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Created October 12, 2020 23:44
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Coercing between Clojure and Postgres/PostGIS
[clojure.string :as string]
[java-time :as time]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc]
[next.jdbc.connection :as connection]
[next.jdbc.result-set :as result-set]
[next.jdbc.prepare :as prepare]
[cheshire.core :as json]
(:import [org.postgresql.util PGobject]
[java.time Instant]
[java.sql PreparedStatement ParameterMetaData Timestamp]
[org.threeten.extra Interval]
;; multimethod selector for conversion funcs
(defn ^:private parameter-dispatch-fn
[_ type-name]
(keyword type-name))
;; Convert to Postgres JSON
(defn ->pg-json
[data json-type]
(doto (PGobject.)
(.setType (name json-type))
(.setValue (json/generate-string data))))
;; Convert Clojure maps to SQL parameter values
(defmulti map->parameter parameter-dispatch-fn)
;; (defmethod map->parameter :geometry
;; [m _]
;; (jdbc/sql-value (coerce/geojson->postgis m)))
(defmethod map->parameter :json
[m _]
(->pg-json m :json))
(defmethod map->parameter :jsonb
[m _]
(->pg-json m :jsonb))
;; Convert clojure vectors to SQL parameter values
(defmulti vec->parameter parameter-dispatch-fn)
(defmethod vec->parameter :json
[v _]
(->pg-json v :json))
(defmethod vec->parameter :jsonb
[v _]
(->pg-json v :jsonb))
(defmethod vec->parameter :inet
[v _]
(if (= (count v) 4)
(doto (PGobject.)
(.setType "inet")
(.setValue (string/join "." v)))
(defmethod vec->parameter :default
[v _]
(extend-protocol prepare/SettableParameter
(set-parameter [^java.time.Instant v ^PreparedStatement ps ^long i]
(.setTimestamp ps i (java.sql.Timestamp/from (time/instant v))))
(set-parameter [^org.threeten.extra.Interval v ^PreparedStatement ps ^long i]
(let [meta (.getParameterMetaData ps)
type-name (.getParameterTypeName meta i)
start (time/start v)
end (time/end v)
start-pg (if (= start Instant/MIN) "" start)
end-pg (if (= end Instant/MAX) "" end)
value-pg (str "[" start-pg "," end-pg ")")]
(.setObject ps i (doto (PGobject.)
(.setType type-name)
(.setValue value-pg)))))
(set-parameter [m ^PreparedStatement s ^long i]
(let [meta (.getParameterMetaData s)]
(if-let [type-name (keyword (.getParameterTypeName meta i))]
(.setObject s i (map->parameter m type-name))
(.setObject s i m))))
(set-parameter [v ^PreparedStatement s ^long i]
(let [conn (.getConnection s)
meta (.getParameterMetaData s)
type-name (.getParameterTypeName meta i)]
(if-let [elem-type (when type-name (second (re-find #"^_(.*)" type-name)))]
(.setObject s i (.createArrayOf conn elem-type (to-array v)))
(.setObject s i (vec->parameter v type-name)))))
(set-parameter [^clojure.lang.Keyword v ^PreparedStatement s ^long i]
(let [type-name (-> v namespace (string/replace "-" "_"))
value-pg (name v)]
(.setObject s i (doto (PGobject.)
(.setType type-name)
(.setValue value-pg)))))
;; PGobject parsing helper fns
(defn ^:private pg-vector->clj
"oidvector, int2vector, etc. are space separated lists"
(when (seq s)
(string/split s #"\s+")))
(defn ^:private pg-array->clj
"Arrays are of form {1,2,3}"
(when (seq s)
(when-let [[_ content] (re-matches #"^\{(.+)\}$" s)]
(if-not (empty? content) (string/split content #"\s*,\s*") []))))
(defn ^:private parse-range
(let [len (count s)
len-1 (dec len)
start-delim (subs s 0 1)
end-delim (subs s len-1 len)
ranges (subs s 1 len-1)
[start end] (-> ranges
(string/replace #"\"" "")
(string/split #","))]
[start-delim start end end-delim]))
(defn ^:private pgobject->interval
[type s]
(let [[_ start-str end-str _] (parse-range s)
start (string/replace start-str #" " "T")
end (string/replace end-str #" " "T")
time-fn (case type
:tstzrange time/zoned-date-time
:tsrange (comp time/instant #(str % "Z")))]
(time/interval (time-fn start)
(time-fn end))))
;; PGobject parsing magic
(defmulti pgobject->clj
"Convert returned PGobject to Clojure value."
