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Last active December 2, 2022 15:39
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example run:

$ yarn test snippets/test-sell1.js 
yarn run v1.22.5
$ ava snippets/test-sell1.js

  ✔ sell 1 thing (211ms)
    ℹ Alice offers to sell {
        give: {
          Item: {
            brand: Object @Alleged: Thing brand {},
            value: Array [ … ],
        want: {
          Price: {
            brand: Object @Alleged: Moola brand {},
            value: 100n,
    ℹ result from offer to sell: ready to sell
    ℹ bob proposes {
        give: {
          Price: {
            brand: Object @Alleged: Moola brand {},
            value: 100n,
        want: {
          Item: {
            brand: Object @Alleged: Thing brand {},
            value: Array [ … ],
    ℹ alice received: {
        brand: Object @Alleged: Moola brand {},
        value: 100n,
    ℹ bob received {
        brand: Object @Alleged: Thing brand {},
        value: [
          'Thing 1',
      } {
        brand: Object @Alleged: Moola brand {},
        value: 0n,

  1 test passed
Done in 1.45s.
// @ts-check
import { Far } from '@endo/marshal'; // TODO: @endo/far
/** @param {ZCF} zcf */
export const start = zcf => {
let sellerSeat;
/** @type {OfferHandler} */
const sellHandler = seat => {
if (sellerSeat) {
throw Error('already selling');
sellerSeat = seat;
// WARNING! proposal needs validation
return 'ready to sell';
const buyHandler = seat => {
if (!sellerSeat) {
throw Error('not yet selling');
const { give, want } = seat.getProposal();
// swap item for price
sellerSeat.incrementBy(seat.decrementBy({ Price: give.Price }));
seat.incrementBy(sellerSeat.decrementBy({ Item: want.Item }));
zcf.reallocate(seat, sellerSeat);
return 'sold. nice doing business with you';
const creatorFacet = Far('creatorFacet', {
makeSellInvitation: () => zcf.makeInvitation(sellHandler, 'sell item'),
const publicFacet = Far('pub', {
makeBuyInvitation: () => zcf.makeInvitation(buyHandler, 'buy'),
return { publicFacet, creatorFacet };
// @ts-check
/* eslint-disable import/order -- */
import { test } from './prepare-test-env-ava.js';
import url from 'url';
import { resolve as importMetaResolve } from 'import-meta-resolve';
import { E } from '@endo/eventual-send';
import { makeZoeKit } from '@agoric/zoe';
import { makeIssuerKit, AmountMath, AssetKind } from '@agoric/ertp';
import { makePromiseKit } from '@endo/promise-kit';
// #region importBundleSource
import bundleSource from '@endo/bundle-source';
// #endregion importBundleSource
import { makeFakeVatAdmin } from '@agoric/zoe/tools/fakeVatAdmin.js';
test.before(async t => {
const { zoeService } = makeZoeKit(makeFakeVatAdmin().admin);
// #region bundle
const sell1Url = await importMetaResolve('./sell1.js', import.meta.url);
const sell1Path = url.fileURLToPath(sell1Url);
const sell1Bundle = await bundleSource(sell1Path);
// #endregion bundle
const installation = await E(zoeService).install(sell1Bundle);
t.context = { zoeService, installation };
test('sell 1 thing', async t => {
/** @type {{ zoeService: ZoeService }} */
const { zoeService: zoe, installation } = t.context;
// Both Alice and Bob know about the issuers and brands for moola, things
// but the mints are closely held.
const common = () => {
const { mint: moolaMint, ...moolaKit } = makeIssuerKit('Moola');
const { mint: thingMint, ...thingKit } = makeIssuerKit(
const moolaAmt = val => AmountMath.make(moolaKit.brand, val);
const thingAmt = val => AmountMath.make(thingKit.brand, val);
const thing1 = thingMint.mintPayment(thingAmt(harden(['Thing 1'])));
const moola200 = moolaMint.mintPayment(moolaAmt(200n));
const share = makePromiseKit();
const scenario = harden({ item: thing1, payment: moola200, share });
return { moolaKit, thingKit, moolaAmt, thingAmt, scenario };
const { moolaKit, thingKit, moolaAmt, thingAmt, scenario } = common();
// Alice starts the contract and offers to sell thing1 for 100 moola.
const actAsAlice = async (thing1, shareInstance) => {
const thing1Amt = await E(thingKit.issuer).getAmountOf(thing1);
const proposalToSell = harden({
give: { Item: thing1Amt },
want: { Price: moolaAmt(100n) },
const issuers = {
Item: thingKit.issuer,
Price: moolaKit.issuer,
const terms = { Item: thing1Amt, Price: moolaAmt(100n) };
const { instance, creatorFacet } = await E(zoe).startInstance(
const invitationToSell = await E(creatorFacet).makeSellInvitation();
t.log('Alice offers to sell', proposalToSell);
const seat = await E(zoe).offer(
harden({ Item: thing1 }),
const result = await E(seat).getOfferResult();
t.log('result from offer to sell:', result);
shareInstance(instance); // with prospective buyers
const proceeds = await E(seat).getPayout('Price');
const procAmt = await E(moolaKit.issuer).getAmountOf(proceeds);
t.log('alice received:', procAmt);
t.deepEqual(procAmt, proposalToSell.want.Price);
// Bob buys thing1
const actAsBob = async (funds, instanceP) => {
const purse = moolaKit.issuer.makeEmptyPurse();
// Bob checks the terms of the contract
const instance = await instanceP;
const { Price, Item } = await E(zoe).getTerms(instance);
t.deepEqual(Price, moolaAmt(100n));
t.deepEqual(Item, thingAmt(harden(['Thing 1'])));
const proposal = harden({ give: { Price }, want: { Item } });
// exercise: try this proposal instead
// const proposal = harden({ give: { Price: moolaAmt(50n) }, want: { Item } });
// or this one
// const proposal = harden({
// give: { Price },
// want: { Item: thingAmt(harden(['Thing 2'])) },
// });
t.log('bob proposes', proposal);
const publicFacet = E(zoe).getPublicFacet(instance);
const buyInv = await E(publicFacet).makeBuyInvitation();
const seat = await E(zoe).offer(buyInv, proposal, {
Price: purse.withdraw(proposal.give.Price),
const property = await E(seat).getPayout('Item');
const refund = await E(seat).getPayout('Price');
const pAmt = await E(thingKit.issuer).getAmountOf(property);
const rAmt = await E(moolaKit.issuer).getAmountOf(refund);
t.log('bob received', pAmt, rAmt);
t.deepEqual(pAmt, Item);
t.deepEqual(rAmt, moolaAmt(0n));
await Promise.all([
actAsAlice(scenario.item, scenario.share.resolve),
actAsBob(scenario.payment, scenario.share.promise),
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dckc commented Dec 2, 2022

That stack trace doesn't seem to indicate where the problem is. Debugging with bundlers is at the edge of my working knowledge. If it were me, I'd hold off on react and work without a bundler until I got something working.

I'm not sure how to integrate the wallet connection component without a bundler, though.

I guess I tried snowpack for a while

more recently I've been using esbuild

dunno if those would help, though

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