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Last active April 30, 2018 12:58
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Origami Programming Exercises
// Exercises:
const eq = require('lodash').isEqual
const fold = (as, base) => (f) => {
let result = base
for (let i = 0; i < as.length; i++)
result = f(result, as[i])
return result
const append = (x, xs) => xs.concat([x])
const prepend = (x, xs) => [x].concat(xs)
const sum = (as) => fold(as, 0)((acc, x) => acc + x)
const foreach = (as) => (f) => fold(as, 0)((_, x) => f(x))
const map = (as) => (f) => fold(as, [])((acc, x) => append(f(x), acc));
const filter = (as) => (f) => fold(as, [])((acc, x) => f(x)? append(x, acc) : acc);
const filterNot = (as) => (f) => filter(as)(x => !f(x))
const exists = (as) => (f) => fold(as, false)((acc, x) => acc || f(x))
const forall = (as) => (f) => fold(as, true)((acc, x) => acc && f(x))
const length = (as) => fold(as, 0)((acc, _) => acc + 1)
const isEmpty = (as) => fold(as, true)(_ => false)
const notEmpty = (as) => fold(as, false)(_ => true)
const reverse = (as) => fold(as, [])((acc, x) => prepend(x, acc))
const first = (as) => fold(as, null)((acc, x) => acc === null? x : acc)
const last = (as) => fold(as, null)((_, x) => x)
const tail = (as) => fold(as, { index: 0, result: []})((state, x) =>
? {seenHead: true, result: []}
: {seenHead: true, result: append(x, state.result)}
const second = (as) => fold(as, { index: 0, result: null })((state, x) =>
state.index === 1
? {index: state.index+1, result: x}
: {index: state.index+1, result: state.result}
const max = (as) => fold(as, null)((acc, x) => acc === null? x : x > acc? x : acc);
const maxBy = (as) => (f) => fold(as, null)((acc, x) => acc === null? x : f(x) > f(acc)? x : acc);
const min = (as) => fold(as, null)((acc, x) => acc === null? x : x < acc? x : acc);
const minBy = (as) => (f) => fold(as, null)((acc, x) => acc === null? x : f(x) < f(acc)? x : acc);
const find = (as) => (f) => fold(as, null)((acc, x) => f(x)? x : acc);
const takeWhile = (as) => (f) => fold(as, {taking: true, result: []})((state, x) =>
state.taking && f(x)
? {taking: true, result: append(x, state.result)}
: {taking: false, result: state.result}
const dropWhile = (as) => (f) => fold(as, {dropping: true, result: []})((state, x) =>
state.dropping && f(x)
? { dropping: true, result: state.result}
: { dropping: false, result: append(x, state.result)}
const partition = (as) => (f) => fold(as, [[], []])((acc, x) =>
? [append(x, acc[0]), acc[1]]
: [acc[0], append(x, acc[1])]
const splitAt = (as) => (i) => fold(as, {index: 0, result: [[], []]})((state, x) =>
state.index < i
? {index: state.index+1, result: [append(x, state.result[0]), state.result[1]]}
: {index: state.index+1, result: [state.result[0], append(x, state.result[1])]}
const index = (as) => (i) => fold(as, {index: 0, result: null})((state, x) =>
state.index === i
? {index: state.index+1, result: x}
: {index: state.index+1, result: state.result}
const zip = (as) => (bs) => fold(as, {index: 0, result: []})((state, a) =>
state.index < bs.length
? {index: state.index+1, result: append([a, index(bs)(state.index)], state.result)}
: {index: state.index+1, result: state.result}
const zipWithIndex = (as) => fold(as, {index: 0, result: []})((state, x) => {
return {index: state.index+1, result: append([x, state.index], state.result)}
const indexWhere = (as) => (f) => fold(as, {index: 0, result: null})((state, x) =>
? {index: state.index+1, result: state.index}
: {index: state.index+1, result: state.result}
const take = (as) => (i) => fold(as, [])((acc, x) =>
acc.length < i
? append(x, acc)
: acc
const drop = (as) => (i) => fold(as, {index: 0, result: []})((state, x) =>
state.index >= i
? { index: state.index+1, result: append(x, state.result)}
: { index: state.index+1, result: state.result}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Origami where
import Prelude hiding (filter, map, head)
sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum = foldr (+) 0
foreach :: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> [a] -> m ()
foreach f = foldr ((>>) . f) (pure ())
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f = foldr ((:) . f) []
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter f = flip foldr [] $ \x acc ->
if f x
then x : acc
else acc
filterNot :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterNot f = filter (not . f)
exists :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
exists f = foldr (||) False. map f
forall :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
forall f = foldr (&&) True . map f
length :: Num b => [a] -> b
length = foldr (const (+1)) 0
isEmpty :: [a] -> Bool
isEmpty = foldr (\_ _ -> False) True
notEmpty :: [a] -> Bool
notEmpty = foldr (\_ _ -> True) False
reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse = foldl (flip (:)) []
first :: [a] -> Maybe a
first = foldl f Nothing
f Nothing x = Just x
f head _ = head
last :: [a] -> Maybe a
last = foldl (const Just) Nothing
tail :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
tail = foldl f Nothing
f Nothing _ = Just []
f (Just xs) x = Just (xs ++ [x])
second :: [a] -> Maybe a
second xs = foldl f Nothing $ zipWithIndex xs
f _ (x, 1) = Just x
f acc _ = acc
max :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a
max = maxBy id
maxBy :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe a
maxBy f = foldl g Nothing
g Nothing x = Just x
g (Just x) y
| f x > f y = Just x
| otherwise = Just y
min :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a
min = minBy id
minBy :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe a
minBy f = foldl g Nothing
g Nothing x = Just x
g (Just x) y
| f x < f y = Just x
| otherwise = Just y
find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
find predicate = foldl g Nothing
g acc x = if predicate x then Just x else acc
takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
takeWhile predicate = snd . foldl f (True, [])
f (taking, acc) x
| taking && predicate x = (True, acc ++ [x])
| otherwise = (False, acc)
dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropWhile predicate = snd . foldl f (True, [])
f (dropping, acc) x
| dropping && predicate x = (True, acc)
| otherwise = (False, acc ++ [x])
partition :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
partition f = foldr (\x (xs, ys) -> if f x then (x:xs, ys) else (xs, x:ys)) ([], [])
splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt idx = foldr f ([], []) . zipWithIndex
f (x, i) (xs, ys) = if i < idx then (x:xs, ys) else (xs, x:ys)
index :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
index idx = foldl (\acc (x, i) -> if idx == i then Just x else acc) Nothing . zipWithIndex
zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip = foldr f (const [])
f x functions = \case
[] -> []
(y:ys) -> (x, y) : functions ys
zipWithIndex :: [a] -> [(a, Int)]
zipWithIndex = snd . foldl f (0, [])
f (idx, acc) x = (idx+1, acc ++ [(x, idx)])
indexWhere :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int
indexWhere predicate = foldl f Nothing . zipWithIndex
f acc (x, i) = if predicate x then Just i else acc
take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
take i = snd . foldl f (0, [])
f (count, acc) x
| count < i = (count + 1, acc ++ [x])
| otherwise = (count, acc)
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