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Fit four different Equations of State (EoS) to (lattice,enery) or (volume,energy) data
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Fit equations of state (EOS) to energy vs volume curves and optionally plot the results
# Davide Ceresoli <>, 03/22/2011
# Inspired by ase.utils.eosase2
# TODO: Keane
import sys, numpy, math
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
# Murnaghan equation of state
def eos_murnaghan(params, vol):
'From Phys. Rev. B 28, 5480 (1983)'
E0, B0, Bp, V0 = params
E = E0 + B0/Bp * vol * ((V0/vol)**Bp/(Bp-1.0)+1.0) - V0*B0/(Bp-1.0)
return E
# Birch-Murnaghan equation of state
def eos_birch_murnaghan(params, vol):
'From Phys. Rev. B 70, 224107'
E0, B0, Bp, V0 = params
eta = (V0/vol)**(1.0/3.0)
E = E0 + 9.0*B0*V0/16.0 * (eta**2-1.0)**2 * (6.0 + Bp*(eta**2-1.0) - 4.0*eta**2)
return E
# Birch equation of state
def eos_birch(params, vol):
From Intermetallic compounds: Principles and Practice, Vol. I: Princples
Chapter 9 pages 195-210 by M. Mehl. B. Klein, D. Papaconstantopoulos
E0, B0, Bp, V0 = params
E = (E0 + 9.0/8.0*B0*V0*((V0/vol)**(2.0/3.0) - 1.0)**2
+ 9.0/16.0*B0*V0*(Bp-4.)*((V0/vol)**(2.0/3.0) - 1.0)**3)
return E
# Vinet equation of state
def eos_vinet(params, vol):
'From Phys. Rev. B 70, 224107'
E0, B0, Bp, V0 = params
eta = (vol/V0)**(1.0/3.0)
E = E0 + 2.0*B0*V0/(Bp-1.0)**2 * \
(2.0 - (5.0 + 3.0*Bp*(eta-1.0) - 3.0*eta)*numpy.exp(-3.0*(Bp-1.0)*(eta-1.0)/2.0))
return E
# Customized input with default and accepted values
def myinput(prompt, default, accepted):
while True:
res = input(prompt + " [default=%s]: " % (default))
if res == '': res = default
if res in accepted:
print("accepted values:", accepted)
return res
print("Welcome to")
fname = input("Filename containing energy vs volume [volume.dat]: ")
if fname == '': fname = 'volume.dat'
f = open(fname, 'rt')
except IOError:
sys.stderr.write("Error opening or reading file %s\n" % (fname))
# read data from file
print("Data read from file:")
vol = []
ene = []
while True:
line = f.readline().strip()
if line == '': break
if line[0] == '#' or line[0] == '!': continue
v, e = [float(x) for x in line.split()[:2]]
print(v, e)
# transform to numpy arrays
vol = numpy.array(vol)
ene = numpy.array(ene)
# further questions
is_volume = True
ans = myinput("Volume or lattice spacing (vol/latt)", "vol", ["vol", "latt"])
is_volume = (ans == 'vol')
if is_volume:
vol_unit = myinput("Volume units (ang3/bohr3)", "ang3", ["ang3", "bohr3"])
if vol_unit == "bohr3": vol *= 0.14818471 # convert to angstrom^3
vol_unit = myinput("Lattice units (ang/bohr)", "ang", ["ang", "bohr"])
if vol_unit == "bohr": vol *= 0.52917721 # convert to angstrom
latt = myinput("Lattice type (sc/fcc/bcc)", "sc", ["sc", "bcc", "fcc"])
fact = 1.0
if latt == "fcc": fact = 0.25
if latt == "bcc": fact = 0.5
# lattice to volume
vol = fact * vol**3
ene_unit = myinput("Energy units (eV/Ry/Ha)", "eV", ["eV", "Ry", "Ha"])
if ene_unit == "Ry": ene *= 13.605692 # convert to eV
if ene_unit == "Ha": ene *= 27.211383 # convert to eV
# fit a parabola to the data and get inital guess for equilibirum volume
# and bulk modulus
a, b, c = numpy.polyfit(vol, ene, 2)
V0 = -b/(2*a)
E0 = a*V0**2 + b*V0 + c
B0 = 2*a*V0
Bp = 4.0
# initial guesses in the same order used in the Murnaghan function
x0 = [E0, B0, Bp, V0]
def print_params(label, params):
E0, B0, Bp, V0 = params
print(label, ": E0 = %f eV" % (E0))
print(label, ": B0 = %f GPa" % (B0*160.21765))
print(label, ": Bp = %f" % (Bp))
if is_volume:
print(label, ": V0 = %f angstrom^3" % (V0))
print(label, ": V0 = %f angstrom^3, a0 = %f angstrom" % (V0, (V0/fact)**(1./3.)))
# fit the equations of state
target = lambda params, y, x: y - eos_murnaghan(params, x)
murn, ier = leastsq(target, x0, args=(ene,vol))
print_params("Murnaghan", murn)
target = lambda params, y, x: y - eos_birch_murnaghan(params, x)
birch_murn, ier = leastsq(target, x0, args=(ene,vol))
print_params("Birch-Murnaghan", birch_murn)
target = lambda params, y, x: y - eos_birch(params, x)
birch, ier = leastsq(target, x0, args=(ene,vol))
print_params("Birch", birch)
target = lambda params, y, x: y - eos_vinet(params, x)
vinet, ier = leastsq(target, x0, args=(ene,vol))
print_params("Vinet", vinet)
import pylab
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("pylab module non available, skipping plot")
# plotting
ans = myinput("Do you want to plot the result (yes/no)", "yes", ["yes", "no"])
if ans == "no": sys.exit(0)
import pylab
vfit = numpy.linspace(min(vol),max(vol),100)
pylab.plot(vol, ene-E0, 'ro')
pylab.plot(vfit, eos_murnaghan(murn,vfit)-E0, label='Murnaghan')
pylab.plot(vfit, eos_birch_murnaghan(birch_murn,vfit)-E0, label='Birch-Murnaghan')
pylab.plot(vfit, eos_birch(birch,vfit)-E0, label='Birch')
pylab.plot(vfit, eos_vinet(vinet,vfit)-E0, label='Vinet')
pylab.xlabel('Volume ($\AA^3$)')
pylab.ylabel('Energy (eV)')
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