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OldBlueBen dcjulian

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dcjulian / HashTagHelloWorld.markdown
Last active April 10, 2021 12:38
How I Came to GitHub for Will Glynn and Am Still Hanging Around - or - .md, neocities, & me (now with extra Facebook!)

This is a gist; this is only a gist - of yr hmbl srvnt Daniel Julian (aka OldBlueBen) learning Markdown formatting.

To make a short story as long as possible... well, I guess it all starts with Will Glynn.

I'm a bit of a PC gamer, you see, and for the past half-year or so, I've been playing Cities: Skylines (aka CSL).

One of the many way cool things about CSL is this: the game has built-in editors for creating maps and things.

Map creation for CSL can begin with heightmaps - files in which greyscale indicates topographical information.

dcjulian / PanelSnip.cs
Created April 3, 2021 22:39
ui panel snippet
using ICities;
using UnityEngine;
using ColossalFramework.UI;
namespace UIMod
public class UIMod : IUserMod
public string Name { get { return "UIMod"; } }
public string Description { get { return "UIMod"; } }