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Created May 23, 2011 21:44
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Save dcarney/987684 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An implementation of a Cascading TemplateTap, that splits the output files by # or tuples. It was developed after looking at the src for Cascading's TemplateTap, and modifying it a bit. It's a bit of a hack, but hopefully not too bad. We keep track of t
import java.beans.ConstructorProperties;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import cascading.scheme.Scheme;
import cascading.tap.Hfs;
import cascading.tap.SinkMode;
import cascading.tap.SinkTap;
import cascading.tap.Tap;
import cascading.tap.TapException;
import cascading.tap.TemplateTap;
import cascading.tap.hadoop.TapCollector;
import cascading.tuple.Fields;
import cascading.tuple.Tuple;
import cascading.tuple.TupleEntry;
import cascading.tuple.TupleEntryCollector;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Class TemplateTap can be used to write tuple streams out to subdirectories
* based on the values in the {@link Tuple} instance.
* <p/>
* The constructor takes a {@link Hfs} {@link Tap} and a
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format syntax String. This allows Tuple values at
* given positions to be used as directory names. Note that Hadoop can only sink
* to directories, and all files in those directories are "part-xxxxx" files.
* <p/>
* {@code openTapsThreshold} limits the number of open files to be output to.
* This value defaults to 300 files. Each time the threshold is exceeded, 10% of
* the least recently used open files will be closed.
public class SplitTemplateTap extends SinkTap {
/** Field LOG */
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TemplateTap.class);
private static final int OPEN_TAPS_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 300;
private static final int NUM_TUPLES_PER_SPLIT_DEFAULT = 10000000;
/** Field parent */
private Tap parent;
/** Field pathTemplate */
private String pathTemplate;
/** Field keepParentOnDelete */
private boolean keepParentOnDelete = false;
/** Field openTapsThreshold */
private int openTapsThreshold = OPEN_TAPS_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT;
/** Field collectors */
private Map<String, OutputCollector> collectors = new LinkedHashMap<String, OutputCollector>(
1000, .75f, true);
private Map<String, Integer> collectorCounts = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(
1000, .75f, true);
// This will be the maximum number of writes that can occur on any
// particular file created
// by this TemplateTap
private int numTuplesPerSplit = NUM_TUPLES_PER_SPLIT_DEFAULT;
private class TemplateCollector extends TupleEntryCollector implements
OutputCollector {
JobConf conf;
public TemplateCollector(JobConf conf) {
this.conf = conf;
protected void collect(Tuple tuple) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"collect should never be called on TemplateCollector");
private OutputCollector getCollector(String path) {
OutputCollector collector = collectors.get(path);
if ((collector != null) && (collectorCounts.containsKey(path))) {
Integer collectorCount = collectorCounts.get(path) + 1;
collectorCounts.put(path, collectorCount);
if (((collectorCount) % numTuplesPerSplit) == 0) {
// This collector has hit our threshold for # of writes.
// Remove it from
// the collection. This will cause another collector to get
// opened.
} else {
// This collector is still under our "write threshold".
// Return it.
return collector;
try {
Tap tap = new Hfs(parent.getScheme(), parent.getQualifiedPath(
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("creating collector for path: "
+ new Path(parent.getQualifiedPath(conf), path));
int split = 0;
if (collectorCounts.containsKey(path)) {
split = (collectorCounts.get(path) / numTuplesPerSplit);
// Create a new OutputCollector, changing the fileName to be
// different than that
// previous file that we closed.
JobConf newConf = new JobConf(conf);
newConf.set("cascading.tapcollector.partname", "%s%spart-"
+ split + "-%05d");
collector = new TapCollector(tap, path,
// collector = (OutputCollector) new TapCollector(tap, path +
// count, conf);
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new TapException("unable to open template path: " + path,
if (collectors.size() > openTapsThreshold) {
int numToClose = Math.max(1, (int) (openTapsThreshold * .10));
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"removing " + numToClose
+ " open Taps from cache of size "
+ collectors.size());
Set<String> removeKeys = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> keys = collectors.keySet();
for (String key : keys) {
if (numToClose-- == 0) {
for (String removeKey : removeKeys) {
// Add our new collector to the list
collectors.put(path, collector);
// Add our empty count to the collection, so we can keep track of
// the number of
// writes that this collector makes.
