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How to Install redmine_bitbucket plugin for bitnami redmine
# Install redmine_bitbucket plugin, by following instructions in README
# create new ssh key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
# add public key to your bitbucket account as deploy key
cat ~/.ssh/
# answer yes to add bitbucket to known hosts
sudo ssh
# make daemon aware of our ssh deploy key
# It's dirty, yes. But what else can i do ?
# make sure its writable
sudo chmod -R 777 bitbucket_repos/
# change home dir and shell of the "daemon" user to "daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/home/daemon:/bin/bash" in /etc/passwd
# IDs might be different oj your installation, but "/home/daemon" and "/bin/bash" must be set to same values
sudo emacs /etc/passwd
# create home for daemon
sudo mkdir /home/daemon
# chown/chmod
sudo chown -R daemon:daemon /home/daemon/
# copy ssh ids
sudo mkdir /home/daemon/.ssh
sudo cp -R ~/.ssh/* /home/daemon/.ssh/
sudo chown -R daemon:daemon /home/daemon/
sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart apache
# configure hook (i assume your project is called "oreshek" and your domain "")
add the secret "Or4IlN8nHFiZ8Vt64yDbLh6Qt5N39e" in your plugin configuration (redmine->admin->plugins->bitbucker_redmine).
obviously...change the secret
# make a commit, check hook requests
now, be aware of the fact that bitbucket will say "request timeout" if you have large repository.
this actualy means that it worked... and next time the hook will hit your redmine, it will return "200 OK"
# in case something is ****ed up, check logs, that's how i debugged issues
cat /opt/bitnami/apps/redmineplusagile/htdocs/log/production.log | tail
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