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Last active July 24, 2024 23:15
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When using Packer (or other vmx editing needs), I needed to know what the `guest_os_type` should be according to what platform it was running on. Here you go. If it isn't listed in a column, it didn't exist at that time.
ESXi 6.5 ESXi 6.7 VMware Fusion 11 Guest Description
CRXPod1-64 VMware CRX Pod 1
CRXSys1-64 VMware CRX Sys 1
amazonlinux2-64 Amazon Linux 2 or higher, 64-Bit
asianux3Guest asianux3Guest asianux3 Asianux Server 3
asianux3_64Guest asianux3_64Guest asianux3-64 Asianux Server 3, 64-Bit
asianux4Guest asianux4Guest asianux4 Asia Linux 4
asianux4_64Guest asianux4_64Guest asianux4-64 Asia Linux 4, 64-Bit
asianux5_64Guest asianux5_64Guest Asianux Server 5 (64 bit)
asianux7_64Guest asianux7_64Guest asianux7-64 Asianux 7, 64 Bit
asianux8-64 Asianux 8, 64-Bit
centosGuest centosGuest centos CentOS Version 5 and older
centos64Guest centos64Guest centos-64 CentOS Version 5 and older, 64-Bit
centos6Guest centos6Guest centos6 CentOS 6
centos6_64Guest centos6_64Guest centos6-64 CentOS 6, 64-bit
centos7Guest centos7Guest CentOS 7
centos7_64Guest centos7_64Guest centos7-64 CentOS 7, 64-Bit
centos8_64Guest centos8-64 CentOS 8, 64-Bit
coreos64Guest coreos64Guest CoreOS Linux, 64-Bit
darwinGuest darwinGuest darwin Mac OS X Server 10.5
darwin64Guest darwin64Guest darwin-64 Mac OS X Server 10.5, 64-Bit
darwin10Guest darwin10Guest darwin10 Mac OS X Server 10.6
darwin10_64Guest darwin10_64Guest darwin10-64 Mac OS X Server 10.6, 64-Bit
darwin11Guest darwin11Guest darwin11 Mac OS X 10.7
darwin11_64Guest darwin11_64Guest darwin11-64 Mac OS X 10.7, 64-Bit
darwin12_64Guest darwin12_64Guest darwin12-64 Mac OS X 10.8, 64-bit
darwin13_64Guest darwin13_64Guest darwin13-64 Mac OS X 10.9, 64-Bit
darwin14_64Guest darwin14_64Guest darwin14-64 Mac OS X 10.10, 64-Bit
darwin15_64Guest darwin15_64Guest darwin15-64 Mac OS X 10.11, 64-Bit
darwin16_64Guest darwin16_64Guest darwin16-64 Mac OS X 10.12, 64-Bit
darwin17_64Guest darwin17-64 macOS 10.13, 64-Bit
darwin18_64Guest darwin18-64 macOS 10.14, 64-Bit
darwin19-64 macOS 10.15, 64-Bit
darwin20-64 macOS 10.16, 64-Bit
debian10Guest debian10Guest debian10 Debian 10
debian10_64Guest debian10_64Guest debian10-64 Debian 10
debian11 Debian 11
debian11-64 Debian 11
debian4Guest debian4Guest debian4 Debian 4
debian4_64Guest debian4_64Guest debian4-64 Debian 4, 64-Bit
debian5Guest debian5Guest debian5 Debian 5
debian5_64Guest debian5_64Guest debian5-64 Debian 5, 64-Bit
debian6Guest debian6Guest debian6 Debian 6
debian6_64Guest debian6_64Guest debian6-64 Debian 6 64-Bit
debian7Guest debian7Guest debian7 Debian 7
debian7_64Guest debian7_64Guest debian7-64 Debian 7
debian8Guest debian8Guest debian8 Debian 8
debian8_64Guest debian8_64Guest debian8-64 Debian 8
debian9Guest debian9Guest debian9 Debian 9
debian9_64Guest debian9_64Guest debian9-64 Debian 9
dosGuest dosGuest dos MS-DOS
eComStationGuest eComStationGuest eComStation eComStation
eComStation2Guest eComStation2Guest eComStation2 eComStation2
fedoraGuest fedoraGuest fedora Fedora
fedora64Guest fedora64Guest fedora-64 Fedora, 64-Bit
freebsdGuest freebsdGuest freeBSD FreeBSD Version 10 and older
freebsd64Guest freebsd64Guest freeBSD-64 FreeBSD Version 10 and older, 64-Bit
freebsd11Guest freeBSD11 FreeBSD 11
freebsd11_64Guest freeBSD11-64 FreeBSD 11 64-Bit
freebsd12Guest freeBSD12 FreeBSD 12
freebsd12_64Guest freeBSD12-64 FreeBSD 12 64-Bit
genericLinuxGuest genericLinuxGuest genericLinux Other Linux Version
linuxMint-64 Linux Mint 64-Bit
winLonghornGuest winLonghornGuest longhorn Windows Server 2008
