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Created May 24, 2017 17:50
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slack with rollups
(defn format-slack-attachments
"Format attachments list from events."
[events mentions]
(let [event-count (count events)
event (last events)
description (:description event)
event-text (format-event-text event)
color (get-event-color event)]
(if (= event-count 1)
[{:text event-text
:color color
:mrkdwn_in ["text"]}])
(let [{ok "ok"
warning "warning"
critical "critical"
none nil} (group-by :state events)
state-counts {:ok (count ok)
:warning (count warning)
:critical (count critical)
:none (count none)}
; rollup-text becomes list of non-zero counts like '("ok: 3" "critical: 2")
(filter identity (map (fn [[state-keyword state-count]]
(if (> state-count 0)
(str (name state-keyword) ": " state-count)))
[{:text (str "Current: " event-text
"\nrollup = "
(string/join ", " rollup-text))
:color color
:mrkdwn_in ["text"]}]))))
(defn format-slack-rollup
"Format rollup events into Slack message."
(let [mentions (:mentions args)
mention-string (if (and (not (nil? mentions)) (not (empty? mentions)))
(str " " (string/join " " mentions))
(fn [events]
{:attachments (format-slack-attachments events mention-string)
:link_names 1
:icon (:slack-icon @settings)})))
(defn send-slack-alerts
"Send alerts to Slack channels."
(let [username (:slack-username @settings)
credentials {:account (env :riemann-slack-account)
:token (env :riemann-slack-token)}
event (last events)
event-count (count events)
slack-args (get-slack-args event)
channels (:channels slack-args)
channels-string (string/join ", " channels)
formatter (format-slack-rollup slack-args)]
(doseq [channel channels]
((riemann.slack/slack credentials {:username username
:channel channel
:formatter formatter}) events))))
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