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Created November 26, 2014 21:22
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MongoAlchemy shortcut layer
from mongoalchemy.fields import DocumentField, StringField
from mongoalchemy.session import Session
from mongoalchemy.query import BadQueryException, BadResultException
from mongoalchemy.query_expression import QueryField
from mongoalchemy.document import DocumentMeta
from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError
from pytz import utc
import functools
import types
# The magical database shortcut layer
db.get(document_type, filter_query=None, fields=None, id=None, Optional: default='My Default')
db.eval('JS Code')
db.aggregate(document_type, pipeline)
class SomeDocumentCollection(Document):
class DBSession(object):
def __init__(self):
# the database session/connection (lazily created)
self._session = None
# a lookup of the document classes that should be stored in this db
self._models = {}
def _polymorphic(self, document_type, query):
""" Filter a query down to only the documents that are the given document class,
or subclasses of that type """
identities = [document_type.config_polymorphic_identity]
identity_field = getattr(document_type, document_type.config_polymorphic)
for subclass in document_type.__subclasses__():
identity = getattr(subclass, 'config_polymorphic_identity', None)
if identity is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("No polymorphic identity field " + str(document_type.config_polymorphic_identity) + " found on " + str(subclass.__name__))
return query.filter(identity_field.in_(*identities))
def get(self, document_type, filter_query=None, fields=None, id=None, **kwargs):
""" Get a single document from the db, of the given document class,
the id of the document, or a filter query can be given
additionally, the fields to extract can be given (as a list)
and a 'default' argument can be specified, to return if no matching
document is found
if it's a polymorphic document, it filters according to
its subclasses
db.get(SomeDocument, id='someID', fields=['fieldA', 'fieldB'], default=None)
db.get(SomeDocument, filter_query=(SomeDocument.fieldA == 42, SomeDocument.fieldB == 27))
query = self.session.query(document_type)
if document_type.config_polymorphic_collection:
query = self._polymorphic(document_type, query)
if filter_query:
if isinstance(filter_query, list) \
or isinstance(filter_query, tuple) \
or isinstance(filter_query, types.GeneratorType):
query = query.filter(*filter_query)
query = query.filter(filter_query)
if id is not None:
query = query.filter(document_type.mongo_id == id)
if fields:
query = query.fields(*fields)
except BadResultException as err:
if 'default' not in kwargs:
raise err
return kwargs['default']
def eval(self, code, *args):
return self.session.db.eval(code, *args)
def aggregate(self, collection, pipeline):
return self.pymongo(collection).aggregate(pipeline)
def pymongo(self, collection):
""" Break out into pymongo for a given collection name, or document class
if not isinstance(collection, basestring):
if hasattr(collection, 'get_collection_name'):
collection = collection.get_collection_name()
collection = collection.__name__
return self.session.db[collection]
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr.startswith('_'):
""" _private methods and properties are excluded from this method """
raise AttributeError
if attr == 'session':
""" db.session lazily creates a _session connection, if one doesn't exist
otherwise returns the existing _session
if self._session is None:
replica_set = getattr(settings, 'MONGO_REPLICA_SET', None)
read_preference = getattr(settings, 'MONGO_READ_PREFERENCE', None)
host = getattr(settings, 'MONGO_HOST', None)
port = getattr(settings, 'MONGO_PORT', None)
kwargs = {}
if host is not None:
kwargs['host'] = host
if port is not None:
kwargs['port'] = port
if replica_set is not None:
kwargs['replica_set'] = replica_set
if read_preference is not None:
kwargs['read_preference'] = read_preference
self._session = Session.connect(
return self._session
elif attr in ('save', 'remove', 'remove_query'):
pass through and db.remove() to and db.session.remove() respectively
return getattr(self.session, attr)
db.DocumentClassName builds a query for that document, if
it's registered. Otherwise it looks up documents in the 'DocumentClassName'
collection anyway.
if it's a polymorphic document, it filters according to
its subclasses
if attr in self._models:
document_type = self._models[attr]
query = self.session.query(document_type)
if document_type.config_polymorphic_collection:
query = self._polymorphic(document_type, query)
query = self.session.query(attr)
return query
def __getitem__(self, key):
db[DocumentClass] or db['DocumentClassName'] do the same thing as
... kinda like this is now JavaScript
if isinstance(key, basestring):
return getattr(self, key)
document_type = key
query = self.session.query(document_type)
if document_type.config_polymorphic_collection:
query = self._polymorphic(document_type, query)
return query
def __call__(self, model):
Register a document collection by calling db(DocumentClass),
this returns the DocumentClass, so it can be used as a decorator:
class MyDocument(Document):
self._models[model.__name__] = model
return model
# pylint: disable=C0103
db = DBSession()
def polymorphic(cls=None, type_field='_type'):
""" Decorator for polymorphic document classes,
also automatically registers the @db decorator
if cls is None:
return functools.partial(polymorphic, type_field=type_field)
class PolymorphicMeta(DocumentMeta):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
dct['config_polymorphic_collection'] = True
if 'config_polymorphic_identity' not in dct:
dct['config_polymorphic_identity'] = name
if 'config_polymorphic' not in dct:
dct['config_polymorphic'] = type_field
dct[dct['config_polymorphic']] = StringField(default=dct['config_polymorphic_identity'])
return super(PolymorphicMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)
cls_dict = dict(cls.__dict__)
cls_dict["__metaclass__"] = PolymorphicMeta
cls_dict["__wrapped__"] = cls
return db(PolymorphicMeta(str(cls.__name__), tuple(cls.__bases__), cls_dict))
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