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Last active November 9, 2023 12:21
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connect redux-saga to phoenix channel
function* connectToSocket(url) {
const socket = new Socket(socketBaseUrl() + url, { params: { token: 'your-auth-token' } });
return socket;
// channel.join is async, this is probably an error
function* joinChannel(socket, channel_name) {
const channel =, {});
return channel;
// this function creates an event channel from a given socket
function createSocketChannel(channel) {
// `eventChannel` takes a subscriber function
// the subscriber function takes an `emit` argument to put messages onto the channel
return eventChannel(emit => {
const newStoryHandler = (event) => {
channel.on('new_story', newStoryHandler);
const unsubscribe = () => {'new_story', newStoryHandler)
return unsubscribe;
function* handleNewStory(action) {
yield put(action);
function* connectToStoryChannel() {
const socket = yield call(connectToSocket, '/socket');
const channel = yield call(joinChannel, socket, 'rooms:lobby');
const socketChannel = yield call(createSocketChannel, channel);
while (true) {
const action = yield take(socketChannel)
yield fork(handleNewStory, action)
export function* getWatcher() {
yield fork(takeLatest, CONNECT_TO_STORY_CHANNEL, connectToStoryChannel);
export function* storiesSaga() {
// Fork watcher so we can continue execution
const watcher = yield fork(getWatcher);
// Suspend execution until location changes
yield take(LOCATION_CHANGE);
yield cancel(watcher);
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the problem was that newStoryHandler callback needed to return an action. The gist should be working right now although I don't like the join channel generator

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