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Created November 28, 2010 13:25
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Apple's multitouch with demo (run using gracket)
#lang racket/gui
; Ported from
(require ffi/unsafe
(define libmulti (ffi-lib "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MultitouchSupport.framework/MultitouchSupport"))
(define CFArrayRef _pointer)
(define CFMutableArrayRef _pointer)
(define CFIndex _long)
(define CFArrayGetCount
(get-ffi-obj "CFArrayGetCount" libmulti
(_fun CFArrayRef -> CFIndex)))
(define CFArrayGetValueAtIndex
(get-ffi-obj "CFArrayGetValueAtIndex" libmulti
(_fun CFArrayRef CFIndex -> _pointer)))
(define MTDeviceCreateList
(get-ffi-obj "MTDeviceCreateList" libmulti
(_fun -> CFMutableArrayRef)))
(define-cstruct _MTPoint ([x _float] [y _float]))
(define-cstruct _MTVector ([position _MTPoint] [velocity _MTPoint]))
(define-cstruct _MTData ([frame _int]
[timestamp _double]
[identifier _int]
[state _int]
[unknown1 _int]
[unknown2 _int]
[normalized _MTVector]
[size _float]
[unknown3 _int]
[angle _float]
[major_axis _float]
[minor_axis _float]
[unknown4 _MTVector]
[unknown5_1 _int]
[unknown5_2 _int]
[unknown6 _float]))
(define MTDataRef _MTData-pointer)
;; A queue that implements locking by atomic actions,
;; since an async-apply function cannot block on a lock.
(define sema (make-semaphore))
(define queue null)
(define (enqueue thunk)
(set! queue (append queue (list thunk)))
(semaphore-post sema))
(define (dequeue)
(semaphore-wait sema)
(let ([v (car queue)])
(set! queue (cdr queue))
(define MTContactCallbackFunction
(_fun #:async-apply enqueue _int MTDataRef _int _double _int -> _int))
(define MTDeviceRef _pointer)
(define MTRegisterContactFrameCallback
(get-ffi-obj "MTRegisterContactFrameCallback" libmulti
(_fun MTDeviceRef MTContactCallbackFunction -> _void)))
(define MTDeviceStart
(get-ffi-obj "MTDeviceStart" libmulti
(_fun MTDeviceRef _int -> _void)))
(define (multitouch-register-callback proc)
(let ([devices (MTDeviceCreateList)])
(for ([i (in-range (CFArrayGetCount devices))])
(let ([device (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex devices i)])
(MTRegisterContactFrameCallback device proc)
(MTDeviceStart device 0)))))
(lambda (device data-ptr n-fingers timestamp frame)
(for ([i (in-range n-fingers)])
(let* ([data (ptr-ref data-ptr _MTData i)]
[vector (MTData-normalized data)]
[position (MTVector-position vector)]
[x (* 100 (MTPoint-x position))]
[y (* 100 (MTPoint-y position))]
[size (* 30 (MTData-size data))])
(draw-circle (send canvas get-dc) x y size)))
;(printf "d=~a x=~a, y=~a, size=~a\n" i x y size)))
(displayln "Running")
;; Thread to run async calls in the background:
(thread (lambda ()
(let loop ()
(let ([thunk (dequeue)])
; Demo
(define FRAMEWIDTH 800)
(define FRAMEHIGHT 600)
(define frame (new frame% [label "Multitouch Example"]
[height FRAMEHIGHT]))
(define canvas (new canvas% [parent frame]))
(define yellow-brush (make-object brush% "YELLOW" 'solid))
(define blue-pen (make-object pen% "BLUE" 1 'solid))
(define (convert-x x)
(/ (* x FRAMEWIDTH) 100))
(define (convert-y y)
(- FRAMEHIGHT (/ (* y FRAMEHIGHT) 100)))
(define (draw-circle dc x y size)
(send dc set-pen blue-pen)
(send dc set-brush yellow-brush)
(send dc draw-ellipse (convert-x x) (convert-y y) size size))
(send frame show #t)
(send frame center)
(send frame set-cursor (make-object cursor% 'blank))
; Wait a second to let the window get ready
(sleep/yield 1)
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