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Created May 13, 2015 19:11
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// ----------------------------------------------
// Builder implementation and supporting classes.
// ----------------------------------------------
import groovy.transform.*
class Definition {
Map<String, Schema> schemas = [:]
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
println "Definition.MethodMissing: $name"
def schema = new Schema()
schemas[name] = schema
Definition.runClosure(args[0], schema, this)
static def runClosure(Closure cl, Object delegate, Object owner) {
println "Definition.runClosure"
def code = cl.rehydrate(delegate, owner, owner)
code.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
static def setProperty(Object obj, String property, Object value, boolean throwOnMiss = true) {
if (obj.hasProperty(property)) {
obj[property] = value
return true
if (throwOnMiss) {
throw new MissingPropertyException(property, obj.class)
class Path {
Map<String, PathSpec> paths = [:]
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
println "Path.MethodMissing: $name"
def spec = new PathSpec()
paths[name] = spec
Definition.runClosure(args[0], spec, this)
class PathSpec {
private PathSpec parent
PathSpec(parent = null) {
this.parent = parent
Map<String, PathSpec> children = [:]
VerbSpec get, post, patch, delete
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
println "PathSpec.MethodMissing: $name"
if (name.startsWith('/')) {
def innerSpec = new PathSpec(this)
Definition.runClosure(args[0], innerSpec, this)
children[name] = innerSpec
return innerSpec
def verb = new VerbSpec(args[0])
Definition.setProperty(this, name, verb)
class VerbSpec {
Closure run
VerbSpec document
VerbSpec(Closure cl) {
run = cl
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
println "VerbSpec.MethodMissing: $name"
Definition.setProperty(this, name, new VerbSpec(args[0]))
class Schema {
PropertyList properties = new PropertyList()
List<String> required = []
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
println "Schema.methodMissing $name"
switch (name) {
case "properties":
Definition.runClosure(args[0], properties, this);
case "required":
this.required = args
class PropertyList extends HashMap<String, Property> {
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
println "PropertyList.methodMissing $name"
def prop = new Property()
Definition.runClosure(args[0], prop, this)
this[name] = prop
class Property {
String type
String description
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
println "Property.methodMissing $name"
Definition.setProperty(this, name, args[0])
def d = new Definition().Comment {
properties {
id {
type 'Integer'
description 'The comment id'
name {
type 'String'
description 'The comment name'
required 'id', 'name'
assert == 2
assert == 'Integer'
println d
def p = new Path()."/comments" {
get { req, res ->
post { req, res ->
}.document { docs ->
docs.description = "Description for comments.POST"
"/:id" {
get {req, res -> "comments/:id.GET"}
patch {req, res -> "comments/:id.PATCH"}
.document { docs -> docs.operationId = "commentUpdate"; docs }
delete {req, res -> "comments/:id.DELETE"}
assert p."/comments"
assert p."/comments", null) == "comments.GET"
assert p."/comments", null) == "comments.POST"
assert p."/comments"[ summary: "Summary for comments.POST"]) ==
[ summary: "Summary for comments.POST", description: "Description for comments.POST"]
assert p."/comments".children."/:id", null) == "comments/:id.GET"
assert p."/comments".children."/:id"[:]) == [ operationId: "commentUpdate" ]
println p
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