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Created April 3, 2020 10:34
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pub mod another_module;
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use async_recursion::async_recursion;
// Use `wee_alloc` as the global allocator.
static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;
fn panic(_: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
loop {}
fn oom(_: core::alloc::Layout) -> ! {
loop {}
#[lang = "eh_personality"] extern fn eh_personality() {}
async fn bad_adder(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
if x > 0 {
1 + bad_adder(x - 1, y).await
} else if y > 0 {
1 + bad_adder(x, y - 1).await
} else {
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