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AB testing client library.


// NOTE: placeholders do not work in media queries.
// Remaining initial topography placeholders
%button {
color: $white;
font-family: $platform-w;
font-size: 20px; //shouldBe 24px
letter-spacing: .2px; //shouldBe 1.2px


Get all of the apps running with the latest hieradata updates.


1. ssh into prod GD box
  • see current IP list here
2. get latest hieradata updates
  • run sudo puppet agent -t

ideas for rendering river on GW landing page

// the following takes place on initial load and subsequent renders
var riverSoloItems = bundle.containers.river[0].items;
var riverSoloComponents =, function (item) {
  return <RiverSolo {...item} />;

var trioItems = bundle.containers.trio[0].items;

Design Questions

Upon receiving technical designs from the Design team, or advising in their buildout, we should be thinking immediately about how those designs translate to application presentation and functionality. The purpose of this document is to outline a few of the key questions to ask about designs.

Grid System

  • Do the designs relate to the application's grid system? Are components within the designs defined by the grid?


We want to be able to stream all media posts to the song-of-the-day slack channel via a web browser


  1. Outbound event when user posts to channel - see
  2. Users use a slash-command to trigger external event
  3. Utilize Slack's events API
  4. Web service receives these events
  5. Web service publishes to client via web socket
  6. Client-side code interprets payload and makes API call to appropriate service (youtube, spotify, etc) to generate a page embed
// A pseudocode proposal setup for facilitating animation effects on scroll depth for longform article
// sample effect:
// Utilizes the ScrollMonitor from Self:
class LongformPage extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
dcolucci /
Last active January 13, 2017 16:51

Ticket: AUT-XXXX

What problem does this PR solve?

Briefly describe the problem, solution, goal. Keep in mind reviewers may need some context for this work.


  • JSDoc and other useful documentation
  • Automated tests added or updated
const myComponent = () => {
return (
<div>Hello, world!</div>
const Foo = ({ bar, baz = [], quux }) => {
return (
<div className="component-foo">

presentation flow

  1. Intro, why this topic, disclaimer
  2. note about TDD versus traditional dev
  3. Show an example of a complex view component
  4. Points why it is difficult to work with
  5. Walk through breaking it up into smaller components
  6. If you need helper functions - make them pure!
  7. React component philosophy
  8. stateless when possible
  9. as little business logic in the view layer as possible