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Last active March 26, 2024 14:51
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Create an input file for FDMNES from a cif or poscar file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Create an input file for FDMNES from a cif or poscar file
# Davide Ceresoli <>, 27/02/2024
import os, sys, argparse
# parse CLI arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create input for FDMNES calculations')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--absorber', dest='absorber', action='store', required=True,
help='absorber element')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--edge', dest='edge', action='store', default='K',
help='absorption egde (default: K)')
parser.add_argument('--rmax', dest='rmax', action='store', default=7.0,
help='maximum radius of cluster (default: 7 Å)')
parser.add_argument('--range', dest='range', action='store', default='-20,50',
help='energy range (default: -20,50)')
parser.add_argument('--scf', dest='scf', action='store_true', default=True,
help='perform SCF calculation (default: True)')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--method', dest='method', action='store', default='MT',
help='method: MT or FD (default: MT)')
parser.add_argument('--tddft', dest='tddft', action='store_true', default=False,
help='use TDDFT (default: False)')
parser.add_argument('--quadrupole', dest='quadrupole', action='store_true', default=False,
help='calculate quadrupole transitions (default: False)')
parser.add_argument('filename', action='store', help='cif or poscar filename')
args = parser.parse_args()
# read file
cry =
print('error: opening or parsing {0}'.format(args.filename), file=sys.stderr)
if args.absorber not in cry.get_chemical_symbols():
print('error: atom {0} not found'.format(args.absorber))
# create output file
base = os.path.basename(args.filename)
prefix = os.path.splitext(base)[0]
out = 'FDMNES_' + prefix + '.txt'
with open(out, 'wt') as f:
print('! FDMNES input file for {0}'.format(args.filename), file=f)
print('! created by', file=f)
print('', file=f)
print('Filout\n ./out\n', file=f)
emin, emax = args.range.split(',')
print('Range ! Energy range of calculation (eV). Energy of photoelectron relative to Fermi level', file=f)
print(' {0} 0.1 {1}\n'.format(emin, emax), file=f)
print('Radius ! Radius of the cluster where final state calculation is performed', file=f)
print(' {0}\n'.format(args.rmax), file=f)
print('Edge ! Threshold type', file=f)
print(' {0}\n'.format(args.edge), file=f)
if args.scf:
print('''SCF ! Self consistent solution
Full_atom ! Better SCF convergence
''', file=f)
if args.method.lower() == 'mt':
print('Green ! Muffin tin potential', file=f)
elif args.method.lower() == 'fd':
print('!Green ! Finite differences', file=f)
raise 'TODO'
raise NotImplementedError
if args.quadrupole:
print('Quadrupole ! Allows quadrupolar E1E2 terms', file=f)
if args.tddft:
print('TDDFT ! Use Timde Dependent DFT', file=f)
raise 'TODO'
!magnetism ! performs magnetic calculations
Density ! Outputs the density of states as _sd1.txt
Sphere_all ! Outputs the spherical tensors as _sph_.txt
Cartesian ! Outputs the cartesian tensors as _car_.txt
energpho ! output the energies in real terms
Convolution ! Performs the convolution
rxs ! Resonant x-ray scattering at various peaks
''', file=f)
print('Atom ! s=0,p=1,d=2,f=3, must be neutral, get d states right by moving e to 2s and 2p sites', file=f)
species = set(cry.get_chemical_symbols())
for sp in species:
print('{0} 0 ! {1}'.format([sp], sp), file=f)
print('', file=f)
print('Crystal ! Periodic material description (unit cell)', file=f)
a, b, c = cry.cell.lengths()
alpha, beta, gamma = cry.cell.angles()
print(' {0:12.6f} {1:12.6f} {2:12.6f} {3:12.6f} {4:12.6f} {5:12.6f}'.format(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma), file=f)
species = list(species)
atoms = cry.get_chemical_symbols()
frac = cry.get_scaled_positions()
for i in range(len(cry)):
ind = species.index(atoms[i])
if atoms[i] == args.absorber:
print('{0:3d} {1:20.10f} {2:20.10f} {3:20.10f} ! {4:3d} {5}'.format(ind+1,
frac[i][0], frac[i][1], frac[i][2], i, species[ind]), file=f)
for i in range(len(cry)):
ind = species.index(atoms[i])
if atoms[i] != args.absorber:
print('{0:3d} {1:20.10f} {2:20.10f} {3:20.10f} ! {4:3d} {5}'.format(ind+1,
frac[i][0], frac[i][1], frac[i][2], i, species[ind]), file=f)
print('End\n', file=f)
with open('fdmfile.txt', 'wt') as f:
print('1', file=f)
print(out, file=f)
print('files {0} and fdmfile.txt written successfully!'.format(out))
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