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Last active February 9, 2021 11:31
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sudo -u xrootd bash -c "eosfusebind krb5 /tmp/krb5cc_7910 && xrootd -d -c /opt/eos_xcache/config/xrootd-xcache.cfg -s /var/log/xrootd/ -l /var/log/xrootd/xrootd.log" &
set rdtrCache=localhost
set rdtrPortCmsd=1213
set rdtrGlobalPort=1094
set cacheXrdPort=1094
set cacheLowWm=0.90
set cacheHiWm=0.97
set cacheLogLevel=info
set cachePath=/eos/standard/data
set cacheRam=60
set cacheStreams=256
set prefetch=0
set blkSize=512k
all.manager $rdtrCache:$rdtrPortCmsd
if exec cmsd
all.role server
xrd.port 31113
# Export with stage option - this tells manager cmsd we can pull files from the origin
all.export / stage
# The cmsd uses the standard oss plug-in to locate files in the cache.
# oss.localroot directive should be the same as for the server.
oss.localroot $cachePath
# Server?s xrootd configuration ? all PFC?s are virtual data servers
all.export /
all.role server
oss.localroot $cachePath
xrd.port $cacheXrdPort
xrootd.chksum max 2 adler32
pss.cachelib default
acc.audit deny
pss.origin $rdtrGlobal:$rdtrGlobalPort
pss.config streams $cacheStreams
xrootd.seclib /usr/lib64/
xrootd.trace info
xrd.trace info
sec.trace debug
pfc.trace $cacheLogLevel
sec.protocol /usr/lib64 gsi \
-certdir:/cvmfs/ \
-cert:/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem \
-key:/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem \
-d:3 \
-ca:1 -crl:0 \
-gridmap:/dev/null \
-vomsfun:/usr/lib64/ -vomsfunparms:certfmt=raw|dbg
ofs.authorize 1
acc.audit deny
acc.authdb /opt/eos_xcache/config/Authfile-auth
sec.protbind * gsi
pfc.diskusage $cacheLowWm $cacheHiWm
pfc.ram ${cacheRam}g
pfc.blocksize $blkSize
pfc.prefetch $prefetch
pss.setopt ParallelEvtLoop 10
pss.setopt RequestTimeout 25
pss.setopt ConnectTimeout 25
pss.setopt ConnectionRetry 2 localhost:3033 every 15 all -poll
#xrootd.monitor all fstat 1m dest fstat pfc user localhost:3031
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