if (!collectorCounts.containsKey(path)) {
collectorCounts.put(path, 0);
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled() && collectors.size() % 100 == 0) {"caching " + collectors.size() + " open Taps");
return collector;
public void close() {
try {
for (OutputCollector collector : collectors.values()) {
} finally {
private void closeCollector(OutputCollector collector) {
if (collector == null) {
try {
((TupleEntryCollector) collector).close();
} catch (Exception exception) {
// do nothing
public void collect(Object key, Object value) throws IOException {
String path = ((Tuple) value).format(pathTemplate);
getCollector(path).collect(key, value);
public static class TemplateScheme extends Scheme {
private final Scheme scheme;
private final Fields pathFields;
private final String pathTemplate;
public TemplateScheme(Scheme scheme) {
this.scheme = scheme;
this.pathFields = null;
this.pathTemplate = null;
public TemplateScheme(Scheme scheme, String pathTemplate,
Fields pathFields) {
this.scheme = scheme;
this.pathFields = pathFields;
this.pathTemplate = pathTemplate;
public Fields getSinkFields() {
return scheme.getSinkFields();
public void setSinkFields(Fields sinkFields) {
public Fields getSourceFields() {
return scheme.getSourceFields();
public void setSourceFields(Fields sourceFields) {
public int getNumSinkParts() {
return scheme.getNumSinkParts();
public void setNumSinkParts(int numSinkParts) {
public boolean isWriteDirect() {
return scheme.isWriteDirect();
public void sourceInit(Tap tap, JobConf conf) throws IOException {
scheme.sourceInit(tap, conf);
public void sinkInit(Tap tap, JobConf conf) throws IOException {
scheme.sinkInit(tap, conf);
public Tuple source(Object key, Object value) {
return scheme.source(key, value);
public void sink(TupleEntry tupleEntry, OutputCollector outputCollector)
throws IOException {
if (pathFields != null) {
Tuple values = tupleEntry.selectTuple(pathFields);
outputCollector = ((TemplateCollector) outputCollector)
scheme.sink(tupleEntry, outputCollector);
* Constructor TemplateTap creates a new TemplateTap instance using the
* given parent {@link Hfs} Tap as the base path and default
* {@link cascading.scheme.Scheme}, and the pathTemplate as the
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String.
* @param parent
* of type Tap
* @param pathTemplate
* of type String
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate) {
this(parent, pathTemplate, OPEN_TAPS_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT,
* Constructor TemplateTap creates a new TemplateTap instance using the
* given parent {@link Hfs} Tap as the base path and default
* {@link cascading.scheme.Scheme}, and the pathTemplate as the
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String.
* <p/>
* openTapsThreshold limits the number of open files to be output to.
* @param parent
* of type Hfs
* @param pathTemplate
* of type String
* @param openTapsThreshold
* of type int
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "numTuplesPerSplit" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate,
int numTuplesPerSplit) {
super(new TemplateScheme(parent.getScheme()));
this.parent = parent;
this.pathTemplate = pathTemplate;
this.numTuplesPerSplit = numTuplesPerSplit;
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "openTapsThreshold",
"numTuplesPerSplit" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate,
int openTapsThreshold, int numTuplesPerSplit) {
super(new TemplateScheme(parent.getScheme()));
this.parent = parent;
this.pathTemplate = pathTemplate;
this.openTapsThreshold = openTapsThreshold;
this.numTuplesPerSplit = numTuplesPerSplit;
* Constructor TemplateTap creates a new TemplateTap instance using the
* given parent {@link Hfs} Tap as the base path and default
* {@link cascading.scheme.Scheme}, and the pathTemplate as the
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String.
* @param parent
* of type Tap
* @param pathTemplate
* of type String
* @param sinkMode
* of type SinkMode
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "sinkMode" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate, SinkMode sinkMode) {
super(new TemplateScheme(parent.getScheme()), sinkMode);
this.parent = parent;
this.pathTemplate = pathTemplate;
* Constructor TemplateTap creates a new TemplateTap instance using the
* given parent {@link Hfs} Tap as the base path and default
* {@link cascading.scheme.Scheme}, and the pathTemplate as the
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String.
* <p/>
* keepParentOnDelete, when set to true, prevents the parent Tap from being
* deleted when {@link #deletePath(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)} is
* called, typically an issue when used inside a
* {@link cascading.cascade.Cascade}.
