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Last active September 17, 2024 01:40
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  • Save dckc/9180ee35518cb9bbe14bd63c24efdfd8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dckc/9180ee35518cb9bbe14bd63c24efdfd8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"consume": {
"agoricNames": true,
"board": true,
"zoe": true
"instance": {
"produce": {
"auctioneer175": true
// @ts-check
/// <reference types="@agoric/vats/src/core/types-ambient" />
// import { E, getInterfaceOf } from '@endo/far';
* @import {Instance, Installation} from '@agoric/zoe/src/zoeService/utils';
* @typedef {{
* instance: PromiseSpaceOf<{ auctioneer175: Instance<any>}>
* }} Powers2
/** @param {BootstrapPowers & Powers2} permittedPowers */
const publishFormerAuction = async permittedPowers => {
console.log('publishFormerAuction 7...');
const {
consume: { agoricNames, board, zoe },
instance: {
produce: { auctioneer175 },
} = permittedPowers;
console.log('awaiting current instances');
/** @type {[string, Instance<any>][]} */
const instanceEntries = await E(E(agoricNames).lookup('instance')).entries();
const instanceToName = new Map(
.filter(([n]) => n !== 'auctioneer175')
.map(([n, i]) => [i, n]),
const atomBrand = await E(agoricNames).lookup('brand', 'ATOM');
/** @type {[string, Installation<any>][]} */
const installationEntries = await await E(
const installationToName = new Map([n, i]) => [i, n]),
console.log('awaiting board IDs');
const ids = await E(board).ids();
console.log('awaiting board values');
/** @type {[string, any][]} */
const boardEntries = await Promise.all( =>
.then(v => [i, v]),
console.log('iterating over values from board');
let found;
for (const [id, specimen] of boardEntries) {
console.log('candidate', id, specimen);
const iface = getInterfaceOf(specimen);
if (!iface.match(/Instance/)) {'non instance', iface);
if (instanceToName.has(specimen)) {'current instance', instanceToName.get(specimen));
const installation = await E(zoe).getInstallationForInstance(specimen);
if (installationToName.has(installation)) {
'instance of current installation',
const pf = await E(zoe).getPublicFacet(specimen);
console.log('trying public facet', pf);
try {
const sched = await E(pf).getSchedules(atomBrand);
console.log('schedule', sched);
} catch (problem) {'getSchedules failed', problem);
if (found) {'already found', found);
}'found old auctioneer', id, specimen);
found = id;
console.log('publishFormerAuction done.', found);
// @ts-check
import { passCoreEvalProposal } from '@agoric/synthetic-chain';
const eval0 = {
script: 'auctionHistory.js',
permit: 'auctionHistory-permit.json',
await passCoreEvalProposal(
[{ name: 'auctionHistory', dir: '.', bundles: [], evals: [eval0] }],
{ title: 'auctionHistory' },
2024-09-17T01:31:45.342Z block-manager: block 2292 commit
2024-09-17T01:31:46.348Z block-manager: block 2293 begin
2024-09-17T01:31:46.356Z SwingSet: vat: v1: publishFormerAuction 7...
2024-09-17T01:31:46.356Z SwingSet: vat: v1: awaiting current instances
2024-09-17T01:31:46.398Z SwingSet: vat: v1: awaiting board IDs
2024-09-17T01:31:46.416Z SwingSet: vat: v1: awaiting board values
2024-09-17T01:31:47.634Z SwingSet: vat: v1: iterating over values from board
2024-09-17T01:31:47.634Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00126 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.634Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.634Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00218 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.634Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.635Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00282 Object [Alleged: KREAdITEM brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.635Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: KREAdITEM brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.635Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00360 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.635Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance VaultFactory
2024-09-17T01:31:47.635Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00443 Object [Alleged: USDC_grv issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.635Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: USDC_grv issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.635Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00530 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.635Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.636Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00613 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.637Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.637Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00689 Object [Alleged: stATOM issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.637Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: stATOM issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.637Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00694 Object [Alleged: InvitationHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.638Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: InvitationHandle
2024-09-17T01:31:47.638Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board0074 Object [Alleged: Zoe Invitation brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.638Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: Zoe Invitation brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.638Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00776 Object [Alleged: QuestionHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.638Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: QuestionHandle
2024-09-17T01:31:47.638Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00848 Object [Alleged: InvitationHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.638Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: InvitationHandle
2024-09-17T01:31:47.638Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00855 Object [Alleged: InvitationHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.639Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: InvitationHandle
2024-09-17T01:31:47.639Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00917 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.639Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.639Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board00990 Object [Alleged: stATOM brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.639Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: stATOM brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.639Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01029 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.639Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.639Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01034 Object [Alleged: Brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.640Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: Brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.640Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01151 Object [Alleged: InvitationHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.640Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: InvitationHandle
2024-09-17T01:31:47.640Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01272 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.640Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance psm-IST-USDT_grv
2024-09-17T01:31:47.640Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01386 Object [Alleged: KREAdCHARACTER issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.640Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: KREAdCHARACTER issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.640Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01422 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.641Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.641Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01547 Object [Alleged: USDT_grv issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.641Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: USDT_grv issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.641Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01664 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.641Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance provisionPool
2024-09-17T01:31:47.641Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01679 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.641Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.642Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01744 Object [Alleged: USDT_axl brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.642Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: USDT_axl brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.642Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01759 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.656Z SwingSet: vat: v1: trying public facet Object [Alleged: publicFacet] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.662Z SwingSet: vat: v1: schedule { liveAuctionSchedule: { clockStep: { relValue: 20n, timerBrand: Object [Alleged: ti
merBrand] {} }, endRate: 6_500n, endTime: { absValue: 1_726_536_762n, timerBrand: Object [Alleged: timerBrand] {} }, lockTime: { absValue