#(keyword (when % (.getType ^org.postgresql.util.PGobject %))))
(defmethod pgobject->clj :oidvector
[^org.postgresql.util.PGobject x]
(when-let [val (.getValue x)]
(mapv read-string (pg-vector->clj val))))
(defmethod pgobject->clj :int2vector
[^org.postgresql.util.PGobject x]
(when-let [val (.getValue x)]
(mapv read-string (pg-vector->clj val))))
(defmethod pgobject->clj :anyarray
[^org.postgresql.util.PGobject x]
(when-let [val (.getValue x)]
(vec (pg-array->clj val))))
(defmethod pgobject->clj :json
[^org.postgresql.util.PGobject x]
(when-let [val (.getValue x)]
(json/parse-string val true)))
(defmethod pgobject->clj :jsonb
[^org.postgresql.util.PGobject x]
(when-let [val (.getValue x)]
(json/parse-string val true)))
;; PostgreSQL comes with the following built-in range types:
;; int4range — Range of integer
;; int8range — Range of bigint
;; numrange — Range of numeric
;; tsrange — Range of timestamp without time zone
;; tstzrange — Range of timestamp with time zone
;; daterange — Range of date
(defmethod pgobject->clj :tstzrange
[^org.postgresql.util.PGobject x]
(when-let [val (.getValue x)]
(pgobject->interval :tstzrange val)))
(defmethod pgobject->clj :tsrange
[^org.postgresql.util.PGobject x]
(when-let [val (.getValue x)]
(pgobject->interval :tsrange val)))
(defmethod pgobject->clj :geometry
[^org.postgresql.util.PGobject x]
(when-let [val (.getValue x)]
( val)))
(defmethod pgobject->clj :default
[^org.postgresql.util.PGobject x]
(println "Unhandled pgobject:" (.getType x)) ;; May want to comment this out, but hopefully good for new pgobject support
(.getValue x))
(def +schema-enums+
"A set of all PostgreSQL enums in schema.sql. Used to convert
enum-values back into Clojure keywords.
TODO: dig this out of: select typname from pg_type where typtype='e';"
(extend-protocol result-set/ReadableColumn
(read-column-by-label ^java.lang.String [v _] ;; TODO won't work for plan
(read-column-by-index ^java.lang.String [v rsmeta index]
(let [type (.getColumnTypeName rsmeta index)]
(if (contains? +schema-enums+ type)
(keyword (string/replace type "_" "-") v)
(read-column-by-label ^java.time.ZonedDateTime [^java.sql.Timestamp v _]
(time/zoned-date-time (time/instant v) "UTC"))
(read-column-by-index ^java.time.ZonedDateTime [^java.sql.Timestamp v _2 _3]
(time/zoned-date-time (time/instant v) "UTC"))
;; PGobjects have their own multimethod
(read-column-by-label ^org.postgresql.util.PGobject [^org.postgresql.util.PGobject v _]
(pgobject->clj v))
(read-column-by-index ^org.postgresql.util.PGobject [^org.postgresql.util.PGobject v _2 _3]
(pgobject->clj v))
;; Convert java.sql.Array to Clojure vector
(read-column-by-label ^java.sql.Array [^java.sql.Array v _]
(vec (.getArray val)))
(read-column-by-index ^java.sql.Array [^java.sql.Array v _2 _3]
(vec (.getArray val)))
;; ;; Return the PostGIS geometry object instead of PGgeometry wrapper
;; org.postgis.PGgeometry
;; (result-set-read-column [val _ _]
;; (coerce/postgis->geojson (.getGeometry val)))
;; ;; Parse SQLXML to a Clojure map representing the XML content
;; java.sql.SQLXML
;; (result-set-read-column [val _ _]
;; (xml/parse (.getBinaryStream val)))
;; OK, I updated both the SettableParameter and ReadableColumn docs (on master) to try to make things clearer.
;; You should be able to do this via one of the *-adapter builders, since you can pass an arbitrary "column reader" function in, which is invoked with the (current) ResultSet, ResultSetMetadata (returned by the builder), and the column index.
;; (you can't attach anything to the javax.sql.DataSource or java.sql.Connection because they are plain Java objects)
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