* @param parent
* of type Tap
* @param pathTemplate
* of type String
* @param sinkMode
* of type SinkMode
* @param keepParentOnDelete
* of type boolean
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "sinkMode",
"keepParentOnDelete" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate, SinkMode sinkMode,
boolean keepParentOnDelete) {
this(parent, pathTemplate, sinkMode, keepParentOnDelete,
* Constructor TemplateTap creates a new TemplateTap instance using the
* given parent {@link Hfs} Tap as the base path and default
* {@link cascading.scheme.Scheme}, and the pathTemplate as the
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String.
* <p/>
* keepParentOnDelete, when set to true, prevents the parent Tap from being
* deleted when {@link #deletePath(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)} is
* called, typically an issue when used inside a
* {@link cascading.cascade.Cascade}.
* <p/>
* openTapsThreshold limits the number of open files to be output to.
* @param parent
* of type Tap
* @param pathTemplate
* of type String
* @param sinkMode
* of type SinkMode
* @param keepParentOnDelete
* of type boolean
* @param openTapsThreshold
* of type int
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "sinkMode",
"keepParentOnDelete", "openTapsThreshold" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate, SinkMode sinkMode,
boolean keepParentOnDelete, int openTapsThreshold) {
super(new TemplateScheme(parent.getScheme()), sinkMode);
this.parent = parent;
this.pathTemplate = pathTemplate;
this.keepParentOnDelete = keepParentOnDelete;
this.openTapsThreshold = openTapsThreshold;
* Constructor TemplateTap creates a new TemplateTap instance using the
* given parent {@link Hfs} Tap as the base path and default
* {@link cascading.scheme.Scheme}, and the pathTemplate as the
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String. The pathFields is a selector
* that selects and orders the fields to be used in the given pathTemplate.
* <p/>
* This constructor also allows the sinkFields of the parent Tap to be
* independent of the pathFields. Thus allowing data not in the result file
* to be used in the template path name.
* @param parent
* of type Tap
* @param pathTemplate
* of type String
* @param pathFields
* of type Fields
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "pathFields" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate, Fields pathFields) {
this(parent, pathTemplate, pathFields, OPEN_TAPS_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT,
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "pathFields",
"numTuplesPerSplit" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate, Fields pathFields,
int numTuplesPerSplit) {
this(parent, pathTemplate, pathFields, OPEN_TAPS_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT,
* Constructor TemplateTap creates a new TemplateTap instance using the
* given parent {@link Hfs} Tap as the base path and default
* {@link cascading.scheme.Scheme}, and the pathTemplate as the
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String. The pathFields is a selector
* that selects and orders the fields to be used in the given pathTemplate.
* <p/>
* This constructor also allows the sinkFields of the parent Tap to be
* independent of the pathFields. Thus allowing data not in the result file
* to be used in the template path name.
* <p/>
* openTapsThreshold limits the number of open files to be output to.
* @param parent
* of type Hfs
* @param pathTemplate
* of type String
* @param pathFields
* of type Fields
* @param openTapsThreshold
* of type int
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "pathFields",
"openTapsThreshold", "numTuplesPerSplit" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate, Fields pathFields,
int openTapsThreshold, int numTuplesPerSplit) {
super(new TemplateScheme(parent.getScheme(), pathTemplate, pathFields));
this.parent = parent;
this.pathTemplate = pathTemplate;
this.openTapsThreshold = openTapsThreshold;
this.numTuplesPerSplit = numTuplesPerSplit;
* Constructor TemplateTap creates a new TemplateTap instance using the
* given parent {@link Hfs} Tap as the base path and default
* {@link cascading.scheme.Scheme}, and the pathTemplate as the
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String. The pathFields is a selector
* that selects and orders the fields to be used in the given pathTemplate.
* <p/>
* This constructor also allows the sinkFields of the parent Tap to be
* independent of the pathFields. Thus allowing data not in the result file
* to be used in the template path name.
* @param parent
* of type Tap
* @param pathTemplate
* of type String
* @param pathFields
* of type Fields
* @param sinkMode
* of type SinkMode
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "pathFields",
"sinkMode" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate, Fields pathFields,
SinkMode sinkMode) {
super(new TemplateScheme(parent.getScheme(), pathTemplate, pathFields),
this.parent = parent;
this.pathTemplate = pathTemplate;
* Constructor TemplateTap creates a new TemplateTap instance using the
* given parent {@link Hfs} Tap as the base path and default
* {@link cascading.scheme.Scheme}, and the pathTemplate as the
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String. The pathFields is a selector
* that selects and orders the fields to be used in the given pathTemplate.
* <p/>
* This constructor also allows the sinkFields of the parent Tap to be
* independent of the pathFields. Thus allowing data not in the result file
* to be used in the template path name.