: 1_726_536_302n, timerBrand: Object [Alleged: timerBrand] {} }, startDelay: { relValue: 2n, timerBrand: Object [Alleged: timerBrand] {}
}, startTime: { absValue: 1_726_536_602n, timerBrand: Object [Alleged: timerBrand] {} }, steps: 8n }, nextAuctionSchedule: { clockStep: {
relValue: 20n, timerBrand: Object [Alleged: timerBrand] {} }, endRate: 6_500n, endTime: { absValue: 1_726_537_362n, timerBrand: Object [
Alleged: timerBrand] {} }, lockTime: { absValue: 1_726_536_902n, timerBrand: Object [Alleged: timerBrand] {} }, startDelay: { relValue: 2
n, timerBrand: Object [Alleged: timerBrand] {} }, startTime: { absValue: 1_726_537_202n, timerBrand: Object [Alleged: timerBrand] {} }, s
teps: 8n } }
2024-09-17T01:31:47.663Z SwingSet: vat: v1: found old auctioneer board01759 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.663Z SwingSet: vat: v1: instance auctioneer175: new Promise
2024-09-17T01:31:47.663Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01867 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.663Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance psm-IST-DAI_axl
2024-09-17T01:31:47.663Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board0188 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.663Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.663Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01985 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.664Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance kreadCommittee
2024-09-17T01:31:47.664Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board01998 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.664Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.664Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02021 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.664Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.664Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02152 Object [Alleged: InvitationHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.664Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: InvitationHandle
2024-09-17T01:31:47.664Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board0223 Object [Alleged: IST issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.665Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: IST issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.665Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02271 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.665Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance psm-IST-USDT_axl
2024-09-17T01:31:47.665Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02314 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.665Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.665Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02393 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.665Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance CrabbleCommittee
2024-09-17T01:31:47.665Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02437 Object [Alleged: DAI_axl issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.665Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: DAI_axl issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.666Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02568 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.666Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance psm-IST-DAI_grv
2024-09-17T01:31:47.666Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board0257 Object [Alleged: IST brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.666Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: IST brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.666Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02575 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.667Z SwingSet: vat: v1: instance auctioneer175 settled; remaining: []
2024-09-17T01:31:47.732Z SwingSet: vat: v1: instance of current installation binaryVoteCounter
2024-09-17T01:31:47.732Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02656 Object [Alleged: ATOM issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.732Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: ATOM issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.732Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02733 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.733Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.733Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02810 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.733Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.733Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02897 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.733Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.733Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board02963 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.733Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance ATOM-USD price feed
2024-09-17T01:31:47.733Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03040 Object [Alleged: USDC_axl brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.734Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: USDC_axl brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.734Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03125 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.734Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.734Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03138 Object [Alleged: DAI_grv brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.734Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: DAI_grv brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.734Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03281 Object [Alleged: KREAdCHARACTER brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.734Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: KREAdCHARACTER brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.734Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03365 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.734Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance reserveGovernor
2024-09-17T01:31:47.735Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03378 Object [Alleged: QuestionHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.735Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: QuestionHandle
2024-09-17T01:31:47.735Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03446 Object [Alleged: USDT_grv brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.735Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: USDT_grv brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.735Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03523 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.735Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.735Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03687 Object [Alleged: KREAdITEM issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.735Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: KREAdITEM issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.735Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board0371 Object [Alleged: Zoe Invitation issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.736Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: Zoe Invitation issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.736Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03773 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.736Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance VaultFactoryGovernor
2024-09-17T01:31:47.736Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03850 Object [Alleged: InvitationHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.736Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: InvitationHandle
2024-09-17T01:31:47.736Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03928 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.736Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.736Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board03935 Object [Alleged: Brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.736Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: Brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.737Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04016 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.737Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.737Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04091 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.737Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance stATOM-USD price feed
2024-09-17T01:31:47.737Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04149 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.737Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance economicCommittee
2024-09-17T01:31:47.737Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04154 Object [Alleged: InvitationHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.737Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: InvitationHandle
2024-09-17T01:31:47.738Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board0425 Object [Alleged: timerBrand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.738Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: timerBrand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.738Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04277 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.776Z SwingSet: vat: v1: instance of current installation binaryVoteCounter