winLonghorn64Guest winLonghorn64Guest longhorn-64 Windows Server 2008 x64
mandrakeGuest mandrakeGuest Mandrake Linux
mandrivaGuest mandrivaGuest mandriva Mandriva Linux
mandriva64Guest mandriva64Guest mandriva-64 Mandriva Linux, 64-Bit
netware4Guest netware4Guest netware4 NetWare 4
netware5Guest netware5Guest netware5 NetWare 5
netware6Guest netware6Guest netware6 NetWare 6
nld9Guest nld9Guest nld9 Novell Linux Desktop 9
oesGuest Open Enterprise Server
openServer5Guest openServer5Guest openserver5 SCO OpenServer 5
openServer6Guest openServer6Guest openserver6 SCO OpenServer 6
opensuseGuest opensuseGuest opensuse OpenSUSE
opensuse64Guest opensuse64Guest opensuse-64 OpenSUSE, 64-Bit
oracleLinuxGuest oracleLinuxGuest oraclelinux Oracle Linux Version 5 and older
oracleLinux64Guest oracleLinux64Guest oraclelinux-64 Oracle Linux Version 5, 64-Bit
oracleLinux6Guest oracleLinux6Guest oraclelinux6 Oracle Linux 6
oracleLinux6_64Guest oracleLinux6_64Guest oraclelinux6-64 Oracle Linux 6 64-Bit
oracleLinux7Guest oracleLinux7Guest Oracle Linux 7
oracleLinux7_64Guest oracleLinux7_64Guest oraclelinux7-64 Oracle Linux 7 64-Bit
oracleLinux8_64Guest oracleLinux8_64Guest oraclelinux8-64 Oracle Linux 8 64-Bit
os2Guest os2Guest os2 OS2
otherGuest otherGuest other Other
otherGuest64 otherGuest64 other-64 Others, 64-Bit
other24xLinuxGuest other24xLinuxGuest other24xlinux Other Linux 2.4
other24xLinux64Guest other24xLinux64Guest other24xlinux-64 Other Linux 2.4, 64-Bit
other26xLinuxGuest other26xLinuxGuest other26xlinux Other Linux 2.6
other26xLinux64Guest other26xLinux64Guest other26xlinux-64 Other Linux 2.6, 64-Bit
other3xLinuxGuest other3xLinuxGuest other3xlinux Other Linux 3
other3xLinux64Guest other3xLinux64Guest other3xlinux-64 Other Linux 3, 64-Bit
other4xLinuxGuest other4xlinux Other Linux 4
other4xLinux64Guest other4xlinux-64 Other Linux 4, 64-Bit
other5xlinux Other Linux 5
other5xlinux-64 Other Linux 5, 64-Bit
otherLinuxGuest otherLinuxGuest otherlinux Other Linux
otherLinux64Guest otherLinux64Guest otherlinux-64 Other Linux, 64-Bit
redhatGuest redhatGuest redhat Red Hat Linux
rhel2Guest rhel2Guest rhel2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2
rhel3Guest rhel3Guest rhel3 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3
rhel3_64Guest rhel3_64Guest rhel3-64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 64-Bit
rhel4Guest rhel4Guest rhel4 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
rhel4_64Guest rhel4_64Guest rhel4-64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, 64-Bit
rhel5Guest rhel5Guest rhel5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
rhel5_64Guest rhel5_64Guest rhel5-64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 64-Bit
rhel6Guest rhel6Guest rhel6 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
rhel6_64Guest rhel6_64Guest rhel6-64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, 64-Bit
rhel7Guest rhel7Guest rhel7 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
rhel7_64Guest rhel7_64Guest rhel7-64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 64-Bit
rhel8_64Guest rhel8-64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 64-Bit
sjdsGuest sjdsGuest sjds Sun Java Desktop System
slesGuest slesGuest sles SUSE Linux Enterprise 7/8/9
sles64Guest sles64Guest sles-64 SUSE Linux Enterprise 7/8/9, 64-Bit
sles10Guest sles10Guest sles10 SUSE Linux Enterprise 10
sles10_64Guest sles10_64Guest sles10-64 SUSE Linux Enterprise 10, 64-Bit
sles11Guest sles11Guest sles11 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11
sles11_64Guest sles11_64Guest sles11-64 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11, 64-Bit
