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Created November 1, 2010 18:13
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Processing UserSessionsController#create (for at 2010-11-01 14:12:23) [POST]
Parameters: {"action"=>"create", "authenticity_token"=>"rB6dLcQC55xOHF5Bl3R1/0Y3mqRSkZwYB6q7tyjhu0M=", "controller"=>"user_sessions", "login"=>"dce", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}
User Load (14.4ms) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`pseudo_user_token` = '05505517a648f628c45da6d97ece48ead0b21519') LIMIT 1
insider UserSessions#create
User Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (LOWER(`users`.login) = 'dce') LIMIT 1
SQL (0.1ms) BEGIN
Speaker Columns (1.6ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `speakers`
Speaker Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM `speakers` WHERE (`speakers`.`id` = 2) AND (speakers.is_spam = 0 OR NULL)
User Update (0.3ms) UPDATE `users` SET `updated_at` = '2010-11-01 14:12:23', `perishable_token` = 'wizLh57sve3jPaAJBw', `last_login_at` = '2010-11-01 14:10:21', `current_login_at` = '2010-11-01 14:12:23', `login_count` = 4, `last_request_at` = '2010-11-01 14:12:23' WHERE `id` = 2
SQL (0.6ms) COMMIT
succeeding at saving user session #<UserSession: {:login=>"dce", :password=>"<protected>"}>
user's session was {:return_to=>"/user_session", "user_credentials"=>"011ce3b856c6c29b5f6d2da1480e95df784427ced86a6cd2c91b19e646bb7920c82a38d75fa4a6f16bb3b02a01e99bda43fa555e2b7a3fb1ee4054289cc97be6", :session_id=>"ee7fecdb73e6d32c961ebefed1a19154", :user_id=>2, :_csrf_token=>"rB6dLcQC55xOHF5Bl3R1/0Y3mqRSkZwYB6q7tyjhu0M=", "flash"=>{}, "user_credentials_id"=>2}
Redirected to http://spkr8.local/user_session
Completed in 34ms (DB: 19) | 302 Found [http://spkr8.local/user_session]
SQL (0.1ms) SET NAMES 'utf8'
User Columns (1.3ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `users`
DEPRECATION WARNING: Giving :session_key to SessionStore is deprecated, please use :key instead. (called from new at /Users/dce/Projects/spkr8/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/middleware_stack.rb:72)
Processing UserSessionsController#show (for at 2010-11-01 14:12:23) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "controller"=>"user_sessions"}
User Load (17.1ms) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`pseudo_user_token` = '05505517a648f628c45da6d97ece48ead0b21519') LIMIT 1
Redirected to http://spkr8.local/
Completed in 21ms (DB: 19) | 302 Found [http://spkr8.local/user_session]
SQL (0.1ms) SET NAMES 'utf8'
User Columns (1.7ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `users`
DEPRECATION WARNING: Giving :session_key to SessionStore is deprecated, please use :key instead. (called from new at /Users/dce/Projects/spkr8/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/middleware_stack.rb:72)
Processing IndexController#index (for at 2010-11-01 14:12:24) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"index"}
User Load (15.2ms) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`pseudo_user_token` = '05505517a648f628c45da6d97ece48ead0b21519') LIMIT 1
Feature Load (0.5ms) SELECT * FROM `features` WHERE (start_date <= '2010-11-01' AND end_date >= '2010-11-01') LIMIT 1
Rendering template within layouts/application
Rendering index/index
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