2024-09-17T01:31:47.776Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04312 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.777Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.777Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04388 Object [Alleged: Brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.777Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: Brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.777Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04395 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.777Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance Crabble
2024-09-17T01:31:47.777Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04431 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.777Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.778Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04542 Object [Alleged: USDC_grv brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.778Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: USDC_grv brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.778Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04661 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.778Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance econCommitteeCharter
2024-09-17T01:31:47.778Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04719 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.778Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.778Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04783 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.778Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance kread
2024-09-17T01:31:47.779Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04827 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.779Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.779Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board04980 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.779Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.779Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05024 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.779Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.779Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05039 Object [Alleged: DAI_grv issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.779Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: DAI_grv issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.780Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05141 Object [Alleged: USDC_axl issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.780Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: USDC_axl issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.780Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05262 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.780Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance feeDistributor
2024-09-17T01:31:47.780Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05311 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.780Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.780Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05396 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.780Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance CrabbleGovernor
2024-09-17T01:31:47.780Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05432 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.781Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.781Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05557 Object [Alleged: ATOM brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.781Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: ATOM brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.781Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board0566 Object [Alleged: BLD brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.781Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BLD brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.781Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05669 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.781Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance psm-IST-USDC_axl
2024-09-17T01:31:47.781Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05674 Object [Alleged: timerService] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.781Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: timerService
2024-09-17T01:31:47.782Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05736 Object [Alleged: DAI_axl brand] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.782Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: DAI_axl brand
2024-09-17T01:31:47.782Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05815 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.782Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.782Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05892 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.782Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance scaledPriceAuthority-stATOM
2024-09-17T01:31:47.782Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board0592 Object [Alleged: BLD issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.782Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board05970 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.783Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance psm-IST-USDC_grv
2024-09-17T01:31:47.783Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board06053 Object [Alleged: InvitationHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.783Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: InvitationHandle
2024-09-17T01:31:47.783Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board06120 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.783Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.783Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board06284 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.783Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance kreadCommitteeCharter
2024-09-17T01:31:47.783Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board06299 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.783Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance auctioneer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.783Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board06366 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.784Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance walletFactory
2024-09-17T01:31:47.784Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board0639 Object [Alleged: BundleIDInstallation] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.784Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: BundleIDInstallation
2024-09-17T01:31:47.784Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board06445 Object [Alleged: USDT_axl issuer] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.784Z SwingSet: vat: v1: non instance Alleged: USDT_axl issuer
2024-09-17T01:31:47.784Z SwingSet: vat: v1: candidate board06458 Object [Alleged: InstanceHandle] {}
2024-09-17T01:31:47.784Z SwingSet: vat: v1: current instance reserve
2024-09-17T01:31:47.784Z SwingSet: vat: v1: publishFormerAuction done. board01759
2024-09-17T01:31:47.911Z block-manager: block 2293 commit
2024-09-17T01:31:47.957Z block-manager: block 2294 begin
root@1aad768c9d2e:/tmp/76# node auctionHistory.script.js
Passing core evals...
auctionHistory auctionHistory.js 1 eval 0 bundles
START bundle names: compartmentMap.entry
END bundle names: compartmentMap.entry
START ensure enough IST to install bundles
{ totalSize: 0, cost: 0 }
balance sufficient { istBalance: 11708.580011, cost: 0 }
END ensure enough IST to install bundles
START ensure bundles installed
END ensure bundles installed
START core eval proposal passes
submit proposal auctionHistory
gas estimate: 1074775
txhash: '1CACC193A59BBB67A25BBC278E49B77126BCF7DA5186E221B1D3D0B86496A939',
code: 0,
height: '2283',
gas_used: '824790'
block produced
Waiting for proposal 20 to pass (status=PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD)
block produced
Waiting for proposal 20 to pass (status=PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD)
block produced
Waiting for proposal 20 to pass (status=PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD)
block produced
Waiting for proposal 20 to pass (status=PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD)
block produced
Waiting for proposal 20 to pass (status=PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD)
block produced
Waiting for proposal 20 to pass (status=PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD)
block produced
Waiting for proposal 20 to pass (status=PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD)
block produced
Waiting for proposal 20 to pass (status=PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD)
block produced
Waiting for proposal 20 to pass (status=PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED)
block produced
20 2024-09-17T01:31:45.076262632Z PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED
END core eval proposal passes
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