sles12Guest sles12Guest sles12 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12
sles12_64Guest sles12_64Guest sles12-64 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, 64-Bit
sles15_64Guest sles15-64 SUSE Linux Enterprise 15, 64-Bit
solaris10Guest solaris10Guest solaris10 Solaris 10
solaris10_64Guest solaris10_64Guest solaris10-64 Solaris 10, 64-Bit
solaris11_64Guest solaris11_64Guest solaris11-64 Solaris 11, 64-Bit
solaris6Guest solaris6Guest solaris6 Solaris 6
solaris7Guest solaris7Guest solaris7 Solaris 7
solaris8Guest solaris8Guest solaris8 Solaris 8
solaris9Guest solaris9Guest solaris9 Solaris 9
suseGuest suseGuest suse SUSE Linux
suse64Guest suse64Guest suse-64 SUSE Linux, 64-Bit
turboLinuxGuest turboLinuxGuest turbolinux Turbolinux
turboLinux64Guest turboLinux64Guest turbolinux-64 Turbolinux, 64-Bit
ubuntuGuest ubuntuGuest ubuntu Ubuntu
ubuntu64Guest ubuntu64Guest ubuntu-64 Ubuntu, 64-Bit
unixWare7Guest unixWare7Guest unixware7 SCO UnixWare 7
vmkernelGuest vmkernelGuest vmkernel4 VMware ESX/ESXi 4
vmkernel5Guest vmkernel5Guest vmkernel5 VMware ESXi 5
vmkernel6Guest vmkernel6Guest vmkernel6 VMware ESXi 6
vmkernel65Guest vmkernel65Guest vmkernel65 VMware ESXi 6
vmkernel7 VMware ESXi 7
vmwarePhoton64Guest vmwarePhoton64Guest vmware-photon-64 VMware Photon OS, 64-Bit
win2000AdvServGuest win2000AdvServGuest win2000AdvServ Windows 2000 Advanced Server
win2000ProGuest win2000ProGuest win2000Pro Windows 2000 Professional
win2000ServGuest win2000ServGuest win2000Serv Windows 2000 Server
win31Guest win31Guest win31 Windows 3
win95Guest win95Guest win95 Windows 95
win98Guest win98Guest win98 Windows 98
windowsHyperVGuest windowsHyperVGuest winHyperV Hyper-V
winMeGuest winMeGuest winMe Windows Me
winNTGuest winNTGuest winNT Windows NT
winNetBusinessGuest winNetBusinessGuest winNetBusiness Windows Server 2003 Small Business
winNetDatacenterGuest winNetDatacenterGuest winNetDatacenter Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition
winNetDatacenter64Guest winNetDatacenter64Guest winNetDatacenter-64 Windows Server 2003 Datacenter x64 Edition
winNetEnterpriseGuest winNetEnterpriseGuest winNetEnterprise Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
winNetEnterprise64Guest winNetEnterprise64Guest winNetEnterprise-64 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition
winNetStandardGuest winNetStandardGuest winNetStandard Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
winNetStandard64Guest winNetStandard64Guest winNetStandard-64 Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition
winNetWebGuest winNetWebGuest winNetWeb Windows Server 2003 Web Edition
winXPHomeGuest winXPHomeGuest winXPHome Windows XP Home Edition
winXPProGuest winXPProGuest winXPPro Windows XP Professional
winXPPro64Guest winXPPro64Guest winXPPro-64 Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
windows2019srv-64 Windows Server 2019
windows7Guest windows7Guest windows7 Windows 7
windows7_64Guest windows7_64Guest windows7-64 Windows 7 x64
windows7Server64Guest windows7Server64Guest windows7srv-64 Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
windows8Guest windows8Guest windows8 Windows 8
windows8_64Guest windows8_64Guest windows8-64 Windows 8
windows8Server64Guest windows8Server64Guest windows8srv-64 Windows Server 2012
windows9Guest windows9Guest windows9 Windows 10
windows9_64Guest windows9_64Guest windows9-64 Windows 10 x64
windows9Server64Guest windows9Server64Guest windows9srv-64 Windows Server 2016
winVistaGuest winVistaGuest winvista Windows Vista
winVista64Guest winVista64Guest winvista-64 Windows Vista x64 Edition
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