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Created December 27, 2023 10:18
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program main
implicit none
real(8) :: x, v
real(8),allocatable :: xt(:), vt(:)
real(8) :: mass, k, dt
integer :: i, it, nt, clock_rate
integer, dimension(5) :: cp
real(8) :: elapsed_time
mass = 1d0
k = 1d0
dt = 1d-2
nt = 100000000
call system_clock(count = cp(1))
allocate(xt(0:nt), vt(0:nt))
call system_clock(count = cp(2))
x = 0d0
v = 1d0
do it = 0, nt
xt(it) = x
vt(it) = v
call Runge_Kutta_4th(x,v,dt,mass,k)
end do
call system_clock(count = cp(3))
do it = nt-1000, nt
write(20,"(3e26.16e3)")it*dt, xt(it), vt(it)
end do
call system_clock(count = cp(4))
call system_clock(count = cp(5))
call system_clock(count_rate = clock_rate)
do i = 1, 4
elapsed_time = real(cp(i + 1) - cp(i), kind = 8) / real(clock_rate, kind = 8)
write(*, '(A, F0.6, A)') 'Elapsed Wall Clock Time: ', elapsed_time, ' seconds'
end do
subroutine Runge_Kutta_4th(x,v,dt,mass,k)
implicit none
real(8),intent(inout) :: x, v
real(8),intent(in) :: dt, mass, k
real(8) :: x1,x2,x3,x4,v1,v2,v3,v4
! RK1
x1 = v
v1 = force(x, mass, k)
! RK2
x2 = v+0.5d0*dt*v1
v2 = force(x+0.5d0*x1*dt, mass, k)
! RK3
x3 = v+0.5d0*dt*v2
v3 = force(x+0.5d0*x2*dt, mass, k)
! RK4
x4 = v+dt*v3
v4 = force(x+x3*dt, mass, k)
x = x + (x1+2d0*x2+2d0*x3+x4)*dt/6d0
v = v + (v1+2d0*v2+2d0*v3+v4)*dt/6d0
end subroutine Runge_Kutta_4th
real(8) function force(x,mass,k)
implicit none
real(8),intent(in) :: x, mass, k
force = -x*k/mass
end function force
end program main
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