append sDirs files
DItem (di, items) |> FSItem.D
if(fileExists path) then
printfn "FILE: %s" path
(new FileInfo(path)) |> FSItem.F
printfn "DIR: %s" path
let dir = directory path
match dir with
| Some d -> d |> construct
| None -> failwith (sprintf "%s does not exist" path)
let discover firFilter fileFilter path =
FSItem.init path firFilter fileFilter
let isDirectory fi = match fi with
| FSItem.D _ -> true
| FSItem.F _ -> false
let isFile fi = match fi with
| FSItem.D _ -> false
| FSItem.F _ -> true
module Defaults =
let directoryFilter (d:DirectoryInfo) =
d.Name.StartsWith("_") |> not
&& d.Name.StartsWith(".") |> not
&& not (["packages";"paket-files";"bin"] |> List.contains (d.Name.ToLower()))
let fileFilter (d:FileInfo) =
d.Name.StartsWith("_") |> not
&& not (["build.fsx";"hyde.fsx"] |> List.exists (fun f -> f = d.Name.ToLower()))
&& not (d.Name.ToLower().StartsWith("paket"))
module Yaml =
open YamlDotNet.Serialization
open System.IO
let deserialize<'a> (s:string) =
let reader = new StringReader(s)
let builder = new DeserializerBuilder()
let deserializer = builder.Build()
let xtoMap dictionary =
(dictionary :> seq<_>)
|> (|KeyValue|)
|> Map.ofSeq
let toMap (s:string) : Map<string,obj> =
s |> deserialize<System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,obj>>
|> (|KeyValue|)
|> Map.ofSeq
module Liquid =
open System
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open Liquid.NET
open Liquid.NET.Constants
open Liquid.NET.Utils
open TypeHelpers
let asLiquidValue<'a when 'a :> ILiquidValue> (o:'a) = o :> ILiquidValue
let asLiquidOption<'a when 'a :> ILiquidValue> (o:'a) = Option.Create(o |> asLiquidValue)
let intToNumber (i:int) = LiquidNumeric.Create(i)
let longToNumber (f:int64) = LiquidNumeric.Create(f)
let toDate (d:DateTime option) = new LiquidDate(d |> Option.toNullable)
let toString (s:string) = LiquidString.Create(s)
let toBoolean b = new LiquidBoolean(b)
let toHash (mapf:'a -> ILiquidValue) (m:Map<string,obj>) =
let h = new LiquidHash()
m |> Map.iter (fun k v -> h.Add(k,(v |> mapf |> asLiquidOption)))
let rec toLiquid (o:obj) =
match o with
| :? bool as b -> b |> toBoolean |> asLiquidValue
| :? int as i -> i |> intToNumber |> asLiquidValue
| :? int64 as i -> i |> longToNumber |> asLiquidValue
| :? option<DateTime> as d -> d |> toDate |> asLiquidValue
| :? string as s -> s |> toString |> asLiquidValue
| :? Map<string,obj> as m -> m |> toHash toLiquid |> asLiquidValue
| :? IEnumerable as e -> failwith "not implemented"
| IsComplex x -> x |> TypeHelpers.objToMap |> toHash toLiquid |> asLiquidValue
| _ -> o.ToString() |> toString |> asLiquidValue
let addIntf (key:string) (i:int) = fun () -> key, (i |> intToNumber |> asLiquidOption)
let addLongf (key:string) (i:int64) = fun () -> key, (i |> longToNumber |> asLiquidOption)
let addDatef (key:string) (d:DateTime) = fun () -> key, (d |> Microsoft.FSharp.Core.option.Some |> toDate |> asLiquidOption)
let addStringf (key:string) (s:string) = fun () -> key, (s |> toString |> asLiquidOption)
let addBooleanf (key:string) (b:bool) = fun () -> key, (b |> toBoolean |> asLiquidOption)
let addHashf (key:string) (h:Map<string,obj>) = fun () -> key, (h |> (toHash toLiquid) |> asLiquidOption)
let addObjf (key:string) (o:obj) = fun () -> key, (o |> objToMap |> (toHash toLiquid) |> asLiquidOption)
let defineVariable<'a> (addf:unit -> string*Option<ILiquidValue>) (ctx:ITemplateContext) =
let (key, v) = addf()
ctx.DefineLocalVariable(key, v) |> ignore
let addString k s (ctx:ITemplateContext) = defineVariable (addStringf k s) ctx
let context() =
let ctx = new TemplateContext() :> ITemplateContext
ctx.WithAllFilters() |> ignore
let init populate (config:obj) : ITemplateContext =
context() |> populate config
let createTemplate (content:string) = LiquidTemplate.Create(content)
let renderContent (handleErrors:string -> LiquidError list -> unit) (content:string) (ctx:ITemplateContext) =
let template = createTemplate content
// todo: handle errors well ie. pass forward
if(template.HasParsingErrors) then handleErrors "Parsing" (template.ParsingErrors |> Seq.toList)
let renderResult = template.LiquidTemplate.Render(ctx)
if(renderResult.HasRenderingErrors) then handleErrors "Rendering" (renderResult.RenderingErrors |> Seq.toList)
module Defaults =
open TypeHelpers
let populateCtx (key:string) (o:obj) (ctx:ITemplateContext) =
ctx |> defineVariable (addObjf key o) |> ignore
let errorHandler (contextDescription:string) (errs:LiquidError list) =
printfn "ERROR: %s" contextDescription
errs |> List.iter (fun e ->
printfn "Message: %s" e.Message
printfn "Context: %s" e.Context
printfn "Line: %i at char position %i" e.Line e.CharPositionInLine
printfn "Problem with '%s' in '%s'" e.OffendingSymbol e.TokenSource
module FrontMatter =
let layout (fm:FrontMatter) = fm |> Map.tryFind "layout" |> string
let title (fm:FrontMatter) = fm |> Map.tryFind "title" |> string
module Template =
let splitContent (s:string) =
let shift i = if(i = -1) then i else (i + 3)
let start = s |> String.indexOf "---" 0
let fin = s |> String.indexOfLast "---" //todo: what if content contains ---
let fm = s.Substring(start |> shift, fin - (start |> shift)) |> String.trim
let c = s.Substring(fin |> shift, (s.Length - ((fin |> shift) - start))) |> String.trim
let parse (s:string) =
let (fm,content) = s |> splitContent
FrontMatter = fm |> Yaml.toMap
ContentText = content
let render c = ""
module Hyde =
open FS
let siteDir = "_site"
let draftsDir = "_drafts"
let includesDir = "_includes"
let layoutsDir = "_layouts"
let postsDir = "_posts"
// let posts (dir:DItem) (): Post list =
// dir |> snd
// |> List.filter FS.isFile
// |> x -> match x with
// | FSItem.F f -> f
// )
// []
// let parse fsitem =
// let goSeek dir =
// "*" "*" dir
// |>
// let make<'a> (dir:string) (config:'a) =
// ()
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