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Last active June 17, 2024 14:03
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Fix tokenizer
# Source:
/// Fix a huggingface tokenizer to which tokens have been added after training.
/// Adding tokens after training via `add_special_tokens` leads to them being added to the
/// `added_tokens` section but not to the `model.vocab` section. This yields warnings like:
/// ```
/// [2023-10-17T07:54:05Z WARN tokenizers::tokenizer::serialization] Warning: Token '<|empty_usable_token_space_1023|>' was expected to have ID '129023' but was given ID 'None'
/// ```
/// The code in this file ensures that all tokens from `added_tokens` are also placed into
/// `model.vocab`. This fixes the warning and does not change the tokenizer's behavior.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use serde_json::Value;
use serde::Deserialize;
struct AddedToken {
id: usize,
content: String,
fn main() {
let raw = std::fs::read("./source.json").unwrap();
let mut tokenizer: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&raw).unwrap();
let added_tokens: Vec<AddedToken> = serde_json::from_value(tokenizer["added_tokens"].clone()).unwrap();
let vocab: HashMap<String, usize> = serde_json::from_value(tokenizer["model"]["vocab"].clone()).unwrap();
for token in added_tokens {
if !vocab.contains_key(&token.content) {
let raw_fixed = serde_json::to_vec_pretty(&tokenizer).unwrap();
std::fs::write("./fixed.json", raw_fixed).unwrap();
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn should_have_expected_diff_in_length_before() {
let raw = std::fs::read("./source.json").unwrap();
let tokenizer: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&raw).unwrap();
let added_tokens: Vec<AddedToken> = serde_json::from_value(tokenizer["added_tokens"].clone()).unwrap();
let vocab: HashMap<String, usize> = serde_json::from_value(tokenizer["model"]["vocab"].clone()).unwrap();
let tokens_not_in_vocab: Vec<&AddedToken> = added_tokens.iter().filter(|&t| !vocab.contains_key(&t.content)).collect();
assert_eq!(tokens_not_in_vocab.len(), 1024);
fn should_have_expected_diff_in_length_after() {
let raw = std::fs::read("./fixed.json").unwrap();
let tokenizer: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&raw).unwrap();
let added_tokens: Vec<AddedToken> = serde_json::from_value(tokenizer["added_tokens"].clone()).unwrap();
let vocab: HashMap<String, usize> = serde_json::from_value(tokenizer["model"]["vocab"].clone()).unwrap();
let tokens_not_in_vocab: Vec<&AddedToken> = added_tokens.iter().filter(|&t| !vocab.contains_key(&t.content)).collect();
assert_eq!(tokens_not_in_vocab.len(), 0);
# Python implementation of above
# Get tokenizer config for the model first, e.g. from
import json
class AddedToken:
def __init__(
id: int,
content: str,
single_word: bool,
lstrip: bool,
rstrip: bool,
normalized: bool,
special: bool,
): = id
self.content = content
self.single_word = single_word
self.lstrip = lstrip
self.rstrip = rstrip
self.normalized = normalized
self.special = special
def load_json(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
def save_json(data, filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
json.dump(data, file, indent=4)
def fix_tokenizer():
tokenizer = load_json("./tokenizer.json")
added_tokens = [AddedToken(**token) for token in tokenizer["added_tokens"]]
vocab = tokenizer["model"]["vocab"]
for token in added_tokens:
if token.content not in vocab:
vocab[token.content] =
save_json(tokenizer, "./tokenizer.fixed.json")
# Some simple sanity checks
def run_test_tokens_not_in_vocab_before():
tokenizer = load_json("./tokenizer.json")
added_tokens = [AddedToken(**token) for token in tokenizer["added_tokens"]]
vocab = tokenizer["model"]["vocab"]
tokens_not_in_vocab = [token for token in added_tokens if token.content not in vocab]
print(len(tokens_not_in_vocab), 1024)
def run_test_tokens_not_in_vocab_after():
tokenizer = load_json("./tokenizer.fixed.json")
added_tokens = [AddedToken(**token) for token in tokenizer["added_tokens"]]
vocab = tokenizer["model"]["vocab"]
tokens_not_in_vocab = [token for token in added_tokens if token.content not in vocab]
print(len(tokens_not_in_vocab), 0)
# To apply patch, first generate diff file
# diff -u tokenizer.json tokenizer.fixed.json > tokenizer.diff
# Then apply the changes from the diff to tokenizer.json
# patch tokenizer.json < tokenizer.diff
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