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Created April 12, 2012 04:56
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import Data.Ratio
import Data.List
import Graphics.GD
type MandelNum = Double
maxIterations :: Int
maxIterations = 255
main :: IO()
main = makeImage
makeImage :: IO()
makeImage = do
rendering <- imageRender (2048, 1536) 9 (-0.5, 0.0)
savePngFile "output.png" rendering
makeASCIIArt :: IO()
makeASCIIArt = putStrLn $ asciiRender (100, 100) 6 (-0.7, 0.1)
imageRender :: Size -> Int -> (MandelNum, MandelNum) -> IO(Image)
imageRender size@(width, height) zoom center = do
image <- newImage size
drawList imageData width 0 image
return image
imageData = concat $ mandelbrotFastImage size zoom center
drawList :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Image -> IO()
drawList [] _ _ image = return ()
drawList (pixel:pixels) width index image = drawPixel >> drawRest
drawPixel = setPixel point pixelColor image
drawRest = drawList pixels width (index+1) image
point = (index `mod` width, index `div` width)
| pixel == maxIterations = rgb 0 0 0
| otherwise = rgb pixel 0 (maxIterations-pixel)
asciiRender :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> (MandelNum, MandelNum) -> String
asciiRender size zoom center = unlines $ seconds symbols
symbols = map (map symbolify) image
image = mandelbrotFastImage size zoom center
seconds [] = []
seconds (a:b:rest) = a:(seconds rest)
symbolify value
| value > 200 = ' '
| value > 180 = '@'
| value > 160 = '%'
| value > 140 = '&'
| value > 120 = '$'
| value > 100 = '='
| value > 80 = '*'
| value > 60 = '+'
| value > 40 = ';'
| value > 20 = '.'
| value > 15 = '`'
| otherwise = ' '
-- Quad-tree pruning of the pixel space to determine any areas
-- that are completely surrounded by the same value:
-- these are then assumed to be the same value throughout
mandelbrotFastImage :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> (MandelNum, MandelNum) -> [[Int]]
mandelbrotFastImage dimensions@(imgWidth, imgHeight) zoom offset
| (min imgWidth imgHeight) < 3 = generateImage start end
| isSurrounded = filledImage
| otherwise = reformedImage
isSurrounded = (borderFirst /= 0) && all (==borderFirst) borderRest
resolution = 1 / (fromIntegral (2^zoom))
coordTransform = toMandelbrotCoords offset resolution dimensions
start = coordTransform (left, top)
end = coordTransform (right, bottom)
halfWidth = imgWidth `div` 2
halfHeight = imgHeight `div` 2
top = 0
bottom = imgHeight-1
left = 0
right = imgWidth-1
-- splitting the space into 4 even parts
topLeft = generateQuad ((left, top), (halfWidth-1, halfHeight-1))
topRight = generateQuad ((halfWidth, top), (right, halfHeight-1))
bottomLeft = generateQuad ((left, halfHeight), (halfWidth-1, bottom))
bottomRight = generateQuad ((halfWidth, halfHeight), (right, bottom))
topRow = concat $ generateQuad ((left, top), (right, top))
bottomRow = concat $ generateQuad ((left, bottom), (right, bottom))
leftCol = concat $ generateQuad ((left, top), (left, bottom))
rightCol = concat $ generateQuad ((right, top), (right, bottom))
reformedImage = (zipWith (++) topLeft topRight) ++ (zipWith (++) bottomLeft bottomRight)
filledImage = take imgHeight $ repeat (take imgWidth $ repeat borderFirst)
generateImage = mandelbrot maxIterations resolution
(borderFirst:borderRest) = leftCol ++ topRow ++ bottomRow ++ rightCol
generateQuad ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) = mandelbrotFastImage (x1-x0+1, y1-y0+1) zoom quadOffset
quadOffset = coordTransform ((x0 + x1) `div` 2, (y0 + y1) `div` 2)
mandelbrotImage :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> (MandelNum, MandelNum) -> [[Int]]
mandelbrotImage dimensions@(imgWidth, imgHeight) zoom offset = mandelbrot maxIterations resolution start end
resolution = 1 / (fromIntegral (2^zoom))
coordTransform = toMandelbrotCoords offset resolution dimensions
start = coordTransform (0, 0)
end = coordTransform (imgWidth-1, imgHeight-1)
toMandelbrotCoords :: (MandelNum, MandelNum) -> MandelNum -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (MandelNum, MandelNum)
toMandelbrotCoords (offsetX, offsetY) resolution (width, height) (col, row) = (x, y)
x = offsetX + (fromIntegral (col - (width `div` 2)) * resolution) - resolution/2
y = offsetY + (fromIntegral (row - (height `div` 2)) * resolution) - resolution/2
mandelbrot :: Int -> MandelNum -> (MandelNum, MandelNum) -> (MandelNum, MandelNum) -> [[Int]]
mandelbrot limit resolution (xStart,yStart) (xEnd, yEnd) = map (map (score limit)) coords
columnStart = 1 + (floor $ (xEnd - xStart) / resolution)
coords = splitEvery columnStart [(x, y) | y <- ys, x <- xs]
ys = [yStart,yStart+resolution..yEnd]
xs = [xStart,xStart+resolution..xEnd]
-- todo: cycle detection?
score :: Int -> (MandelNum, MandelNum) -> Int
score limit (x, y)
| isKnownEscaped = limit
| otherwise = length $ take limit $ takeWhile isNotEscaped $ escapeAttempts
coord = (x, y)
escapeAttempts = iterate (attemptEscape coord) (0, 0)
escapeRadiusSquared = 4
isNotEscaped (x, y) = (x*x + y*y < escapeRadiusSquared)
attemptEscape (x0, y0) (x, y) = (x*x - y*y + x0, 2*x*y + y0)
q = (x - 1/4)^2 + y^2
isKnownEscaped = q * (q + (x - 1/4)) < (1/4)*y^2
splitEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitEvery _ [] = []
splitEvery n list = first : (splitEvery n rest)
(first, rest) = splitAt n list
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