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Last active January 24, 2019 00:24
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Azure Functions/EF Core error
> npm i -g azure-functions-core-tools@2.3.199
> func host start --build
Azure Functions Core Tools (2.3.199 Commit hash: fdf734b09806be822e7d946fe17928b419d8a289)
Function Runtime Version: 2.0.12246.0
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] Starting Rpc Initialization Service.
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] Initializaing RpcServer
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] Building host: startup suppressed:False, configuration suppressed: False
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] Reading host configuration file 'C:\dev\functions-efcore-error\bin\output\host.json'
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] Host configuration file read:
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] {
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] "version": "2.0"
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] }
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] Initializing Host.
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] Host initialization: ConsecutiveErrors=0, StartupCount=1
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] Starting JobHost
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] Starting Host (HostId=desktopme91gjo-2089420112, InstanceId=113d22fd-d062-437d-855d-a7d1f174e996, Version=2.0.12246.0, ProcessId=19776, AppDomainId=1, InDebugMode=False, InDiagnosticMode=False, FunctionsExtensionVersion=)
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] Loading functions metadata
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] 1 functions loaded
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:33] WorkerRuntime: dotnet. Will shutdown other standby channels
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:34] Generating 1 job function(s)
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:34] Found the following functions:
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:34] TestError.Run
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:34]
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:34] Host initialized (276ms)
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:34] Executing 'TestError' (Reason='Timer fired at 2019-01-23T16:28:34.8460568-07:00', Id=e854a2e2-7b7a-4769-8a37-a533555c6c72)
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] Item - Item #1
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] Thing - Thing #1
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] Executed 'TestError' (Succeeded, Id=e854a2e2-7b7a-4769-8a37-a533555c6c72)
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] The next 5 occurrences of the 'TestError.Run' schedule will be:
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] 23-Jan-2019 16:30:00
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] 23-Jan-2019 17:00:00
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] 23-Jan-2019 17:30:00
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] 23-Jan-2019 18:00:00
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] 23-Jan-2019 18:30:00
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37]
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] Host started (3930ms)
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:37] Job host started
Hosting environment: Development
Content root path: C:\dev\functions-efcore-error\bin\output
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
[23-Jan-2019 23:28:42] Host lock lease acquired by instance ID '000000000000000000000000D5EB8586'.
> dotnet clean
> npm i -g azure-functions-core-tools@latest
> func host start --build
Azure Functions Core Tools (2.4.290 Commit hash: 81e16deef7c013d24f33a3f240154468f4c84493)
Function Runtime Version: 2.0.12265.0
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Starting Rpc Initialization Service.
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Initializaing RpcServer
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Building host: startup suppressed:False, configuration suppressed: False
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Reading host configuration file 'C:\dev\functions-efcore-error\bin\output\host.json'
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Host configuration file read:
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] {
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "version": "2.0"
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] }
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Initializing Host.
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Host initialization: ConsecutiveErrors=0, StartupCount=1
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] LoggerFilterOptions
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] {
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "MinLevel": "None",
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "Rules": [
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] {
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "ProviderName": null,
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "CategoryName": null,
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "LogLevel": null,
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "Filter": "<AddFilter>b__0"
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] },
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] {
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "ProviderName": "Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost.Diagnostics.SystemLoggerProvider",
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "CategoryName": null,
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "LogLevel": "None",
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "Filter": null
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] },
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] {
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "ProviderName": "Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost.Diagnostics.SystemLoggerProvider",
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "CategoryName": null,
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "LogLevel": null,
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "Filter": "<AddFilter>b__0"
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] }
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] ]
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] }
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] FunctionResultAggregatorOptions
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] {
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "BatchSize": 1000,
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "FlushTimeout": "00:00:30",
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "IsEnabled": true
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] }
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] SingletonOptions
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] {
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "LockPeriod": "00:00:15",
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "ListenerLockPeriod": "00:00:15",
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "LockAcquisitionTimeout": "10675199.02:48:05.4775807",
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "LockAcquisitionPollingInterval": "00:00:05",
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] "ListenerLockRecoveryPollingInterval": "00:01:00"
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] }
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Starting JobHost
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Starting Host (HostId=desktopme91gjo-2089420112, InstanceId=f98880ec-b622-4886-8db0-cbe419a8c67c, Version=2.0.12265.0, ProcessId=18348, AppDomainId=1, InDebugMode=False, InDiagnosticMode=False, FunctionsExtensionVersion=)
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Loading functions metadata
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] 1 functions loaded
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] WorkerRuntime: dotnet. Will shutdown other standby channels
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:38] Generating 1 job function(s)
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:39] Found the following functions:
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:39] TestError.Run
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:39]
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:39] Host initialized (444ms)
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:39] Executing 'TestError' (Reason='Timer fired at 2019-01-23T16:31:39.7055300-07:00', Id=7a868f70-fdf6-4e45-bde3-2d0caef43391)
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:39] Error running function:
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:39] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore: The property 'IThingDb.Things' of entity type 'TestDbContext' does not have a setter. Either make the property writable or use a different 'PropertyAccessMode'.
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:39] Executed 'TestError' (Succeeded, Id=7a868f70-fdf6-4e45-bde3-2d0caef43391)
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:40] The next 5 occurrences of the 'TestError.Run' schedule will be:
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:40] 23-Jan-2019 17:00:00
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:40] 23-Jan-2019 17:30:00
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:40] 23-Jan-2019 18:00:00
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:40] 23-Jan-2019 18:30:00
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:40] 23-Jan-2019 19:00:00
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:40]
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:40] Host started (1422ms)
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:40] Job host started
Hosting environment: Development
Content root path: C:\dev\functions-efcore-error\bin\output
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
[23-Jan-2019 23:31:45] Host lock lease acquired by instance ID '000000000000000000000000D57DC2CA'.
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