* <p/>
* keepParentOnDelete, when set to true, prevents the parent Tap from being
* deleted when {@link #deletePath(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)} is
* called, typically an issue when used inside a
* {@link cascading.cascade.Cascade}.
* @param parent
* of type Tap
* @param pathTemplate
* of type String
* @param pathFields
* of type Fields
* @param sinkMode
* of type SinkMode
* @param keepParentOnDelete
* of type boolean
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "pathFields",
"sinkMode", "keepParentOnDelete" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate, Fields pathFields,
SinkMode sinkMode, boolean keepParentOnDelete) {
this(parent, pathTemplate, pathFields, sinkMode, keepParentOnDelete,
* /** Constructor TemplateTap creates a new TemplateTap instance using the
* given parent {@link Hfs} Tap as the base path and default
* {@link cascading.scheme.Scheme}, and the pathTemplate as the
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String. The pathFields is a selector
* that selects and orders the fields to be used in the given pathTemplate.
* <p/>
* This constructor also allows the sinkFields of the parent Tap to be
* independent of the pathFields. Thus allowing data not in the result file
* to be used in the template path name.
* <p/>
* keepParentOnDelete, when set to true, prevents the parent Tap from being
* deleted when {@link #deletePath(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)} is
* called, typically an issue when used inside a
* {@link cascading.cascade.Cascade}.
* <p/>
* openTapsThreshold limits the number of open files to be output to.
* @param parent
* of type Hfs
* @param pathTemplate
* of type String
* @param pathFields
* of type Fields
* @param sinkMode
* of type SinkMode
* @param keepParentOnDelete
* of type boolean
* @param openTapsThreshold
* of type int
@ConstructorProperties( { "parent", "pathTemplate", "pathFields",
"sinkMode", "keepParentOnDelete", "openTapsThreshold" })
public SplitTemplateTap(Hfs parent, String pathTemplate, Fields pathFields,
SinkMode sinkMode, boolean keepParentOnDelete,
int openTapsThreshold, int numTuplesPerSplit) {
super(new TemplateScheme(parent.getScheme(), pathTemplate, pathFields),
this.parent = parent;
this.pathTemplate = pathTemplate;
this.keepParentOnDelete = keepParentOnDelete;
this.openTapsThreshold = openTapsThreshold;
this.numTuplesPerSplit = numTuplesPerSplit;
* Method getParent returns the parent Tap of this TemplateTap object.
* @return the parent (type Tap) of this TemplateTap object.
public Tap getParent() {
return parent;
* Method getPathTemplate returns the pathTemplate
* {@link java.util.Formatter} format String of this TemplateTap object.
* @return the pathTemplate (type String) of this TemplateTap object.
public String getPathTemplate() {
return pathTemplate;
public boolean isWriteDirect() {
return true;
/** @see Tap#getPath() */
public Path getPath() {
return parent.getPath();
* Method getOpenTapsThreshold returns the openTapsThreshold of this
* TemplateTap object.
* @return the openTapsThreshold (type int) of this TemplateTap object.
public int getOpenTapsThreshold() {
return openTapsThreshold;
public TupleEntryCollector openForWrite(JobConf conf) throws IOException {
return new TemplateCollector(conf);
/** @see Tap#makeDirs(JobConf) */
public boolean makeDirs(JobConf conf) throws IOException {
return parent.makeDirs(conf);
/** @see Tap#deletePath(JobConf) */
public boolean deletePath(JobConf conf) throws IOException {
return keepParentOnDelete || parent.deletePath(conf);
/** @see Tap#pathExists(JobConf) */
public boolean pathExists(JobConf conf) throws IOException {
return parent.pathExists(conf);
/** @see Tap#getPathModified(JobConf) */
public long getPathModified(JobConf conf) throws IOException {
return parent.getPathModified(conf);
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (this == object) {
return true;
if (object == null || getClass() != object.getClass()) {
return false;
if (!super.equals(object)) {
return false;
SplitTemplateTap that = (SplitTemplateTap) object;
if (parent != null ? !parent.equals(that.parent) : that.parent != null) {
return false;
if (pathTemplate != null ? !pathTemplate.equals(that.pathTemplate)
: that.pathTemplate != null) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = super.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + (parent != null ? parent.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result
+ (pathTemplate != null ? pathTemplate.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[\"" + parent + "\"]" + "[\""
+ pathTemplate + "\"]";
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