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Created February 22, 2019 07:23
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# refer to
# and
pidfile /var/run/
log format rfc5424 local0
# drop privileges
chroot /var/empty
group www
user www
stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock mode 660 user root group wheel level admin
ssl-default-bind-options force-tlsv12
tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3
# ssl-dh-param-file /usr/local/etc/haproxy/diffie-hellman.cfg
maxconn 4096
spread-checks 5
# hard-stop-after 15m
log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
option log-health-checks
monitor-uri /_haproxy_health_check
# load balancing is tricky
# roundrobin only really matters when we have multiple non-backup backends
balance roundrobin
# forwardfor and http-server-close ensure that backends get the actual IP
# via the X-Forwarded-For header, but still have the benefits of HTTP
# KeepAlive for performance
option forwardfor
option redispatch
retries 3
# these need to be long enough to accommodate large view responses from couchdb
timeout connect 10s
option http-keep-alive
option tcpka
# health check settings all have defaults of 2 seconds which generates
# a lot of unnecessary traffic. Note that TCP connection failures will
# trigger a check & down state very quickly anyway so this is really
# just to catch layer 7 (HTTP) issues in addition to network ones.
# inter: interval between checks when backend is UP
# downinter: interval between checks when backend is DOWN
# fastinter: interval between checks when backend is changing state
default-server inter 15s downinter 60s fastinter 5s
# see and also
frontend rabbitmq_tcp
mode tcp
bind {{ net.private.ip.haproxy }}:{{ config.rabbitmq.primary_port }}
option tcplog
default_backend rabbitmq_backend
backend rabbitmq_backend
mode tcp
option tcplog
option tcp-check
tcp-check send-binary 414d515000000901 # <<"AMQP", 0, 0, 9, 1>>
tcp-check expect string AMQP
# ensure that non-heartbeat sending clients like python or perl aren't
# arbitrarily disconnected, but if one side closes client-fin ensures the
# connection is still freed up reasonably promptly.
timeout client-fin 30s
timeout tunnel 24h
timeout client 24h
timeout server 24h
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