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Last active January 1, 2016 11:19
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Comparison of vanilla callback-passing vs. iced coffeescript vs. Q/promises. Mission is: 1. prompt for a url prefix 2. fetch (in parallel) two URLs based on that prefix 3. sleep for a number of seconds equal to the sum of the lengths of the results 4. print something announcing we're done
request = require 'request'
prompt = (str, cb) -> # same as vanilla
in = process.stdin
process.stdout.write "#{str}: "
in.setEncoding 'utf8'
in.once 'error', cb
in.once 'data', (res) ->
cb null, res.trim()
await prompt 'Enter base URL', defer err, base
throw err if err?
request "#{base}/one", defer err1, res1, h1
request "#{base}/two", defer err2, res2, h2
throw err1 ? err2 if err1 ? err2
await setTimeout defer(), (h1.length + h2.length) * 1000
console.log 'done!'
Q = require 'q'
http = require 'q-io/http'
prompt = (str) ->
in = process.stdin
d = Q.defer()
process.stdout.write "#{str}: "
in.setEncoding 'utf8'
in.once 'error', d.reject.bind d
in.once 'data', (res) ->
d.resolve res.trim()
prompt('Enter base URL')
.then (base) ->
['one', 'two'].map (p) ->"#{base}/#{p}")
.spread (h1, h2) ->
Q.delay (h1.length + h2.length)*1000
.then ->
console.log 'done!'
request = require 'request'
async = require 'async'
prompt = (str, cb) -> # same as iced
in = process.stdin
process.stdout.write "#{str}: "
in.setEncoding 'utf8'
in.once 'error', cb
in.once 'data', (res) ->
cb null, res.trim()
prompt 'Enter base URL', (err, base) ->
throw err if err?
fetch = (p, cb) -> request "#{base}/#{p}", (err, res, body) -> cb err, body ['one', 'two'], fetch, (err, htmls) ->
throw err if err?
[h1, h2] = htmls
setTimeout (-> console.log 'done!'), (h1.length + h2.length) * 1000
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