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Last active June 4, 2024 04:56
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# essentials
/opt/homebrew/bin/brew install fish iterm2
echo /opt/homebrew/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/fish
# dev must have
brew install --cask hammerspoon the-unarchiver raycast slack postman uninstallpkg espanso
brew install \
aria2 \
aspell ispell \
bat \
colordiff \
coreutils \
dfc \
direnv \
duf \
exiftool \
fd \
fish \
gawk \
git \
git-delta \
git-tig \
gnu-sed \
gnupg2 \
gopass \
htop \
imagemagick \
iproute2mac \
jpeg \
jq \
lsd \
macchina fastfetch \
ncdu \
openssl \
pandoc \
pcre pcre2 \
pv \
python3 \
qpdf \
rg \
rsync \
sponge \
tokei \
tmux tmuxp \
tree \
vim neovim \
viu \
watch \
xz \
yarn \
yt-dlp \
echo "# coding things"
brew install \
black \
eslint \
golang \
gopls \
isort \
lua-language-server \
luacheck \
luajit \
prettier \
pyright \
shellcheck \
shfmt \
stylua \
tree-sitter \
typescript \
typescript-language-server \
# nerd fonts
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-iosevka-term-nerd-font
echo "# clang"
brew install clang-format llvm cmake
# brew install -f gdu
# brew link --overwrite gdu # if you have coreutils installed as well
# docker stuff
# brew install ctop lazydocker
echo "# dotnet stuff"
brew install --cask dotnet-sdk
echo "# db cli stuff"
brew install litecli mycli pgcli
# cloud stuff
# brew install aws-cdk awscli azure-cli google-cloud-sdk
echo "# motd stuff"
brew install lolcat fortune
echo "# home computer must have"
brew install --cask bartender iina v2rayu dropbox wechat itsycal visual-studio-code
## Universal Ctags (abbreviated as u-ctags) is a maintained implementation of ctags
# brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags
echo "# asdf"
git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.14.0
asdf plugin add nodejs ''
# asdf instal nodejs 18.17.0
# asdf global nodejs 18.17.0
asdf global nodejs system
# arch -x86_64 asdf install nodejs 12.9.1
echo "# npm packages"
npm i -g neovim cspell
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