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Last active August 11, 2016 00:01
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basic moodle form
class calendar_form extends moodleform {
public function definition() {
global $CFG;
$mform = $this->_form;
$mform->addElement('text', 'calendarname', get_string('calendarname', 'block_gcal'));
$mform->setType('calendarname', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->setDefault('calendarname', '');
$mform->addElement('text', 'calendarid', get_string('calendarid', 'block_gcal'));
$mform->setType('calendarid', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->setDefault('calendarid', '');
function validation($data, $files) {
return array();
require_once(__DIR__ . '/calendar_form.php');
$context = context_system::instance();
$url = new moodle_url('/blocks/gcal/add_calendar.php');
$mform = new calendar_form();
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading('mapping', 2);
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
} else if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
} else {
$toform = array();
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
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