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Last active January 30, 2018 15:23
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import monix.eval._
import io.circe._
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpcirce.ErrorAccumulatingCirceSupport._
POST localhost:9999/mock
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"uri": "example"
"response": {
"body" : {"x": 5},
"code": 200
GET localhost:9999/example
DELETE localhost:9999/mock
"method": "GET",
"uri": "example"
val state: MVar[Map[Request, Response]] = MVar(Map())
val defaultDirectives: Directive0 =
handleExceptions(handlers.exceptionHandler) &
handleRejections(handlers.rejectionHandler) &
cors(corsSettings) &
val routes: Route = defaultDirectives {
path("mock") {
(post & entity(as[Setup])) { setup =>
val action =
for {
map <- state.take
newMap = map.updated(setup.request, setup.response)
_ <- state.put(newMap)
} yield newMap
onSuccess(action.runAsync) { newMap =>
complete(StatusCodes.OK -> newMap.toString)
} ~
(delete & entity(as[Request])) { request =>
val action =
for {
map <- state.take
newMap = map - request
_ <- state.put(newMap)
} yield newMap
onSuccess(action.runAsync) { newMap =>
complete(StatusCodes.OK -> newMap.toString)
} ~
(path(RemainingPath) & extractMethod) { (uri, method) =>
onSuccess( { map =>
val request = Request(uri.toString, method.value)
map.get(request) match {
case Some(response) => complete(response.code -> response.body)
case _ => complete(StatusCodes.InternalServerError -> "Unexpected call")
case class Setup(request: Request, response: Response)
case class Request(uri: String, method: String)
case class Response(code: StatusCode, body: Json)
object Setup { implicit val setupDecoder: Decoder[Setup] = deriveDecoder[Setup] }
object Request { implicit val requestDecoder: Decoder[Request] = deriveDecoder[Request] }
object Response {
implicit val statusCodeDecoder: Decoder[StatusCode] =
implicit val responseDecoder: Decoder[Response] = deriveDecoder[Response]
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